
How to use an ATM: step-by-step instructions

ATM is a device that helps customers of the bank at any time to fulfill their needs. Bank operations. What can be done with it?

How to use an ATM?

Any client will be able to view the balance of his card, withdraw the necessary cash, transfer money from one card to another. Also, some leading banks offer their customers to carry out such operations using an ATM:

  • money transfers around the world;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • replenishment of a mobile phone or Internet account;
  • payment of various bills from the card (for studies, fines, taxes).

How to use an ATM? The instruction is not presented on all devices. Older people often have problems with withdrawing money. Therefore, you should talk about how to use an ATM. Now, not all customers know how to handle the device correctly, which results in negative consequences such as blocking an account and withdrawing a plastic card from an ATM.

how to use an ATM

When approaching the ATM, you need to make sure that there are no suspicious people nearby who can watch customers who want to withdraw money. The purpose of such observers is understandable - theft. In addition, it is worth examining the ATM itself. The fact is that now attackers often install in the place where the plastic card is inserted, which read the information of the device. Only if the client is convinced of the absence of the above factors, you can insert the card into the slot.

How to withdraw money from an ATM?

How to use a card at an ATM? First you need to insert it into a special slot. On some devices, programmers set an image on the screen that will help you understand how to insert a card into an ATM. According to general rules, it is inserted into the slot on the left side (where its number and customer’s name begin, if the card is personalized). After that, the ATM will offer you to choose a language for communication.

Most ATMs can operate in all major languages ​​of the world (English, Russian, German, Arabic), you can also choose the language of the country where the device is located (for example, Ukrainian). Next, enter the PIN code of the card. As you know, these are 4 digits that only the owner should know. That is why once again you need to make sure that there are no suspicious outsiders near you.

Cash withdrawal and balance check at ATM

This is how we gradually understand how to use an ATM. When you enter the PIN code and press the "ENTER" key, a dialog box appears on the screen in which the client is offered the following types of operations: "Balance check", "Cash withdrawal", "Recharge mobile phone and the Internet", and other operations. Now many banks have so improved the programs at ATMs that you can conduct almost any card transaction.

how to use an ATM instruction

Most customers first check the card balance. Opposite this inscription on the ATM, press the button. The device asks how you would like to receive information (“On the check?” Or “On the screen?”). Choose the desired method and find out the balance of your own card.

After that, most ATMs ask the client: "Continue to work?". Choose the option "Yes." To withdraw cash, you will need to re-enter the PIN code. Next, go to the option "Cash withdrawal" (in different ATMs it can be called differently). Here you can choose one of the amounts proposed for withdrawal, or go to the "Other amount" section. In this option, you can specify any number that is a multiple of 5, 10 or 20 (it all depends on the bank). After choosing the necessary amount, press "ENTER".The ATM counts the amount and issues bills from a special opening.

Upon completion of the operation of issuing money, the ATM will necessarily make a request to the client "Print a check or not?". The user, depending on the need, selects the appropriate answer.

Other operations

We will figure out how to use an ATM for other operations. The card is often replenished account mobile phone. Most banks on their devices offer this option separately. It is necessary to enter this section by pressing the corresponding key on the display. The screen for entering a mobile phone number will be displayed on the screen. Next, press the "ENTER" key and enter the amount to replenish the account. The amount you entered is debited from the card and after a few seconds the account on the phone will be replenished. Other operations are performed according to a similar scenario, so you should not dwell on them in detail.

How to withdraw money abroad?

To understand how to use an ATM abroad, you must be fluent in English at least at a basic level. Otherwise, you will not be able to conduct operations, because you do not understand the prompts. There are no fundamental differences in the process of servicing at an ATM, but still some information is worth understanding.

Firstly, we do not advise you to look at the card balance, because the ATM will certainly write off the commission for this operation. By the way, before leaving abroad we advise you to carefully study the tariffs for transactions with your card at ATMs of foreign banks. When withdrawing cash, the bank, of course, will also take a certain commission.

If your card is not currency, then you must inform the bank that you will be in ... a country from such and such a date before leaving. This is done to establish the possibility of converting the currency on the card into the settlement currency of the POS terminal or withdrawing it from an ATM.

how to use an ATM abroad

How to use an Alfa Bank ATM?

Alfa-bank ATMs are slightly different from cash-dispensing machines owned by other financial institutions. As you know, Alfa Bank is one of the leaders in the consumer lending market. For the convenience of customers, he often uses ATMs, which can not only issue, but also accept cash from customers.

Getting started with an ATM is standard. After selecting the language and entering the PIN code, a dialog box appears in which you can select the operation "Top-up". Enter this option, confirm the operation and insert money into the receiver (up to 30 bills). The ATM calculates the total amount of replenishment and issues a check. Other operations that are available on this unit are standard.

So we figured out how to use an ATM.

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Reason for complaint
Alice Slivina
You need to be careful: so that the card does not get stuck, or the like, so that the ATM does not swallow it for a long time.


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