
Responsibilities of a Tourism Manager. Description of the profession, the necessary qualities

Tourism Manager - a qualified specialist who organizes tourist trips. This field of activity It is interesting and creative, because at work you need to constantly show imagination and ingenuity. Usually, to get a job in a popular company, you need to have a higher specialized education, as well as possess the talent of an organizer.

duties of the tourism manager

What should a tourism manager know?

  1. Sights of all countries of the world, including cultural and historical, as well as natural objects.
  2. Climate, traditions and important economic, social or natural features of various natural zones or aspects both at home and abroad.
  3. Varieties and all kinds of means of transport between various objects both in their native country and in foreign countries. The tourism manager should not only make the right route, but also make it the fastest, safest and most interesting for customers.
  4. The list, features, prices and functionality of organizations that allow tours and provide guides who know languages ​​that are convenient for the client to perceive.
  5. A system that determines the classification of hotels and various schemes, ways to save or take a better place when working with hotels, hotels and other similar establishments. It is worth remembering when an employment contract is concluded with a tourism manager.

Resume Tourism Manager

Information owned by the Tourism Manager

  1. A list of various cafes, restaurants, canteens and other points where you can buy food or relax with various financial possibilities. Knowledge of health and sports complexes of many varieties, in order to advise the client of those places that are most consistent with his wishes. Familiarization with the sphere of entertainment and various complexes that provide a variety of opportunities for relaxation, good time. The opportunity to advise something new is highly appreciated by customers, which is provided by the instruction of the tourism manager.
  2. The procedure and rules for working with services that are consular organizations, as well as objects where you can get a visa.
  3. The procedure for painless and quick passage of currency and customs control.
  4. Catalogs of tourist organizations and various information regarding the provision of information on issues of interest to each client. This should be able to domestic tourism manager.
  5. Fundamentals of marketing and advertising of our own services, as well as the positioning of the company in the presentation of the public, the behavior of advertising companies.

work as a tourism manager

Consulting on important issues

  1. Insurance rules designed specifically for working with tourists.
  2. The main requirements for registration of all types of permits and their annexes, such as vouchers, insurance policies.
  3. The procedure for working with a variety of discount cards.
  4. The rules of interaction with business partners, the establishment of business contacts, as well as the proper negotiation for signing contracts on the most favorable and simple terms, having clients to cooperate.
  5. Ways of collecting and processing all the necessary information for work using modern tools and a variety of computer technologies.

Functional responsibilities

  1. To collect, analyze and study the requirements and reviews of tourists about the excellent holiday organized by a special company.This includes the duties of a travel manager.
  2. Search for the most profitable and reliable partners who carry out transportation, conduct excursions, and also accommodate tourists at their place, providing services at the proper level, which requires the work of a tourism manager.

travel manager instruction

What does a tourism manager do?

Establishes contacts with various organizations that are responsible for transport and sightseeing for newly arrived tourists. The tourism manager must not only conclude a standard contract, but also check all conditions; to agree on possible privileges and other bonuses for their clients, as well as to verify the correct execution of the specified services, if necessary, challenge the actions of employees of organizations and seek benefits for their own clients, which govern the duties of a tourism manager.

He takes part in determining the cost of a travel package, depending on the price of all the functionality and additional services, their list included in a specific ticket. In this case, the determination of the optimal cost is required, however, care should be taken for each item, which involves the work of a tourism manager.

domestic tourism manager

Providing Clients with Information

Each tourism manager is obliged to provide customers with optimal information regarding the following items:

  1. The rules of entry into a particular country, stay in it, compliance with the basic rules for saving material resources, own time and moral effort. This can be done by an assistant tourism manager.
  2. Rules, procedure, features of visas, as well as the time that these procedures will take.

Guarantees provided by this employee

  1. Passing and successful completion of customs and currency control upon entry and exit from various countries, which is indicated in the summary. The tourism manager should have a lot of knowledge, which the assistant tourism manager will handle.
  2. The location and features, the importance of historical and cultural monuments of a particular state, which may be important for a client who is interested in important details for a specific profile, which require the duties of a tourism manager.

employment contract with the tourism manager

Important Features

  1. Transport, visa excursion service, which is important when choosing the cost and features of the permit, drawing up a map of the route and making decisions in favor of specific companies to obtain the necessary services.
  2. Accommodation and providing all amenities, proper food for tourists, especially the cuisine of specific institutions.
  3. Exact and detailed travel itinerary, program and features of stay in each specific country.
  4. Date and exact time of the start and end of the trip.
  5. The main features of the meeting of tourists, their escort, as well as unloading and further stay in the planned place. Usually, recommendations are given immediately for choosing a guide or information is provided about the already selected guide. The ability to do this should be indicated in the resume. The tourism manager must have the determination and ability to achieve the objectives.
  6. The measures necessary to ensure the complete safety of both the individual and the things and material values ​​taken with him, which govern the duties of a tourism manager.

travel manager instruction

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Formation of lists of tourists, compilation of reports on their number and analysis, which concerns the proper, timely and trouble-free placement of people in hotel rooms or other similar establishments.
  2. To receive and manage information regarding the place and exact time of arrival of tourists to specific objects, monitoring the timely arrival and departure of each person in the group, taking the necessary actions if a difficult situation occurs, timely warning his superiors about emergency or difficult situations.Organization of timely departure and arrival of the entire group of tourists.
  3. Implementation of a complete oral and, if necessary, written briefing regarding security measures when sightseeing or visiting extremely valuable or dangerous objects, which is necessary to save the life and health of each member of the group. Reporting to the participants of the trip the rules on the peculiarities of behavior when inside the vehicles, as well as the instructions for first aid and psychological monitoring of the condition of people or objects that need behavior correction.
  4. Conducts statistical studies that are based on tours organized in a particular company, and also prepares various reporting information.

The tourism manager quickly responds to difficult situations that have occurred with tourists and informs senior officials about the progress of the case. It also controls the timely arrival of tourists. In order to conduct labor activity as correctly as possible, each tourism manager must follow the job description, be careful and calm when solving any problems and even difficult tasks.

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