
How to create a resume: engineer, lawyer, doctor, sales assistant, accountant or student - template, sample and form

How to create a resume that would give you job advantages? In order to answer the question that arises, you will need, first of all, to have an idea about this document. This will reveal his secrets. At the same time, the chances of getting the desired job will increase dramatically.


What is the meaning of this document? Summary - this is a brief description of the abilities that a person has that can make him competitive when applying for a job.

how to create a resume

In addition, this is the most effective advertising existing on the labor market, and an element that is part of the rules of modern business etiquette.

Targets and goals

The resume is compiled to attract the attention of the employer at the initial correspondence meeting. This is its main goal. In order to make a good impression on the employer and achieve a personal meeting with him, you will need to emphasize all the positive points that you have and make the sides that it is undesirable to show as little as possible.

How to create a resume so that it allows you to achieve your goal? For this, the description should be for the employer a source of biographical data of the applicant and information about his professional experience. In addition, a well-written resume should give an answer to the question of whether the candidate meets the requirements that are set for a particular job. In a kind of self-promotion should also contain additional information. Their goal is to interest the employer and motivate him to conduct an in-person interview.

It should be borne in mind that the first and at the same time very stable opinion about any person is formed when reading a resume. As a rule, it takes two to three minutes to review the description of the biography and business qualities of the candidate for the position. That is why a resume should be prepared in a standard form. The information should be complete, but at the same time concise. It is also important to confirm the data sent during the interview.


How to make a resume correctly? It is worth remembering that the description of the characteristics and biography of the applicant for any position is a document. That is why there are certain requirements for its design and volume (they are regulated by the management of office work).

The first rule that must be followed when writing is the volume of the document. It is one or two A4 pages. It is important to place key information at the very beginning of the text. To write a good and correct resume, the document must be in one font.

It is desirable that it be Times New Roman or Arial 12th size. For the convenience of reading, each of the sections of the resume should be separated from the previous one, and the headings should be emphasized or underlined. You will need to pay attention to spelling. A resume that has errors does not have any chance of success. The document should be written in plain language.

A photograph may be pasted onto a CV sent by mail. Its format should not exceed the passport (3.5x4 cm). In addition, family and beach photographs should not be pasted into the document. This will look disrespectful to the employer.


How to create a resume for work? When writing a document, it is advisable to remember the following:

- about brevity;
- about specificity;
- about focus;
- the use of active verbs;
- about clarity and clarity of presentation of thought;
- about honesty;
- about literacy.


How to create a resume for work? A document containing information about the applicant for a particular vacancy should have a certain structure. First of all, he needs to be given a name. This is the very word "resume". This document is sometimes referred to as "Curriculum Vitae (CV)." This means "biography" in translation from Latin. This name, as a rule, is used when compiling a resume in a foreign language. This option has a more precise meaning, but we rarely use it.

The following is the purpose of compiling the document. This section lists all the jobs you are applying for. Indication of only one vacancy significantly reduces the chances of finding a job.

how to create a resume example

The next section of the CV indicates contact details. Here should be written the name, e-mail, phone number and address of the applicant for the position.

Next, how to create a resume? The template adopted for writing this document suggests indicating in the next section information about the education of the applicant for the position. They are leading in the resume of a young specialist who does not have practical experience.

Education should be indicated with dates in reverse order. An important point is the message about taking courses in the specialty. It is necessary to indicate data on the completion of secondary school only if it was a special school of any orientation. You can note the presence of a silver or gold medal.

The work experience described in the next section of the summary should be presented in reverse chronological order. Opposite the place and time of work, it is important to indicate your position and the functions that were assigned to you. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on professional achievements. Graduates in this section indicate places of practice and internships. In the event that a person has a large work biography, it is not necessary to indicate all the places of the previous work. A description of 3-5 of them for a period not exceeding ten years is sufficient.

