
How to rent an apartment. How to make a lease

If there is free living space, you can make good money on it. Renting a residential property is a great way to keep the apartment well-groomed and earn extra income. After all, good tenants will always look after housing and pay utility bills on time. And in order to rent an apartment correctly and profitably, you should know some nuances.

What price?

Everyone who does not know how to rent an apartment is primarily interested in how to set the monthly cost. Most often, the amount of money for a month of residence is formed on the basis of the city and the region where the property is located, as well as the condition of the apartment itself. It is also worth considering the total living area and additional features. If there are shops, metro, school and kindergarten nearby, the rental price will be much higher. Before setting a price, it is worth examining offers for similar properties. You can read real estate rental advertisements in a specific area.

how to rent an apartmentYou can also determine the price with the help of real estate agencies. It is worth asking the experts how to rent an apartment and what to set the monthly cost. To use the services of the agency or not, everyone decides for himself. But the initial information can be obtained absolutely free.

How long should I take?

The owner, who does not know how to rent an apartment, has two options. He can conclude a contract on a long-term basis and demand a monthly fee from a tenant or rent out apartments for completely different people. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Monthly rent is a guarantee that passive income will go even in the most crisis times. The landlord selects responsible tenants who will timely pay the bills and look after the apartment.

how to rent an apartmentDaily rent is a "pig in a poke". You can never be sure that temporary tenants will be decent people. After several days of living, you can find dirty housing and the absence of some things. Despite this, daily rent will make good money. After all, the cost of one day of stay can be one third of the price per month. Before renting an apartment for a day, it is worthwhile to understand whether it will be beneficial in a particular region. Daily rent is most common in resort towns. In ordinary unremarkable areas, no one will rent property for several days.

The condition of the apartment matters

Before renting an apartment correctly and profitably, it is necessary to bring it into proper form. It all depends on the goals that the landlord pursues. If he wants tenants to simply cover utility bills and take care of real estate, you can set a low price for a month's stay. In this case, no repair is required. In addition, many draw up a contract on a long-term basis and agree that tenants will dispose of the property at their discretion. They can do their own redevelopment or redecorating.

how to rent an apartment rentIf the purpose of the lease is to obtain a stable income, the apartment must be put in order even before the tenants enter it. One has only to glue the wallpaper and paint the batteries, and the housing will take on a different look. It is also necessary to take care of the serviceability of plumbing and basic household appliances. Much more expensive is the rental of apartments in which there is a refrigerator, washing machine and basic furniture.

We completely free the apartment

Many tenants who plan to rent a house on a long-term basis prefer to call into bare-walled real estate. Most often these are couples with children who have already managed to amass their property. It is important for them to organize the space in the room. Residents will be able to independently decide how it will be more convenient to arrange furniture. Therefore, before renting an apartment and drawing up a contract, it is necessary to completely free the room from old furniture and faulty appliances. But do not forget about the repair. If you lay a laminate floor, install a suspended ceiling and glue beautiful wallpaper, residents can be found much faster. In addition, the cost of renting an apartment with cosmetic repairs will be much higher.

Where to look for a customer?

Before renting an apartment properly, you need to find good guests. How can I do that. First of all, you can distribute information to friends. The so-called word of mouth will do his job. Surely there are people who have long been looking for good housing. But this option is not suitable for those who want to rent out housing as quickly as possible. Often there are times when money is urgently needed or if you need to go abroad. In this case, the search for tenants is best entrusted to a real estate agency.

how to rent an apartmentMany people who seek to find a good place to stay also contact the agency. The guest will have to pay a commission to the realtor, but the landlord will not have any costs. Through the agency you can find really good tenants on a long-term basis. This option is perfect for those who do not know how to rent an apartment. The advice of specialists will help to conclude an agreement on the most favorable terms.

