
How to get into the GRU. GRU special forces training

How to get into the GRU special forces? This question does not give sleep to many boys who dream of becoming on a par with men in military uniforms. The guys are interested in what they should prepare themselves for, what qualities must be developed for entering intelligence.

Would you like to know how to get to serve in the GRU? Then read the rest of this article. But just say that you should not look for easy ways and hope for concessions. Intelligence is a very serious matter. The main enemy on the way to your dream will be banal laziness, and hard work will be an ally.


The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) has its history since 1918. In the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the GRU is engaged in all types of reconnaissance - electronic, space and undercover. The budget and size of the organization are classified.

The GRU special forces (how to get there - read below) was created in 1950. The management was assigned several main tasks: reconnaissance behind enemy lines, the destruction of terrorists, sabotage and counterintelligence. GRU special forces had a huge impact on the course of the Afghan and Chechen wars. At present, the GRU is the most closed and probably the most combat-ready unit of the Russian army.

how to get into gro

How to get into the GRU?

The most important thing to do is to serve in the army. Otherwise, the way to the special forces is closed. And if you want to get into the GRU, you will have to achieve certain successes in the service. Sometimes when entering this unit they require a maroon beret. Check out the basic requirements for a candidate for service in the GRU.

Primary requirements

  1. Ensigns or officers are taken to special forces. The former should have at least a secondary education, and the latter should have a higher education.
  2. Preference is given to candidates undergoing (or past) training at the faculty of special forces.
  3. The growth of the applicant should be at least 175 centimeters. However, the lack of this parameter can be compensated by some professional qualities.
  4. The age of the candidate is not more than 28 years. Separately considered are fighters who want to transfer from other units.
  5. A huge plus will be the recommendation of the paratrooper, who served in the GRU.

how to get into the special forces gru

Five main qualities of the commando. Caution

Intelligence has the right to select soldiers from any army unit. The very first question asked of the candidates: “Why are you going to the special forces?” Applicants who do not know how to get into the GRU most often answer: “To become a Hero of Russia!” Such people do not pass the selection. Of course, they will become heroes, but posthumously. At the same time, they will take the lives of their colleagues. Recklessness, of course, is needed, but only if the enemy pressed you to the wall. Then you can take the machine and shout "Hurray!" Run to the enemy. Victory, from the point of view of the GRU special forces, is if you followed the order and returned alive.

When a soldier enters the special forces, from the first days they put in his head the installation: “You are the coolest of all!” This is an important feature of psychological training. And you need to believe in it! If you can’t believe it, you can forget about what the GRU special forces are, how to get to serve in this command, etc. You will simply be transferred to the regular infantry.

The paratrooper runs and shoots around the clock. At the same time, he is periodically beaten stealthily. But do not confuse this with hazing. Commanders specifically make enemy territory out of barracks. They can come up and give a crack, throw a noose around the neck or mine a bed. All this is done for one purpose: to force the commandos to remain in a state of constant combat readiness.After six months of service, the soldier "grows" on the back of his head, and he sleeps so sensitively that he wakes up from one look in his direction.

gru training


Advice on how to get into the GRU special forces, successfully pass the selection and interview, etc., will be useless if the soldier does not differ in endurance. After all, his feet help the paratrooper to survive. Why? Because if the reconnaissance group is spotted, it will be caught up and destroyed in about 6 hours. When the commando is exhausted and can no longer escape, he remains in place to cover his comrades.

Endurance will be needed in the learning process. Indeed, in the first month, a fighter is allowed to sleep only 4 hours a day. The remaining 20 he works hard. Rise at 6 in the morning, then water procedures, stretching exercises and jogging with a satchel behind his back. During the run, the commander can give additional tasks: shooting, moving to the goose step, crawling, etc. After jogging - hand-to-hand combat, physical training and training on battle tactics. And so every day.

In the GRU special forces, the stability of the psyche and endurance of a fighter are checked "at the races". It looks like this. A group of soldiers sent to the forest for a week without provisions. Commanders periodically chase this group, preventing anyone from sleeping. This continues until vomiting, loss of consciousness and other unimportant things. All those who did not pass the test are sent to combat troops. A lot of people are eliminated. Horse racing is held every 6 months and is a kind of “lice” exam.

special forces how to get to serve


He practices very well during hand-to-hand combat. A soldier is put on defense and a stronger opponent is placed against him. So the determination to go all the way is formed and the fighting character is tempered. And this is not a banal beating. The paratrooper is given the opportunity to defend themselves. Anyone who does not do this and surrenders is sent to serve in other troops.

Decisiveness is also trained with a range of “boldness exercises”. For example, they launch a large rat into the wash basin and close the naked soldier with it. A fighter must strangle her. Experienced commandos know: when a rat has nowhere to go, it attacks, and this is a real "tin". As a result, if the paratrooper can nail a rat with his bare hands, then no man will be afraid of him.


