
Own business: daily rent of apartments. How to start a rental business

To achieve success and financial well-being, it is not enough to work hard at the sweat in the office or at the factory. This type of earnings, by definition, cannot bring a lot of income, since it will simply be unprofitable for the owner. People who understand this principle are trying to find a way out of this situation, but at the same time they are afraid of losing their jobs.

In such cases, you can pay attention to passive methods of generating income. For those who have free living space (room, apartment, house), the option with its daily rent is suitable. You can also invest your real estate in real estate, because the banking system does not cause much confidence.

business daily rent of apartments

Housing market analysis

In Soviet times, the income that was brought by the rental of premises was called unearned and diligently suppressed. Today, the situation has changed radically. Even old grandmothers are ready to make room for a stable supplement to their small pension.

What kind of profit can such a business bring? Daily rent of apartments can be very profitable. This has been proven in practice by people who like this business idea.

Daily rent of elite class apartments in big cities can bring tremendous income. Business class residential premises will bring their owner less profit, but on a more stable basis, as they are more popular. Finally, renting a room in a dormitory or apartment seems to be the most appropriate occupation at the initial stage.

The benefit that brings rental of premises for a day depends on the availability of hotels in the village, the cost of rooms, as well as the tourist flow of people. An example is the seaside resorts of Russia. Tourists often come there on vacation "savages", that is, without a tourist permit. They are forced to look for a place to live on their own. For the holidays, each local resident becomes a renter.

At the same time, many business people come to Moscow and other big cities, accustomed to comfort and luxury. They prefer to stay in luxury apartments and, accordingly, are willing to pay well for it.

Lack of full competition

rental business where to start

In our country, especially in small cities and towns, the hotel business is very poorly developed. Entrepreneurial people take this advantage by renting out living quarters.

Indeed, if we compare the number of hotels in Russia and in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, we can find that we have 2.5 times less. However, most large hotels are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

However, the lack of competition always spurs business. Daily rent of apartments is truly a folk remedy to extract additional income.

Announcements of free living space, ready to receive guests, can be found in almost every newspaper, at public transport stops and the walls of houses.

Due to such a large number of proposals, a false idea is created that it is very difficult to rent an apartment. In fact, the niche is occupied by only 50-70%, and the pace of construction of new housing and hotels has slowed significantly. Therefore, everyone can do this business.

First steps

To receive income from real estate, you must have it. Therefore, the first thing a beginner needs to do is invest in buying an apartment, room or mansion.The size of the living space and its arrangement will depend only on financial capabilities.

In some cases, it is possible to build a business differently. Daily rent of apartments inherited from deceased relatives is one of the most common ways of generating additional income. Indeed, to sell housing, if the family has children, is impractical. They will soon grow up (as well as property prices) and want to separate. However, it is very expensive to maintain an empty apartment. Therefore, many decide to take it.

People who are less well off and do not have wealthy testators can be advised to start by renting a room in their apartment. This method of earning has many inconveniences, but allows you to further develop the rental business. Where to start, everyone must decide for himself. It is necessary to focus on their material and volitional capabilities.

business idea apartments for rent

Profit and expenses

Making a profit is the goal that every business pursues. Daily rent of apartments is no exception. The income that the owner of the premises will receive can vary from $ 100 to $ 100,000 per month. As noted earlier, the numbers will depend on the class of rented housing, its area and arrangement.

Daily rent is always more expensive than long-term, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the average rental time will not exceed 2-3 days. The owner of the apartment should always work for the future and constantly attract new customers.

However, do not forget about the costs that the rental business implies. Where to start counting? Firstly, the arrangement of the premises with furniture and household appliances. Secondly, the purchase of personal hygiene products: toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, toilet paper. Thirdly, the payment of taxes and rents. Costs also include advertising in newspapers and magazines.


In the case when your own apartment is rented out, there is no need to talk about payback, since the business begins to generate income almost immediately. But you can earn in a different way. Some resourceful people apply the scheme when renting out premises that are in their long-term lease.

The payback period in each case will be different. So, with an average monthly rental payment, expenses on furniture, household appliances and personal hygiene products, you will have to invest about 100,000 rubles per apartment at the initial stage. You can receive up to 2000 rubles per day from a business-class residential building. Thus, a successful businessman will be able to receive income for 2 months already.

Customer acquisition

When a decision is made, it is necessary to act. The first thing you need to pay attention to is finding customers. Standard methods of advertising, such as placing ads in print media and in public places, have a place to be, but are not the most effective. This is due to the fact that daily rent of apartments is mainly of interest to visitors.

Advertising should be such that tourists can learn about the opportunity to stay in a comfortable apartment. For these purposes, the Internet is the best fit. It is better to post information on thematic sites, in social networks and portals dedicated to the city.

You can also place your advertisement on video stands located at train stations. Visitors often pay attention to them, and the cost of such a service is relatively small.

Trust but check

Daily rent differs from long-term rent in that in the first case, you have to monitor your guests more carefully. Everyone knows the craving of our people for hotel towels and other things that can easily fit in a bag.

In addition to missing trinkets, anything can happen: flooding of neighbors, fire, drunken brawl and much more. In order not to remain at a loss, it is necessary to discuss all the living conditions of clients in advance.The best option would be to sign a pre-prepared agreement. It is also advisable to keep the resident's passport with him until his departure. In this case, the probability that he will run away without paying off is reduced to zero.

Accompanying services

You can earn much more if you provide your customers with additional services. For example, organize their meals and wash dirty clothes. The presence of such a service will bring additional income and will create a favorable reputation. Indeed, a person who constantly travels on business trips wants to feel at home for at least one day, eat borsch and dress clean.

Tourists are mainly interested in local attractions. For them, you can organize excursions to memorable places and souvenir shops.

hotel business

Business expansion

Over time, when the business begins to generate stable income, it will be possible to engage in its expansion. You can increase the profitability of your business in several ways. Such an option how to open a mini-hotel in the apartment, suitable for those who are ready to follow the instructions of the previous paragraph, that is, to provide additional services to their customers. In addition, a number of additional conditions are imposed on the apartment itself. This, by definition, should be a spacious room, which could accommodate several guests. Small hotel business is very profitable. If you manage to establish a flow of customers, then it will bring a steady income.

The second way is to expand the network of rental apartments. This will require a certain amount of capital, as the living quarters will have to be bought out or rented on a long-term basis.

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