How to create a resume next? The next section should indicate the available additional skills of the candidate for the vacancy. They usually include a description of those abilities that are not directly related to the responsibilities in a particular position. This may be a person’s driver’s license and membership in a trade union organization, the level of personal computer skills and the operating systems and programs the candidate worked with. There should also be an indication of the level of knowledge of a foreign language.

In the section that includes additional work skills, the job applicant can show, as they say, the goods by the person. Everything listed in this paragraph will undoubtedly improve the impression of the resume. At the same time, you should not praise yourself. Only facts should be reflected in the document. The conclusions will be made by the employer.

The following is additional information about hobbies or awards for social activities, if any.

The last section of the summary provides information on the possibility of providing recommendations. Often, applicants simply omit this item. However, it is an opportunity to stand out among the other applicants. The specific list of recommenders is not worth mentioning in the resume. You just need to have a list of them if you have the opportunity to have a face-to-face interview with your employer.

At the end of the document, the date of its preparation should be affixed and the signature of the candidate for the position should be present.


How to create a resume? An example is desirable to have before your eyes. This will be needed even if you have been involved in compiling this document more than once. Despite this, you can miss something or simply forget it.A sample resume as such, even the best, does not guarantee anyone a job. However, looking at it, a person receives general information about the writing of this document.

So how to create a resume? An example can be seen below.


Sergievich Alexander Mikhailovich

Personal data. Age 25 years old
Marital status: single
Contact Information. Address: Odintsovo, st. Pavlodar, d. 21, apt. 95,
Phone: +7 (971) 153-49-295
E-mail: obrazetc@yandex.ru


Get an interesting job with the prospect of career advancement and decent pay in the field of logistics, economics, finance.


2002-2007 - Moscow State University.


"Mathematical methods and research models of various operations in the field of economics"

Average mark in the test book: 4,5.

1998-2001 - Lyceum of information technology.

Work experience, gained professional experience (practice)

Intern in the field:
- Conducted research on the analysis of levels, as well as patterns of development of individual processes and systems in the economy, defined a method to give an objective assessment of them.

Additional interests and skills

- Intermediate level of English - fluent and able to translate technical texts.
- I am an experienced PC user. I work in the programs ANSYS, COMPASS, etc.

Personal achievements

- He took 1st place at the Physics Olympiad at Moscow State University, 2006.
- I have a 2 rank in chess.

Personal qualities

Sociability, perseverance, responsibility.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in compiling this document. However, if you do not know how to write a resume, a sample should be before your eyes. It is worth remembering that the information in the document is reflected taking into account those features that may interest potential employers.

Resume for a lawyer

In the process of compiling Curriculum Vitae has its own characteristics. In the summary of the legal adviser and lawyer, in addition to the education and work experience, attention should be paid to some points. These are key professional skills.

How to create a lawyer resume? The document should provide guidance on knowledge of existing legislation, as well as on existing skills in negotiating and contractual, as well as claim work, representing the interests of the company in various instances, drafting legal documents, etc.

how to write a resume seller consultant

To increase the chances of getting a job, such professional qualities of the candidate as attentiveness and analytical abilities, diligence and integrity, responsibility and perseverance, logical thinking and honesty are also important.

Resume for sales assistant

This work is primarily associated with communication with customers. How to create a resume sales assistant? For the competent writing of the document, in addition to the existing work experience and achievements, it is important to highlight the professional qualities of the applicant for the position. Key skills in this specialty are also important.

AT sales consultant responsibilities includes work with customers. He must be able to pay attention to the goods that the client wants to purchase. But this is not an easy task. In addition, the seller-consultant is obliged to ensure that the goods are placed on the window in accordance with the standards of the employer or manufacturer. Workers in this specialty need to accept and take into account furniture, utensils, interior items, etc., that is, everything that is put up for sale in their department. It is important for the sales assistant to monitor the availability of goods and the design of the sales area.