Aggression is one of the main qualities of the commando. A soldier should be afraid of a sergeant (who, by the way, knows exactly how to get into the GRU) is much stronger than the enemy, and run to the enemy with a clear desire to completely destroy him. Hand-to-hand training fights are not complete without blood. Sergeants specifically injure soldiers. This is done so that they get used to the type of blood and get angry. As a soundtrack, the commander’s mat is added. Under the conditions of such severe pressure, the feelings of a fighter are aggravated to such an extent that all the knowledge gained by him during the training period will remain with him until the end of his life.


People who know how to get into the GRU intelligence will confirm paranoia among the commandos regarding personal hygiene. Since fighters are very often outside the deployment site, they must be able to keep themselves clean under all conditions. Every commando who arrives at the location must immediately change clothes and wash his uniform.

how to get to serve in gro

Training Principles

Most of the time, the paratrooper is far from places of constant deployment. Therefore, his physical training is to learn how to skillfully use any improvised means during training. The most important thing is the preservation of strength and endurance. The latter is very useful when hiking in the mountains or bike ride.

Training is held on a daily basis. And not for the standard six or eight weeks. You need to work at least a year. There is no special diet. You just need to eat as much as possible.

The four pillars of fighter training. Crawls and jogs

Every day you need to run 10 kilometers.Sometimes on Sundays they organize a "sports festival" - a run of 40 kilometers. Ten kilometers a fighter must run in less than 60 minutes. At the same time, he is fully equipped (an additional 50 kilograms!). Running alternates with crawls. Such exercises work well for ligaments and small muscle groups. There are three types of crawls: on the back, in a plastopodnom and movement on the minefield (the soldier crawls and feels irregularities; if something causes suspicion, then he moves to the side).

special forces how to get there

Circular training

It has long been proven that GRU special forces training in a circular type increases the strength of a soldier to a maximum level. This principle was taken from the Soviet school of sambo and boxing. Circular training contributes to the development of explosive strength and endurance. She also “dries” and raises malice (hatred) to the authorities. The number of repetitions of any exercise will depend on the mood of the sergeant.

In general, the GRU standard circular training session lasts 40 minutes. After the 10-kilometer jogging mentioned, a five-minute rest follows, and then 5-6 laps of exercises are performed. Moreover, they need to be carried out one after another without a break. And only after completing a full circle you can relax for 5 minutes.

The circle itself looks like this:

  • Push-ups on fists (30 times).
  • Jump - jumping from a sitting position with cotton (10 times).
  • Push-ups on the fingers (20 times).
  • Jump (10 times).
  • Push-ups on fists (30 times).
  • Jump (10 times).
  • Push-ups on the fingers (5 times).

After completing the circle, the press sways to failure, and only then does a break take place. If desired, throwing stones is included in the training.

Constant load

Candidates who know how to get into the GRU special forces understand the importance of the daily workload in the army. That is, each fighter must perform a certain amount (constantly increasing) of lifting to the press, pull-ups, push-ups with his fists, etc. If you can’t do this in one training session, you need to collect the required amount per day. This is expressed in constant combat readiness. In addition, exercises with a belt (isometry) are performed throughout the day according to the A. Zass system.

Hand-to-hand combat

  • Arms. Side and direct shots are the same as in boxing. But the second is very difficult to train. Only direct commandos with long experience have a strong direct strike. Since at times the preparation of a fighter goes at an accelerated pace, there are no restrictions in the striking technique. You can beat from any angle and position. Moreover, the first blow is desirable to inflict on the throat of the enemy. In close combat, you must fight with your elbows. The knockout force of the blow is trained using exercises with a sledgehammer (on a dug-up or lying tire, a fighter strikes with an iron sledgehammer in three directions: right, left and top).
  • Legs. There is no special technique. It all comes down to a strong blow in the groin. Do not forget - this is not a sports ground.
  • Head. Turn on the head in close combat. With the frontal part we strike exclusively in the nose. If the enemy grabbed you from behind, then hit him in the head with a nape.
  • Stall. Just for this, the fighters train strength and grip. After the opponent is knocked down to the ground due to the strength of your hands, he must be finished off with a blow to the back of the head or stepping on the throat.


Now you know how to get into the GRU. From the reading above it becomes clear that this is difficult not only from a moral, but also from a physical point of view. You need to have excellent health and excellent physical shape. In addition, you must have a stable psyche. The main thing is to decide on your main life goal. If this is a special forces service, then take action to achieve it.

Do not forget the importance of sports. They should be engaged from a school bench. Higher education is best obtained in specialized institutions where there is a special forces faculty. This will significantly increase your chances of selection.

We hope that the article turned out to be useful, and you will no longer be wondering: “How do you get into special forces?” The GRU special forces belongs to the category of elite troops, and to be there you will have to make a lot of efforts. So go ahead. All in your hands!

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