
Mig Credit: reviews of employees and customers

In addition to classical financial institutions, today there are a large number of non-banking organizations where potential borrowers can get a loan. In particular, microfinance organizations (MFIs) are a great alternative to banks. One of the most popular of them is “Mig Credit”. We will review the reviews about it later in this publication. So what is this company? What are its pros and cons? What do the employees themselves say about it? And what is the opinion on the establishment of ordinary borrowers?

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The history of the origin of MFI “MigCredit”

MigCredit was founded at that time by the little-known French company Direct Group in 2010. Exactly one year later, the MFI received a license, and was officially included in the unified state register of microfinance institutions. From this moment, the company began to provide credit services to the population according to a simplified system (without the need to provide a large number of documents, as with a standard bank appeal).

MigCredit company today

MigCredit is today considered one of the most popular MFIs in Russia. At the moment, she has acquired her own full-fledged network of branches and offices. Today there are representative offices of microfinance organizations in more than 25 cities of the Russian Federation. They can be found in Tula, Moscow, Volgograd, Kazan, Astrakhan, Ryazan, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg and other regions.

According to preliminary data, the company does not plan to rest on its laurels; therefore, in the long-playing plans of MFIs, there is a further expansion of the network's sphere of influence. Any user of the Network can verify the popularity of this microfinance organization among the citizens of our country. For this purpose, it is enough to find out how Mig Credit works. Reviews about the company in this case will help you a lot.

For example, take the opinions of people who previously took a microloan in this organization. So, some of them say that the company “Mig Credit” (reviews from the residents of Tula) helps to solve the problem with money in the shortest possible time. Many borrowers have successfully used the services of the company and received a quick loan in the amount of 7000-12000 rubles without a certificate of income and other delays. Others liked the quality of service, efficiency and well-established customer service.

What are the reasons for applying to MFI “MigCredit”?

A large microfinance organization in the field of non-bank lending is mainly engaged in the provision of cash loans to individuals. At the same time, the company gives loans to those citizens who, for one reason or another, cannot apply to the bank. A vivid confirmation of this can be the words of borrowers from the capital who were denied a bank, and they were forced to apply to Mig Credit.

Reviews (Moscow - it’s where the branches of MFIs are located, which users tell about) such people will be very useful to you. For example, some of them claim that thanks to this non-banking organization they received a quick loan without a certificate of income, guarantors and collateral. Among them are entrepreneurs who planned to take out a business loan, but were denied banks, since the period of operation of the enterprise was less than six months. At MigCredit, they managed to get money without collateral.

As can be seen from the reviews, there can be many reasons for applying to this MFI. For example, another common problem that prompts you to look for an alternative to bank loans is a bad credit history. Have you been blacklisted by banks? Contact Mig Credit (Chelyabinsk).Reviews about the branches in this city tell about the simplified financing procedure. If we take some of them as a basis, we can note the following:

  • borrowers with a damaged credit history managed to get a loan without any problems;
  • Get the right amount was obtained even after unlawful trials.

In addition, it is very convenient to apply to a non-banking institution for those citizens who do not need to borrow a large amount of money. In this company there is a chance to get a loan from 3,000 rubles.

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What financial products can MigCredit offer?

Many MFIs work according to a certain scheme: they took a loan for a minimum amount, paid off, you can re-apply for a large amount and on more favorable terms. Mig Credit acts in a similar way. Reviews about this company contain repeated references to this type of promotion.

Currently, MigCredit offers loans with a one-time and gradual type of repayment. Microloans with lump-sum repayment, in particular, relate to customers whom the representatives of the credit organization met for the first time. And, accordingly, only regular customers of the company who previously had successful experience in repaying a loan without delay and delinquency can apply for microloans with a gradual type of payment.

A “one-time loan” can be borrowed from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles for a period of 7-35 days. "Gradual" really get in the amount of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles, for a period of 8-24 weeks. Here you can also get a loan under the program "Money to salary".

One of the addresses at which the branches of the Mig Credit company are located is Volgograd. Reviews will tell you the details of stories from the life of the organization’s customers. So, in Volgograd, the operating branch of the company is located on the street. 11. Novorossiyskaya, 11. In the region, there are branches in Kamyshin, Mikhailovka, Dubovka, Zhirnovsk, Kalache-on-Don, Kotelnikovo and other regions.

