
How to open a recruitment agency. Recruitment of home staff as a business

how to open a recruitment agency

Housekeepers, governesses, chauffeurs, tutors - these specialists today are becoming more and more in demand. And where to look for such people? How to make sure of their professionalism?

These questions are of interest to many applicants. That is why the question of how to open a recruitment agency is becoming increasingly relevant. After all, it can become a really interesting and profitable business.

What is a similar agency? Basic principles of work

If you are interested in how to open a recruitment agency, then you are probably wondering how exactly such enterprises work. In fact, everything is quite simple. Clients of such agencies are employers - people who are looking for a particular specialist.

Since in most cases the company offers the services of domestic staff, the clients, respectively, look for nannies, governesses, tutors, gardeners, cleaners, cooks, etc. For example, if both parents are busy, they need a person who will monitor the child or to keep the house clean, from time to time to indulge in delicious home-cooked dishes.

Of course, you don’t want to take anyone to your house anyway - employers want to hire only really good people whom you can trust. The agency is an intermediary between the employer and a specialist in a particular business.

Where does the profit come from?

In fact, a home staffing firm can be a lucrative business. This business does not require a large start-up capital, but for its development it takes a lot of time and effort. So where does the money come from?

Many agencies charge employers a small premium for finding the perfect employee. In addition, people who are looking for work pay money. Here you can already choose the system yourself. In some firms, employees pay a certain amount immediately after registration, and the agency guarantees them decent employment.

Some enterprises take 50-100% of the first salary of a specialist who is hired. On the other hand, you can take a small monthly fee for the fact that the employee or employer is present in your database. In any case, at the initial stages it is best to establish a convenient and understandable payment scheme.

How to open a recruitment agency? Package of official documents

Of course, such activities are considered entrepreneurial. How to open a recruitment agency? First you need to register with the tax office.

In this case, the best option is to take shape as an individual entrepreneur. This will give you some additional benefits, such as a simplified accounting system, fewer required documents, etc. It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurship is opened, as a rule, already five or seven days after the submission of the necessary documents.

how to open a recruiting agency

Where to rent office space and how to arrange it?

If you are interested in how to open a home staff recruitment agency, you should know that you will need to have your own office. Of course, it does not have to be big. However, remember that the atmosphere and atmosphere of your office will demonstrate the solidity and quality of work of your company - this is what customers will pay attention to first of all.

The location of the office here is not so important, but it is best to choose it somewhere in a busy part of the city, for example, in the central area or in the business center. On the other hand, if you do not have such an opportunity, then the office can be located somewhere on the periphery - in this case, you will need to spend more time and investment in advertising.

As for the office itself, it should be bright, clean, demonstrate success, responsibility and professionalism. There is no need for any sophisticated decorations - minimalism will be appropriate.

It is desirable that the office has at least three separate rooms. In the hallway, for example, you can arrange a secretary table, arrange several comfortable chairs or sofas - here they will meet customers. In addition, interview rooms are needed, as well as a place for working staff.

Naturally, it will be necessary to purchase computer equipment, including a printer and a scanner. Storing customer data in a computer system is much simpler.

recruitment company

Recruitment of regular employees

Of course, if you open a small agency, then at first you can do all the work yourself. However, this takes time. And as the company develops, you will need assistants, because the agency for the selection of domestic staff should work smoothly.

First you need a secretary who will answer calls, meet customers, set up a schedule and monitor it. In addition, it is necessary to hire a specialist in personnel. He will conduct interviews with job seekers, help them fill out questionnaires, verify data, etc.

It is possible that for conversations with employers you will also need an additional employee who can figure out what exactly the client needs. Do not forget that someone will have to keep accounts, be responsible for advertising, conduct a regular search for new job seekers, etc.

Some experts advise hiring a full-time psychologist who can appreciate some of the qualities of people who are looking for work, as well as the features and desires of clients offering a particular position. In any case, all employees of your company should be sociable, pleasant in communication, unobtrusive, diplomatic. Do not interfere also leadership skills, the ability to clearly and clearly state thoughts, as well as persuasion.

Where to find professional job seekers?

Of course, the selection of domestic staff is an extremely responsible matter, which must be approached seriously. After all, employers turn to you for help, fully relying on your opinion. You must provide them with professional employees who can be trusted.

Of course, at first you will have to build up a decent client base. As your agency grows in popularity, it is possible that people will begin to find you on their own. All the same, you should draw up a special questionnaire, which will cover all aspects of the life, work and career of a job applicant. However, this is not enough, since all the data will have to be verified.

If a customer came to you with letters of recommendation be sure to call the former place of work and ask the previous bosses what kind of person this is, why he was fired, etc. From time to time, be sure to contact people who have found a job or a suitable specialist with your help, be interested in their opinions, impressions and offers.

Reputation above all. Key secrets to a successful business

If you are interested in how to organize a recruitment agency and make it truly profitable, you should understand that in this matter your reputation is extremely important.

Every positive feedback from the employer or job seeker is worth its weight in gold. On the other hand, even the slightest suspicion about your firm’s insolvency or dishonesty can ruin a business.That is why you need to pay attention to even the smallest details, be interested in the opinions and impressions of customers.

Advertising campaign

recruiting agencyQuality advertising is the only way to attract new customers. Therefore, do not save on it. Almost everything will do - signs, banners, distribution of business cards or leaflets on the street.

You can also order small commercials at your local radio station or television. By the way, for this it is best to hire a person who knows how to write unobtrusive advertising texts.

In addition, it is worth creating an Internet site, as this is another successful advertising move. Here you can place information on the specifics of your activity, the availability of certain offers, ongoing promotions, etc. By the way, it is advisable to create a special form so that applicants can send you a resume and make an appointment.

If you are interested in additional earnings, then over time you can open paid courses at the company to improve the skills of workers of various professions - they will receive new knowledge, and you will receive additional income and complete confidence in their professionalism.

How profitable can a personnel agency be?

As already mentioned, such a company can become very profitable. After all, again, there is no need for a large initial capital - you only need to rent and furnish an office. The profitability of such a business can be very large.

On the other hand, remember that a constant flow of customers can only be achieved through advertising, a serious attitude to business and responsibility. Make people comfortable using your services, gain their trust - this is the only way to acquire regular customers and “lure” new ones.

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