In connection with the characteristics of the profession, the employer wants to see certain qualities of the candidate for the position. This is sociability and the ability of an individual approach to each customer. Those who are going to work in grocery supermarkets need physical stamina.Sales consultants at retail outlets selling electronics should be able to memorize a significant amount of information, know the technical features of the devices sold, etc.

That is why the most important points that are present in the CV for the position of sales assistant are professional skills and experience. In this case, do not list all the places of your work. A large list in this case will cause a negative reaction. It is enough to indicate two or three most significant places that will help to reveal the experience.

Resume for an accountant

The most effective description of the abilities of a person seeking to obtain this position will be one that, in addition to listing achievements and places of work, will indicate existing professional skills, qualities, abilities and knowledge.

How to create a resume accountant? The document must confirm the presence of such personal and business qualities as perseverance and honesty, stress tolerance and attentiveness, organization and analytical mindset, high efficiency and concentration. Of the professional skills, the candidate should have the following:

- experience in maintaining a cash book;
- knowledge of tax and accounting;
- experience of participation in the inventory carried out at the enterprise;
- knowledge of the “Client-Bank” payment system, etc.

Student Resume

Students in higher and secondary specialized institutions, as a rule, experience certain difficulties in finding a job. This is due to lack of free time, lack of experience, as well as problems with self-organization. However, in the event that there is still an interest in obtaining a stable additional income, a competent resume will be required. This will allow you to present yourself to a potential employer in a favorable light.

how to create a resume template

How to create a resume for a student so that it is as attractive as possible? To do this, you need to remember all your hobbies and hobbies that may be suitable for the vacancy you are interested in. Similarly, the awards received for participating in conferences, contests and competitions should be sorted. It is advisable to recall the unofficial places of part-time jobs, as well as the skills acquired there.

Resume for sales representative

This position is the initial step of the ladder that a specialist in sales can climb. The main functions assigned to this employee are the following: customer search, receiving and processing orders, product promotion and payment tracking.

How to create a sales representative resume? Of course, the most valuable specialists are those who have work experience. However, even in his absence, there are chances of getting a position. When preparing a resume in this case, you will need to pay special attention to the skill of driving a car and sociability. Psychological preparation is also important, which will allow you to successfully conclude the necessary contracts. A sales representative must be able to connect with people and find compromises.

As for education, it is not the most important point. Even applicants who have not graduated from a prestigious university can become a successful sales representative.

Resume for a doctor

One of the components of success when applying for a job is a well-written description of your abilities. For representatives of medical specialties, a good resume is an important document. Paid clinics of non-professional employees will never be hired. This criterion is also followed in state institutions.

how to create a sales representative resume

That is why the line “Knowledge and Skills” should describe the skill that was obtained during the period of work as a doctor. For each of the specialties, they are different. For example, applicants for the position of therapist may indicate the identification of pathologies with implicit symptoms, etc.

For a doctor, such personal qualities as responsiveness and composure, ability to concentrate, etc. are important. It is also worth paying attention to when writing a resume.

If the applicant has a permit for the position of medical activity and licenses, they will need to be indicated in the "Certificates" section. It is important to enter the document number and its name.

Resume for an engineer

Almost all companies require specialists with higher technical education. How to create a resume for an engineer? This document should reflect professional skills and knowledge, as well as existing experience. It is best if an engineer’s resume is prepared for a specific vacancy taking into account the requirements that employers apply to candidates.

When describing work experience, it is important to pay attention to those duties that you carry out, which will be useful in obtaining a vacancy. To characterize the quality of work, it is desirable to use quantitative indicators (the cost of projects in the development of which you took part, the parameters of the units and machines that you serve, etc.). It is important to mention knowledge of specialized programs and experience working with technical documentation.

Practical tips

Creating a resume is not so difficult. Sample forms of this document can be found without difficulty. It remains only to fill out a suitable document, send it to the company of your choice and wait for a call from the employer.

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