
Mini-hotel: business plan. How much does it cost to open a mini-hotel: costing and necessary equipment

mini hotel business plan

The hotel business is not only one of the most competitive types of entrepreneurial activity. He attracts very close attention of all kinds of large corporations, and small businessmen, and even pensioners. Yes, do not be surprised. Grandmothers, standing at the train stations of large cities and offering visitors rooms and apartments, are also a kind of business woman, however, working according to a gray scheme.

But we will not touch upon the illegal aspects of the hotel business, but talk about how to make money today by opening your own hotel. True, you need to make a reservation right away: without a solid start-up capital, there is nothing to think about joining the glorious ranks of owners of private hotels.

However, expenses can be slightly reduced if you do not want to create a huge complex and open, by the way, a mini-hotel that is extremely popular today. A business plan drawn up wisely, a thorough analysis of the market and some (albeit also considerable) amount in dollar terms will serve as the key to success of the undertaking.


So what is it? What does this concept mean? The hotel, which is designed for 5-50 rooms, is a mini-hotel. True, in every country there are different approaches to this definition. Say, we still have no intelligible answer to which hotel can be brought under the concept of a mini-hotel.

Because before the legislative bodies of Russia did not regulate their activities. Today, in view of the rapid development of the hotel business, this gap is being eliminated if possible; moreover, the state is even ready to give preferential loans to entrepreneurs who decide to open a mini-hotel.

The business plan drawn up by the future owner, by the way, must certainly take this into account, because the costs of creating a hotel business are calculated not even in tens, but in hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, the final cost of the project depends on the chosen development path. After all, the lion's share of finance will be eaten by the hotel premises itself, which can be bought, rented or even built.

Mini-hotel: business plan

When developing this document, it is necessary to clearly describe the future status of the planned facility, its corporate identity, reflect the structure of the enterprise, conduct a thorough analysis of investments, and describe the marketing policy. You also need to carefully consider the financial component, which includes the costs of creating a business and the costs of its maintenance.

So let's discuss all these points in more detail.

 hotel concept


In accordance with the requirements that GOST makes for mini-hotels, such an institution should be located either in a separate building or in a room with its own entrance. It is quite understandable that the construction of our own building can be considered the most attractive.

The existing mini-hotel projects are so diverse that it is not difficult to choose the one that suits your own tastes and plans. But! Here are some numbers. So, the construction of a mini-hotel with fifty rooms in the capital will cost (and this is the average value) five million dollars! Impressive?

In large Russian cities, the amount will decrease to a couple million, in the regions you can limit yourself to five hundred thousand.Of course, if there are appropriate investors, no problems will arise, however, except for the costs themselves, the construction in our country involves such bureaucratic delays and paperwork that all documents for land for the hotel can be obtained only after a year.


A good option, which, however, has its drawbacks. Firstly, in any case, the premises will have to undergo a complete restructuring, which not every landlord will agree to. Secondly, upon seeing that the hotel business is generating revenue, the latter will certainly begin to increase rents. And the owner will have to pay. Or lose the hotel, which spent so much money and labor.

Property Acquisition

The best option is to buy your own premises. So, entrepreneurs often buy communal apartments, transfer them to a non-residential fund, put in order and equip the rooms. The cost of such an apartment depends - again - on the city where it is located and the area, so it is impossible to accurately voice it.

As for the purchase of equipment, furniture, repair, installation of plumbing, electrical wiring and other communications, it will cost from two hundred to five hundred. e. (based on 1 sq. m). Below - a few words about how and what should be equipped with a room for a mini-hotel. His business plan must certainly contain the final calculations of the cost of this component.

mini hotel management


So, the premises of the mini-hotel should be provided:

  • constant power supply;
  • constant cold and hot water supply;
  • ventilation
  • television broadcasting (in rooms or in the lobby);
  • telephone connection.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a minimum temperature condition - at least eighteen and a half degrees. It is allowed to have a common bathroom (for ten people), but not less than two on one floor and one shower room (also for ten guests). Moreover, it does not matter what this establishment is: a full-fledged hotel with separate rooms for living, or a mini-hotel-hostel, where guests are offered only a bed.