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On what conditions can I get a loan at MigCredit?

If you decide to take a microloan at Mig Credit LLC (you could see reviews about this company above in the text), then you need to first familiarize yourself with the terms of its design. In this case, there are three options for granting a loan through:

  • filing an application and a package of documents with the subsequent issuance of the required loan amount at the office of the company;
  • applying for a loan online (ordering and receiving money are possible without interruption from the main location of the client);
  • filling out an application online using the Contact translation system.

A credit survey is also provided by calling the Mig Credit hotline. Reviews about it will allow you to tell you about the level of work of the call center and give a preliminary assessment of the quality of remote customer service. When you issue a microloan by mobile, you can receive an answer about approval or refusal to issue a loan by SMS, call.

Making a microloan in three steps

You can get the treasured money in MigCredit in three stages. So, for starters, a potential client needs to decide on the loan amount, indicate it and other necessary data in the credit form. The second step will be a personal meeting with a representative of a credit institution, a questionnaire, an interview (provides for leading questions from the manager of the MFI to get a general idea of ​​the borrower's creditworthiness) and filling out a loan agreement.

And, finally, the third stage of the classical form of obtaining a microloan (one of the most enjoyable) is the issue of cash. The process of applying for a loan itself is simple and usually takes no more than half an hour (regardless of which city, region or settlement the MFI branch is located in). So, going to “Mig Credit” (Krasnoyarsk), customer reviews and the employees themselves characterize this branch on the positive side, you will perfectly fit in 25-30 minutes.Moreover, consideration of the application will take you no more than 15 minutes, and the answer to it and filling out the loan agreement - about 15-20 minutes.

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Who can count on credit money from MigCredit?

According to the founders of the financial company themselves, not everyone can get a microloan. For example, the category of insolvent customers, as a rule, includes citizens under 21 years of age. And, on the contrary, persons from 21 years of age (taking into account people of retirement age) can count on a positive decision on a loan. To obtain a microloan, you only need a passport or any other document from the list:

  • TIN;
  • pension certificate;
  • military ID or ID card;
  • international passport;
  • driver’s license or car registration certificate;
  • pension insurance card.

And most importantly, potential borrowers are required to have Russian citizenship, permanent registration and reside in the Russian Federation.

How can I get credit money in MFIs?

Each client of the company can receive borrowed funds in one of the following ways:

  • using the Contact international transfer system;
  • by transferring a credit amount to a bank account that is currently open or recently opened;
  • in the form of a money transfer to the "Corn" card from the Euroset.

Each borrower can determine the option of obtaining credit funds at the time of application. It is only possible to change the method of enrollment before submitting documents to Mig Credit (feedback on the intricacies of this procedure will allow you to avoid hasty conclusions and errors when applying for a loan).

How to repay a microloan at MigCredit?

To pay for the current loan, you can come directly to Mig Credit Bank. Reviews of citizens mention this option as one of the possible. For greater convenience, you can refer to the terminals “Cyberplat”. This service is a partner of a credit institution and therefore does not charge a commission from the client during operation.

You can pay instantly and without commission a microloan in the following services:

  • terminals "Eleksnet";
  • in the systems "Leader" and "Contact";
  • Qiwi terminals
  • in the Rapida system of the Svyaznoy network of salons.

According to user reviews, it is more convenient to make payments in services and terminals where payment is instantly credited and there are no service fees. You can also pay a loan at a bank with a small commission. Only such a payment takes 3-5 days. And when sending it, the operating time should be taken into account.

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Is it realistic to repay a microloan in MigCredit LLC ahead of schedule?

According to the representatives of the company, any client of this MFI can always repay the loan ahead of schedule. To this end, he needs to contact the manager of the institution.

Attention! The loan is repaid in one amount, which includes the unpaid part of the total debt. This procedure is carried out without penalties and additional fees.

Reviews: what do clients say about MigCredit?

