
Service in the army on a contract basis. Contracted military service in Russia

Contract service in Russia is becoming more and more popular every year. It is well paid, provides an opportunity to get various benefits, including a mortgage. For soldiers from the remote countryside where there is no work, army service is ideal. Since this is the only chance to get a normally paid job.

What is a contract service?

To date, military service under the contract is voluntary in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. It is on a contractual basis. The terms of the contract are: duty of military service and conscientious performance of official duties. On the part of the state, under the terms of the document, a citizen is granted the right to receive benefits, subsidies, allowances and compensations in accordance with his status and the course of service.

contract military service

Basic requirements for the candidate

A person who wants to conclude a contract for military service must meet certain requirements:

  • He must have an education of at least 11 classes.
  • The age of signing the contract for men is from 18 to 40 years. Women who want to serve should be included in the criteria from 20 to 40 years.
  • Compliance with medical and psychological requirements, as well as physical fitness.
  • A criminal case should not be opened against a candidate, preliminary investigation should be conducted, or a guilty verdict be issued.

The contractual service for girls does not provide for restrictions such as marital status and the availability of children. They have the same rights as men.

contract service

Contract Service: Selection Algorithm

The selection for contract service is carried out in four stages:

  1. Visit to the website of the Ministry of Defense.
  2. Passing the selection at a specialized point. Here a selection is made according to physical and psychological readiness. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are formed on the appointment of citizens to the service.
  3. Training in a training unit. At this stage, training is being done. Upon successful completion of the qualification exam, a contract is concluded with the candidate.
  4. Military unit. During the service, an assessment leadership qualities and level of professional preparedness.

The contractual service for girls is carried out under general conditions. All that is needed is the presence of open military posts in the desired place of service, which can be replaced by girls as military personnel.

contract military service

How much do our soldiers pay?

In principle, working in the military sphere has many advantages. One of them is material stability.

The salary of military personnel depends on the position, rank and additional payments. Mainly the size of the salary is affected by the length of service and the particular conditions of its passage.

On average, the monthly income of contract servicemen is 25-40 thousand rubles. Few? Moreover, he may not live on this money, but put it off. The state provides the soldiers with food, clothing and housing in full. There is an opportunity to receive free treatment in military medical institutions. In addition, at the expense of the federal budget, a dispensary examination and medical insurance are carried out. It is possible to enroll in any educational institution in the correspondence department, bypassing the entrance exams.

Service under the contract is not only all kinds of subsidies. After the conclusion of the second (subsequent) contract, a soldier acquires the right to participate in a funded mortgage program. People call it a military mortgage.It is very different from ordinary civilian housing lending and has a number of features.

contract service for girls

Contracted Army Service: Conclusion

The procedure for concluding a contract is strictly regulated by the legislation of our country. The contract is concluded in writing in a standard form and in duplicate. It can be first or new.

Military service under the contract is voluntary. This criterion is mandatory. The document must indicate the period for which the service is concluded, as well as all the conditions for the military stay.

The document shall indicate:

  • all data of the citizen and the awarded military rank;
  • position, title and details of the person signing the document on behalf of our country;
  • place of military service;
  • date of signing;
  • signatures of the military man and official.

One copy of the contract is issued to the soldier, the second is attached to the personal file of the military after the entry into force of the contract for military service. Both documents are sealed with the official seal of the military unit.

The contract shall enter into force on the date of its signing, and its term shall be calculated from the date of entry into force.

contracted military service

How does entry into the military ranks

Contracted military service is available to everyone. The contract for its passage is entitled to conclude:

  • citizens in stock;
  • girls who are not in stock;
  • military personnel under a contract, the term of which will soon expire;
  • men who are not in stock but who have received the appropriate education.
  • conscripts whose service life exceeds six months.

The contract for military service under the contract is concluded for a period of three, five or ten years, and if the age limit is approaching - for a period before it occurs.

If a person enters the service for the first time, a contract is concluded with him, the term of which depends on the military position to which he transfers:

  • for three years as a soldier or sergeant;
  • for five years as an officer or warrant officer.

A contract is signed with cadets of military institutions for the duration of training and for five years after its completion.

contract service in Russia

Grounds for termination of the contract

The military service under the contract is terminated due to certain circumstances. The contract expires in the event of:

  • exclusion of a citizen from the list of personnel of the army unit upon dismissal from service, in connection with his death, as well as when he is declared to have died prematurely or missing;
  • signing by the military personnel of a new contract;
  • his appointment to the post of head of the federal executive body, which provides for military service;
  • suspension of military service;
  • in other cases provided for by federal laws.

At the end of the contact, a corresponding entry is made with an explanation of the reason for its termination. Data is entered into a copy located in the personal file, sealed with the signature of the commander and the seal of the military unit.

Contract military service is a serious step. This is a job for spiritually strong people. That is why, before making such an important decision, everything should be well weighed and considered.

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