There are also minimum room requirements. So, each should have a chair, a table, of course, a bed, a nightstand, a wardrobe. From the inventory, it is necessary to have a lamp on the ceiling, a sconce or a table lamp, a carpet or a bedside rug, a mirror. Also required are bedding, towels, curtains on the windows, door lock.


Recently, the hotel business is not subject to licensing. True, only on condition that the hotel does not sell alcohol. If such a service takes place, then a license for their sale will be necessary.

Therefore, to open a mini-hotel, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and it will be possible to work according to a simplified taxation system. True, in any case, it will be necessary to talk with the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor and get permission from them. In order to avoid problems with these organizations at the preparatory stage and during the work, the presence of:

  • fire fighting equipment and supplies;
  • clean drinking water;
  • constant cleaning of rooms, towels, bed linen;
  • processing equipment for cleaning;
  • proper maintenance of the territory adjacent to the hotel;
  • waste disposal;
  • protection against rodents, cockroaches, etc.

If all these requirements are met, then the regulatory authorities will issue permits to the owner without further questions.


The owner can, of course, take over the management of the mini-hotel. But here you can’t do without service personnel, because the hotel should work around the clock. In addition, there are also special rules and requirements for personnel of such establishments.

Since hotel employees have access to rooms where guests live and store personal belongings, money, valuables (although it is better to provide a safe at the reception for the latter two), it is by no means recommended to recruit unverified people to the staff.

As for the number of employees, we present the calculations for the mini-hotel, which has 10 rooms. It will take two administrators working in shifts, two maids and a security guard. As for the rest of the employees, they are hired as needed.

So, for example, if the mini-hotel has a bar, then you will need a bartender and a cook. However, as a rule, in small hotels with ten rooms, such services are not provided. It is much easier to equip a small (but in accordance with the requirements of SES) common kitchen.

Current expenses

To ensure the operation of the mini-hotel takes up half of the income. But with proper management and a competent approach to business, they can be reduced to thirty percent.

Where is the money spent? First, the communal and wages of employees. Here are some numbers. Remuneration (value, again, average) of staff:

  • administrator - 350 dollars;
  • maid - from 200 dollars;
  • security guard - about 300 dollars;
  • bartender - from 200 to 400 dollars;
  • a cook - about 400 dollars.

You will also have to spend money on paying for the services of the incoming attendants: electricians, plumbers, telephone operators, etc. It will be necessary to make current repairs, as well as update bedding, furniture, purchase cleaning and cleaning products and other attributes of the number of rooms.

Where to look for customers?

This is the main problem of the hotel business. After all, the main customers are people who come from other cities. Therefore, the main way of advertising is the site of the mini-hotel. You can place a photo of your hotel on it, be sure to indicate the cost of living.

Partnership with tour operators and online booking resources is another way to attract clients. And - of course - the constant development and improvement of the service will start to ensure that guests who have already used its services will return to the mini-hotel or tell their relatives and friends about it.

mini hotel hostel

How much does it cost to open a mini-hotel?

Finally, we give an example of the necessary costs of opening a small - for ten rooms - hotel.

  • Real estate acquisition - from 300 to 400 thousand dollars.
  • Registration of IP (LLC) and permits (transfer to non-residential fund, papers from SES, BTI, fire inspection) - 5 thousand dollars.
  • Repair and adaptation to hotel standards - from 50 to 100 thousand dollars.
  • Purchase of equipment and accessories of room stock - from 35 thousand dollars.

Total minimum amount will be about 400 thousand dollars. It will pay off in full within three to four years. And then the business will start to bring a stable and good income. So good that you can think about opening your own network of mini-hotels. Why not? Experience already exists.

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