Submit an ad

If there is no rush in renting, you can try to find tenants yourself. All you need to do is submit an advertisement to a newspaper or post it on the corresponding website. How quickly the ad will be made depends on how quickly there are guests. It is necessary to provide all the necessary information about the property. It is necessary to indicate not only the address of the accommodation, but also the number of rooms, total footage, the presence of a balcony or loggia. If the apartment is furnished, it has the necessary appliances, this should also be indicated in the ad.

how to rent an apartment correctly and profitablyIt is very important in the ad to place photos of the apartment. A person who gets acquainted with the living space in absentia will most likely want to rent it. Before renting an apartment properly, real estate must be photographed from various angles. It’s better to remove everything superfluous from the frame. To interest a potential guest, the pictures must be really high quality.

Who to let in their housing?

This is a serious enough issue that worries almost all landlords. Do not trust the first guest you come across, even if he came on the recommendation of a real estate agency. After the first conversation, it will be possible to decide whether to rent a house for a person. You need to find out as much information as possible about a potential tenant. The landlord has the right to ask where the person works, whether he has bad habits. This is very important information that will help determine the solvency of a potential tenant.

It is worthwhile to find out the period of future residence before renting an apartment correctly. Making a lease for just a few months may be unprofitable. In the process of communicating with potential guests, you can weed out those who do not plan to stop for a long time.

We draw up a lease

It is possible to let residents into the apartment only when the lease agreement is drawn up correctly. This is the main document that describes the rights and obligations of the parties. First of all, the passport data of the landlord and guest, lease terms, as well as the cost of a monthly stay are indicated in the lease agreement.The document can also be set payment terms for the apartment. But this is optional. The parties may agree on the dates orally.

how to rent an apartment and draw up a contractHow to rent an apartment, so as not to be cheated? It is absolutely necessary to describe all the points in the contract. There may also be a clause regarding the delay in monthly payment. Most often, if the payment is delayed for 2 weeks, a penalty of 1% is added to the amount.

Before signing the contract, many landlords require a premium, which equals the amount of a month's stay. This is an additional guarantee that the room, after being left by the guest, will remain intact. The amount of the premium is also described in the contract. The document is considered valid only with the signatures of both parties.

What does the guest have no right to do?

A person who lives in an apartment on a rental basis does not have the right to dispose of the property of the owner, as well as spoil it. The landlord has the right to control the condition of his housing. It will be enough to visit the apartment once a month. Most often, the landlord inspects the housing when it comes for payment.

The guest does not have the right to change the locks in the rental room. An exception is force majeure (the apartment was robbed and whether the key broke). But in this case, tenants are required to give the landlord a duplicate of the keys.

That there were no problems with the law

Before renting an apartment properly, it’s worth reporting it to the tax office. In accordance with the Law on Personal Income Taxes, a landlord is required to pay 15% of his profit to the state. Otherwise, he faces a serious fine. Taxes will have to be paid quarterly.

how to rent an apartment rental taxThose who seek to rent an apartment officially will have to notarize the rental agreement. This, of course, is not a free procedure. Along with this, there is an additional guarantee of the safety of property, as well as timely payments from the guest. Therefore, for those who do not know how to rent an apartment, it is better to pay a rental tax in a timely manner.

If the tenant leaves the apartment

At the end of the contract, the guest can leave the apartment absolutely unhindered or renew the document. If the tenant still decided to move out, he has the right to return the insurance premium. At the same time, the owner inspects the premises and, if everything is in order, returns the agreed amount to the lessee. After the guest leaves the room, it is definitely worth changing the locks. In the matter of real estate is not worth the risk.

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Reason for complaint
Himself, too, it turns out to quickly find tenants;) If the apartment is in good condition and location, and the price is not sky-high, then it will be enough to announce the delivery on the same Avito. For half a day I found a dozen potential tenants - in the morning I published an ad, the next morning I already showed the apartment))
As for the accounts, I completely agree. With payment, you can immediately pick up payments. And in the article it’s correctly written about the photos of the apartment, when I put up an ad on Avito I first simply described the apartment without a photo, there were few calls, then I still got to the apartment and took a picture. the number of calls has tripled probably, in short, do not be lazy like me, here is my advice to you!
Correctly rent an apartment directly and not through an agency. Enough to advertise and wait for calls and customers themselves will find you.Be sure to keep an eye on the apartment and the counts.


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