MigCredit is a well-known microfinance organization, as you see, there are a lot of reviews about it. To summarize some of the results, highlighting the most important positive points:

  • ease of filing documents and obtaining a loan;
  • a simplified version of the collection of necessary documentation;
  • speed of decision making on the application and high speed of registration;
  • the ability to get a loan even with a bad credit history;
  • availability of benefits for regular customers;
  • There is no need to provide a deposit, make a down payment and secure a guarantee of third parties.

In many reviews, one of the advantages of cooperation with this MFI is the ability to take a loan for a short period and repay it with minimal risks for the family budget. True, the percentage of a non-bank credit organization often upsets many customers. In their opinion, he is excessively tall.Judge for yourself if, for example, you plan to receive loans of 7,000 rubles for a period of up to 30 days, then taking into account the commission of MFIs, you will have to repay 11,200 rubles (which is 1.6 times more than the original amount of the loan).

Some reviews also mention convenient options for obtaining and paying a microloan. So, for example, this microfinance organization provides such a demanded service as “home visit of a specialist”. In this case, each client, if he does not want to personally come to the company’s office, can invite a MigCredit employee to a convenient place (office or apartment at home).

Are there any negative reviews about MigCredit among customers?

No wonder they say that "how many people, so many opinions." Therefore, among the reviews about this non-banking company, there are many negative. For example, some are talking about poor customer service. Others are not satisfied with the amount of overpayment on the loan. Still others don't like repayment periods too short. Fourths are blamed on the security service of MFIs, since after arrears have arisen, they are required to repay the loan, taking into account fines and commissions, etc.

However, by and large, negative emotions of citizens in almost 99% of cases are associated with an elementary lack of information. So, some payers do not study in detail information on the official resource of the institution, for example, on the timing of receiving a response on an application left by telephone (most often, a response can be received within 24 hours). As a result, they get angry, talk about the long silence of an MFI employee, therefore, they talk about poor service, etc.

Mig Credit: work, reviews

Let's consider one more aspect. If you yourself do not plan to take a microloan, but want to work for Mig Credit, the feedback from employees in such a situation will greatly facilitate your task. The main plus of such comments is the following - in them you can find the personal opinion of those people who previously worked or are currently in the main staff of the credit company.

For example, some employees claim that they do not have a "turnover". The team is friendly. A lot of attention is paid to training and internships. Others refer to an excellent motivational system of work: everyone has a chance to "grow" within the company (start from a small one and grow to a high position).

In addition to general and individual impressions of Mig Credit, employer reviews will give you an additional opportunity to clarify the following questions:

  • how often the company recruits employees (too big a "turnover", as a rule, talks about certain problems in the management or organization of the work schedule)
  • whether employees of the company are formalized or not;
  • whether training is provided before the employee takes office;
  • whether an internship or a probationary period for beginners is carried out (paid or not);
  • whether there is social protection and benefits (permits to sanatoriums, sick leave, etc.);
  • whether types of material compensation are provided (for unused vacation, payment of travel in public transport to the place of work);
  • whether business trips are paid;
  • Is there provision of housing for nonresident workers, etc.

As you can see, all these points are very important. That is why do not be too lazy to read the reviews of employees available in our article before contacting Mig Credit. This will allow you to assess the situation from two sides, weigh the pros and cons.

For example, many employees talk about regular pay, about the availability of benefits for employees, about paid leave and sick leave. You can also hear about paid internships and registration in accordance with labor law. Such unanimity inspires optimism. Such opinions of employees give an overall picture of the enterprise, allow you to assess prospects for the future and quickly join the team, if necessary.

In conclusion, we say that MigCredit is an organization that someone may like, but someone not.However, it is it that helps many citizens solve a lot of financial problems, and also provides work for Russians, reducing the level of unemployment in the country.

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Reason for complaint
How are employees selected in the recovery department, by what principle? (Rudeness)?

How well do you know the legislation, namely the law No. 230-FZ? (or he is not a hindrance to them, and you are aware of their illegal actions)

How can your employees fire a non-payer? (through your connections? Very convincingly talked about this)

How is the collection department monitored? (even if the police do not interfere with them) After calling there, the phone continued to ring for work for 20 minutes, asking the same question.

How long will your organization with such board control last?


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