
How to describe professional skills in a resume: a sample

In the resume, professional skills, as well as the skills and qualities of your personality, play an important role. Sometimes it’s the employer who pays attention to them. The more talented the employee, the more chances he has to find a job in a particular company. Especially when it comes to a prestigious corporation. Therefore, you need to be able to write a resume. Sometimes some moments can be embellished, but not too much. And keep quiet about something. What professional skills should be indicated in the resume? What should I refrain from? The best advices and recommendations are presented to our attention. Just remember one thing at once: there is no exact algorithm. But, following some tips and taking into account the experience of other people, you can write a lot of useful information in such an important document.professional skills in summary

Not for all

Professional skills and abilities in the resume (an example thereof - fast learner) play an important role. But unfortunately, as already mentioned, there are no exact indications in this regard. Indeed, for each direction there are some peculiarities. They will have to be taken into account. Without fail.

Therefore, in the resume, professional skills, as well as your skills and personal qualities will constantly change. Depending on what profession you aspire to. What are you talking about? For example, the system administrator does not need cooking skills, and the cook does not need programming knowledge. Therefore, such data can be omitted. Although, if in the future you want to change the nature of your activities, it is worth a try. Nevertheless, we will focus on key points and evaluate their importance for employment. Some general characteristics and points are in any resume.

Fast learner

Professional skills in a resume (of any) are unthinkable without such a characteristic as fast learner. Perhaps this is where you have to start. Any employer wants his employees not to be rams and grasp everything on the fly. Especially when it comes to a person without work experience in a particular area.

Perhaps fast learning is what you can and should write about, even if you do not have one. Why? You can always learn something in short time. The main thing is to set a goal. Fast learning is almost impossible to verify. In any case, the average employee. What to write in professional skills in resumes besides this, regardless of your activity?professional resume skills

PC knowledge

A computer is what plays an important role in the life of a modern person. And his ignorance leads one to think that the employee is a bit retarded. Even if this is some kind of cook (after all, he will sooner or later begin to come into contact with some equipment, for example, cash registers, this practice is common in Russia), not to mention office workers or computer professionals.

So knowledge of the PC - this is another item, a must for a resume. True, they usually do not forget about him. Rather, on the contrary, they record it first of all, regardless of the chosen work. Knowing a computer is important. Especially when there is the prospect of an increase.

Stress resistance

Professional skills and knowledge in the resume (examples have already been considered) are unthinkable without another rather important point. True, he rather refers to personal qualities. It's about stress resistance.professional skills in a resume example

Any work is stress. And no one is safe from stress. A quick-tempered, aggressive and impatient employee is not needed by anyone. Therefore, sometimes you have to embellish reality. Stress resistance is included in the list of their qualities, regardless of whether a person has it or not.As a rule, this is not so important in reality. The main thing is not to show too much aggression in stressful situations, to stay with dignity.

If for some reason you do not indicate this item, they may covertly ask about it at the interview. And you have to either lie or tell the truth, and then, perhaps, say goodbye to a potential employer forever.


In the resume, professional skills play an important role. But there is one very common mistake that applicants make. Which one? It is a description of a superman. That is, the overall picture, consisting of a citizen’s resume, is too good. And learns quickly, and does not get tired, and does not succumb to stress, and in general all such genius is direct.professional skills in resume example

But the reality is completely different. It is clear that stress is inevitable. Sooner or later, everyone succumbs to nervous breakdowns. You can quickly learn how to learn, and how to unlearn. A special baggage of knowledge is that, as a rule, it is very easy to lose. Yes, and if the person himself is so talented that he forgot to work for his uncle? The superman organizes his own business and can quickly achieve tremendous success. Keep this in mind.

Therefore, do not get involved in any professional skills, abilities and knowledge in the resume. It is enough to leave a small note for each item (or some). Again, touch on stress. Here you can write: stress resistance (calm down quickly, a cup of tea / coffee helps). Or something like that. In no case should you describe a person with superpowers in a resume.

Foreign language skills

But the generally accepted list does not end there. The professional knowledge and skills in the resume, as we have already found out, can be different. A huge plus will be knowledge of languages. Indicate those that you understand. And do not forget to ascribe also the degree of your knowledge.professional knowledge and skills in resume

If this item is not so important for the cook or janitor, then such knowledge can be useful to managers and office employees. You need to understand foreign languages ​​at least at a general level. If you are not a linguist or you do not have any evidence of fluency, you will have to indicate "intermediate" or "above average". Writing a comment on language proficiency in the form of a "technical level" as well as a "conversational" is also suitable. But not "free." This is indicated only if there are documents capable of confirming this fact.


Professional knowledge and skills in the resume also imply another very interesting point. You can specify communication skills in this column. For example, sociability or the possibility of dialogue. Communication is an important element of most professions. And outgoing people are welcome in almost any position.professional skills and knowledge in a resume example

Nevertheless, it is not worth extolling this quality. And paint how well you communicate, too. It is enough to indicate sociability and ability to lead business negotiations. This is enough for the employer and recruitment manager. Just do not lie much. At the interview it will become clear whether you can communicate with others or not.

Knowledge of psychology

In the resume, professional skills differ from each other in each individual case. Nevertheless, sometimes it is worth mentioning such a point there as knowledge in the field of human psychology. Actually, when it comes to any profession where you will need to communicate a lot. Or do sales / consulting.

Knowledge of human psychology, as a rule, helps to find leverage to achieve their goal. For example, to sell this or that product without open persuasion. It seems that the person himself made the decision to purchase, but in fact, at a psychological level, he was influenced. And when a potential employee still has some kind of documentary evidence (say, a certificate of listening to lectures / attending courses in psychology), then this is generally fine.what to write in professional skills in a resume

As you can see, professional skills and knowledge in the resume can help you get a job. Or vice versa, interfere with this process. The main rule for compiling a resume is that you can lie, but not too much. Do not make yourself a child prodigy, write more truth and do not show that you are too smart (even if it really is). Leaders rarely hire people who are better savvy in many business matters than themselves. Professional skills in a resume (an example, and not one, we examined) - this is what will help you get a job. Just be prepared to speak more truth.

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