
Auto Payment service: how to disable? How to disable auto payment from a Sberbank card?

Many citizens have Autopayment connected to their cards. How to disable it, not everyone thinks. But sometimes you have to refuse this service of Sberbank. After all, it is more convenient to control your funds manually, without any automatically conducted operations. Therefore, today we will understand what we are dealing with, and also try to learn how to disable and connect the proposed feature. All the proposed methods are extremely simple, even a novice user will cope with them.
auto payment how to disable

Service Description

But what exactly is “Auto payment"? How to disconnect it or connect - this is a completely different matter. It is important to clearly understand what service you have to work with. In principle, as the name implies, "Auto payment" is nothing more than the ability to automatically replenish the balance of the phone or pay for certain services.

Sometimes this feature is very useful. Connection and disconnection methods are different. For example, when it comes to replenishing the balance of a SIM card, they usually work with the services of a mobile operator, and not with Sberbank as a whole. But "Auto payment" of utilities is a completely different matter. How to activate or deactivate it?


A few words about the connection. After all, before you turn off "Auto Payment" (Sberbank), you must have a bank card with the ability to use this service. The first option that may suit you is nothing more than a banal manufacture of "plastic." Automatic payments, as a rule, are connected by bank employees right away if you do not express your disagreement.

You can also use a payment terminal or an ATM. In an extreme case - the Internet, namely the Sberbank Online service. There is nothing difficult about this. Find the appropriate service, configure it and click on "Connect".

how to disable auto payment sberbank

When it comes to mobile payment, you can call your operator, provide the card number and the "Auto payment" settings. By phone, you will quickly connect the corresponding service. Now you can think about how to disable "Auto Payment" from the card of Sberbank. There are quite a few options, but they are all simple to implement.

Call to the bank

For example, you can call Sberbank and inform that you want to refuse "Auto Payment". If there are bank details and after identification, the employee will apply for an application, after which the ability to use this service will be disabled.

This is actually not the best method. It is not always realized. After all, often you have to personally write statements or independently deal with the issue. By telephone, the shutdown of certain services is carried out without much hype just because there is a high risk of fraud. And any citizen who has access to your passport is able to connect or disconnect certain features on a bank card.

Personal visit

However, if you have the time and energy, you can try to use a method such as a personal visit to the nearest office of Sberbank. There you can deactivate "Auto Payment". How to disable it in this case?
how to disable auto payment from a sberbank card

It is enough to write a statement and present a passport or any other document that will confirm your identity. The request is considered very quickly, after which you will receive an alert with the result. Normally, Auto Payment is disabled. And no failures.

However, this approach is also not in great demand. Why? Firstly, it comes to life for a long time. Secondly, it is not too convenient.Writing a statement, having previously stood the queue, then waiting for an answer and a result - all this can not be compared with the methods that customers are able to implement without assistance. What is this about? How to disable "Auto Payment" via phone, for example?

mobile connection

Sometimes you can refuse a service in exactly the same way as you connected it. As soon as it comes to “Auto-payment” on a mobile phone, the method of communication with the operator immediately comes to mind. It is he who will help disconnect a service from the Sberbank card, if it concerns your SIM card.
how to disable auto payment

Where to call and at what number? It depends on your mobile operator. For example, Beeline customers need to dial 0611, and MTS - 0890, and so on. Contact an employee of the call center, let us know that you want to stop using Auto Payment. What are the data that you will be asked for (usually a card number and passport information), and just wait for the result.

As a rule, the answer will come very quickly. Now it’s clear how to disable Auto Payment (Sberbank) from a mobile phone. If we are talking about automatic payment of utilities, for example, this approach is not suitable. Better to use more interesting and simple actions.


Nevertheless, to refuse the service on a mobile device, you can apply one more trick - use a special SMS self-service center. He will help you quickly figure out how to turn off "Auto Payment" from a bank card.

It is enough to generate a special message that should be sent to 900. In the text write “Auto payment” (without quotes), a space after the subscriber’s number, after another space, the last 4 digits of the bank’s “plastic”. Send this request to the indicated short number and wait a few minutes. Now "Auto Payment" will no longer bother you.

how to disable auto payment through


What's next? Are these all the methods that suit us? Not at all! How to disable "Auto Payment" from the card? You can use an ATM or payment terminal - there is not much difference. Most importantly, the whole process is quick and without outside help.

Find a Sberbank ATM, insert a bank card in it and enter the pin code. Now what? Next, you will be taken to the main menu of the system. Find "Auto Payment" there, and then select "Disable." Agree to all the conditions that appear on the screen.

As soon as required, enter the special verification code on the screen. He will come to your mobile phone, to which a bank card is attached. After confirming the actions, you can wait for SMS with the result of processing the request. Typically, you are informed that AutoPay has been disabled successfully. Nothing special, right?

By the way, with the help of a payment terminal, all actions will be similar. Unless you have to independently indicate the details of your card. Indeed, in terminals, as a rule, “plastic” is not accepted. In any case, there are no significant differences here. Now it’s clear how to turn off “Auto Payment” from a Sberbank card. But that is not all.

"Sberbank Online"

This method is considered the most modern. And it is in great demand among modern users. After all, you don’t even have to leave home to deactivate Auto Payment. How to disable it? It is enough to use a service called Sberbank Online. In it, you can not only manage the expenditure of funds, but also perform balance analysis, as well as connect and disconnect certain features.
how to disable auto payment via phone

What to do with "Auto Payment"? In order not to look for it for a long time, in the search bar in the corresponding service (prior authorization is required) you need to write the name of the service. Once you find it, select the "Disable" option. In response to your mobile phone, you will receive a message with a confirmation code. Without it, the request will not be processed. Therefore, enter the secret combination in the appropriate field on the screen, and then wait. In a few minutes you will receive a message with the result of the work.Nothing difficult, right?

It is the use of Sberbank Online that is most often in demand among customers. Simple, fast, convenient. If you have any difficulties, you can always seek help from the bank.


So, we found out what "Auto Payment" is. How to disconnect it or connect - now also not such a mystery. In general, pay attention to the fact that any connection method is also suitable for rejecting services. Which option to choose - decide for yourself.
how to disable auto payment from the card

In any case, practice shows that most often Sberbank customers turn for help to the Internet service, as well as to ATMs. Writing applications and calling the bank are already outdated offers. They also "communicate" with the terminals without much excitement. But when using them (or in the case of an ATM), you can ask for help from the employees of the Sberbank branch. By the way, disconnecting, as well as connecting the service, is completely free. No one will withdraw money from your account. If this happens, complain to the bank and your mobile operator. Choose what you think is most suitable. You are sure to handle it. A little training and attentiveness is what is needed to implement the idea. Disabling and connecting certain services on a bank card is not difficult.

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