
How to open a draft beer store. Draft beer store business plan, list of necessary equipment

how to open a draft beer store

In the trade in alcoholic beverages, you can create a very successful and profitable business. The draft beer store also belongs to this subject. The main advantage of this direction is a high level of demand for an alcoholic beverage. This is confirmed by data on the growth of the “beer” market - in the European part, on average, sales increase by 8-12% per year.

In this article we will talk about how to open a draft beer store. The organization of a business requires a relatively small initial investment, which has a great chance to pay off in the shortest possible time. So, we will consider the main features and stages of building a case.

The first steps

What do you need to sell beer? You should start by following a series of procedures that will make your business legal and transparent.

  • To open a point of sale, you must register as an LLC (limited liability company) or as an individual entrepreneur (sole proprietorship).
  • After this, you must contact your local authorities to obtain a permit allowing you to trade draft beer.
  • Find a room for a retail outlet and draw up a lease.
  • Register the cash register in the tax and conclude an agreement on its maintenance.
  • Get permission to open a retail outlet from the SES and the fire inspection.


When developing a business plan for a draft beer store, you should start by selecting a room. It should be noted that this is a rather important issue, since the sales volume and the attendance of a retail outlet by 80-90% depend on its location. One of the advantageous places of the store is considered a densely populated sleeping area. Here you can count on serious customer demand and customer flow before sales start.

The main visitors to your outlet will be locals. Additional advantages will also be the territorial proximity to mini markets, shopping centers, and the location near the highway (this will allow customers who simply drive past the store).

The area of ​​the room should be about 40 square meters. m. In this space you can compactly install equipment, a client area and a bar. When equipping a store inside, do not forget to take into account all the requirements of fire services and SES.


Before you open a draft beer store, you need to decide on suppliers of products, equipment and other assortments. Here the situation is as follows. At the start, it is best to start cooperation with wholesale suppliers of various types of beer. This will allow you to flexibly manage the procurement process: receive deliveries in a short time, choose the optimal volumes and collect deliveries from any varieties.

The minus of such cooperation can be called the fact that wholesale suppliers often have a higher price than the manufacturer. But in order to start working directly with the plant, you need to have a large turnover, which is peculiar to a whole chain of stores. Therefore, a novice entrepreneur, opening his first point, it is best to go on a simpler path. In the future, you will be able to review this issue and conclude agreements with manufacturers of products.


Draft beer equipment is one of the most significant moments in the business. But on this issue, the opinions of entrepreneurs vary significantly.Some are sure that by accepting equipment from the supplier and paying for his rent, you can significantly save on the purchase of your own equipment. This will allow spending on other needs of the project.

Others, on the contrary, recommend purchasing bottling lines only for personal use, rather than leasing from a supplier. They explain this by the fact that in the first months the new store should optimize the range of products for the local clientele, configure the necessary volumes of supplies and regulate their terms. The initial opinion of buyers about the outlet directly depends on this.

Suppliers who offer draft beer equipment for use usually dictate their terms of delivery, their varietal selection and even set a minimum monthly turnover level. Of course, such restrictions are very likely to provoke negative consequences. Therefore, whether to use the equipment of the supplier or to purchase it for personal use, each businessman decides independently.


On the question of how to open a draft beer store, not least is the product range. Creating a large outlet, the owner tries to install 20-30 beer taps (varieties). But experts say that after 1-2 years of work, entrepreneurs come to the conclusion that the assortment of their store must be reduced to 10-12 varieties.

This is due to the fact that a variety of alcoholic beverage, which is not in sufficient demand, begins to reduce profits. A solid store can have about 20 cranes. A larger number of installs does not make sense.

Optimization of supplies and assortment of goods in the shortest possible time is one of the points that should be considered before opening a draft beer store. This is important because a fresh drink must be sold within 3-4 days. After that, it begins to lose its taste, and after 5 days it can not be consumed at all. Therefore, an excess or insufficient amount of beer in a store is nothing more than direct losses.

Extra charge for draft beer ranges from 50 to 100%. The average price per liter of fresh foamy drink is set in the range of 100-150 rubles. It is extremely difficult to guess the preferences of the client of this or that region. You need to understand that draft beer costs an order of magnitude more expensive than bottled or canned beer.

When a person goes to such a store, he understands that it will not be possible to save, because a good fresh drink is not cheap. Therefore, the buyer is ready to overpay a certain price difference and get exactly the sort of beer that he likes. Hence the conclusion - the main point in setting up the product range is the taste preferences of regular customers, and not the desire to make products as cheap as possible.


For the store should hire 2 sellers. Each of them must have a medical record. In addition, pay attention to such qualities as politeness, honesty, cleanliness and integrity of the employee. Without them, you may encounter unpleasant surprises and incur losses.

Financial expenses

Opening a business for the sale of draft beer, you need to have cash in the amount of from 500 thousand to 3 million rubles. Here is a sample list of costs, provided that you receive the equipment from the distributor:

  • rent for premises with a total area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m. (for 2 months) - 300-400 thousand rubles;
  • decoration and repair - 150-400 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of an air conditioner and its installation - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of cash equipment - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • software - 12-15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods - 300-600 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for advertising, a sign - 100-120 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

For domestic beer, the margin reaches 100%, for imported beer - up to 30%. With one keg, you can get up to $ 70 profit.A well-located store in the summer will bring its owner a net income of about 10 thousand dollars a month. This will allow you to quickly pay back the initial investment. The profitability of a draft beer store is especially high in the summer months.


Selling draft beer is a profitable and promising business. But in order for your store to become famous, you need advertising. When promoting such outlets, not all promotion methods are suitable. For example, radio advertising, TV, in the media is expensive, but practically does not bring results. The best solution for a draft beer store will be a bright outdoor sign and regional advertising.

The first method relates window dressing store, a memorable name, good lighting in the dark, themed design of the facade. In the first months after the opening, you can hold special promotions to attract customers, for example, give out local coupons for small discounts.

draft beer sale


To summarize all of the above, it is worth saying that today the sale of draft beer is a good opportunity for a novice entrepreneur to create their own business. The right place for the outlet, established contacts with suppliers, fresh and high-quality products will help make your store competitive and attractive to customers.

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