
What is EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System)?

Many businessmen do not know what EGAIS is and why it is needed. At the moment, the Unified State Automated Information System is a mandatory tool with which any sellers or producers of alcoholic beverages should interact with in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is for this reason that it will be important for all representatives of this business to find out what EGAIS is and what it is used for.

Why is it needed?

what is egais

Modern practice suggests that approximately 30% of the total volume of alcohol in Russia is produced illegally, that is, in other words, every third bottle of alcoholic beverages is a counterfeit product. Naturally, in such an environment, the introduction of control is mandatory, but in fact for entrepreneurs who currently do not even know what EGAIS is, this is an additional stress.

If you are the owner of a retail store that operates in Russia, then in this case you need to keep in mind that, starting from 01.01.16, you must completely transfer information to the Unified State Automated Information System for all alcohol purchasing operations, even if if you only sell beer at retail. In July, the requirement comes into force that it is also necessary to create detailed reports on retail sales, and through this system each individual unit of sales must be conducted.

How does this system work in retail?

To understand how the EGAIS works, you need to consider the interaction with this system in several stages. The steps are as follows:

  • supply;
  • sale;
  • after sale;
  • failure cases.


egais beer

What is EGAIS, you need to understand from the beginning of placing an order. When receiving alcoholic drinks from suppliers, you must conduct a detailed reconciliation of the actual number of bottles with the electronic or paper invoice provided to you. You can confirm the fact of purchasing through this system using the document provided to you from the information system by e-mail, and on the computer there should be a specialized commodity accounting program that supports work with EGAIS. Do you sell beer or any other alcoholic drinks, in this case it does not matter.

If the data converges, then in this case you accept the invoice drawn up by the supplier, and then the fact of the purchase is finally confirmed in EGAIS. If some goods have damaged marks, then in this case the bill of lading may be completely rejected or the corresponding certificate of discrepancy is simply drawn up.

Suppose that everything worked out fine, and you confirmed the fact of the purchase at EGAIS. Beer and other drinks were purchased, and now it will be necessary to download all the data on marketable products into the cash program, which should also be installed on a computer in retail in accordance with the basic requirements of the EGAIS.

It is assumed that subsequently on each bottle with alcohol there will be a specialized mark on which a two-dimensional barcode with the marking Micro PDF417 is applied. This barcode includes basic information about the license and the manufacturer, and also indicates the main characteristics of the product.


After the bottles are already fully placed on the shelves, trading begins.Retail also has a direct relationship to EGAIS, so you need to keep records at all stages.

The buyer selects the desired product and is ready to pay its cost. After that, the cashier completely reads the information in the barcode using a 2D scanner, and the goods are beaten off in the check. At the same time, the cash register program generates an XML file, which is sent to the Universal Transport Module. This is a special application that exchanges information with the Rosalkogolregulirovanie server. It is there that a receipt will be created in which a barcode and digital signature of the store are present, a confirmation is sent to the cashier, after which the check can be closed. Thus, the implementation of each individual box or bottle of alcoholic beverages will be marked online through EGAIS. Alcohol is controlled by the state through this system, starting in 2016.

After sale

egais retail

Together with the purchased goods, the buyer should be provided with a check from the cashier, and he should not be standard, but equipped with a two-dimensional barcode. This code confirms that the fact of the sale of goods is recorded in EGAIS. Alcohol can be sold in absolutely any quantity, but at the same time only one code is marked on the check. Now the buyer is already able to independently verify the authenticity of the purchased alcohol by reading this code using his mobile phone, if it provides for such a function.

Many experts say that if the procedure for such an sale of alcohol products is carried out correctly, then in fact it does not even make sense to conduct a barcode check by the buyer himself. When the code cannot be read by the scanner at the checkout, the system will automatically record an attempt to implement counterfeit alcohol and, accordingly, will completely block it through EGAIS. Retail will work just like that with this system.


If the Internet in the store suddenly disappeared, then over a period of time, alcoholic beverages can continue to be sold, since the program will completely store the data on sales made. After the network is restored, the utility transmits all received data through the Unified State Automated Information System. In this case, alcohol will be sold normally, and checks will be closed. At the moment, work in this mode is allowed for no more than three days, and if during this period it is not possible to get rid of all the problems with alcohol present, then in this case it will be necessary to suspend the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Top Questions

egais alcohol

Despite the fact that the instruction includes a fairly large amount of necessary information for the EGAIS system, some issues remain unresolved for many.

First of all, many do not understand whether it is necessary to constantly scan each incoming bottle in the process of receiving goods from the supplier. In fact, there is no need to somehow scan the goods after they are received. Acceptance and work with suppliers are carried out within the framework of electronic document management in batches by volume parameters.

Also, many do not understand how the balances can be moved between several stores, but it is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. In accordance with the official position of FS RAR, any movement between separate divisions, as well as from the central office or warehouse, is allowed only if the store has a wholesale license. But if we consider this issue from a technical point of view, then UTM provides the opportunity to draw up travel invoices, and this does not contradict the rules that are included in the UGAIS instruction.

Among other things, the obvious question is whether the introduction of this system has been canceled alkodeclair, but in fact at the moment this system is still fully operational and thus will work even before 2018. After the EGAIS system begins to work normally at all enterprises involved in the sale of alcohol products, the standard declaration will be canceled.

Terms of connection

Beginning January 1, 2016, any company engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages must necessarily record every single fact of purchasing this product. The EGAIS system will thus be used not only in urban, but also in rural retail outlets. Another rather important date is July 1 of the same year, since from this date any companies, in addition to directly reporting on purchases, will also have to commit through EGAIS and any retail sales.

It is worth noting that the management of Rosalkogolregulirovanie gave some relief to retailers and suppliers, which will be valid until April 2016. This does not mean that the Unified State Automated Information System should not be installed on time, but the Federal Service said that they understand that in the process of putting this system into operation, users may initially experience various difficulties, and therefore, if someone then any violations will appear, for this there will be no severe penalties.

In this case, many wondered whether to connect to this system directly on January 1, if after that it is not planned to purchase alcohol products for a long time. Indeed, in this situation, you can register a little later, but if you need to write off the goods or return them to the supplier, then during these operations the Unified State Automated Information System should already be used.

If you still have any goods that were purchased before January 1, then you won’t need to put them on balance, that is, you can completely engage in their sale without any concern. But in the event that you need to issue an invoice for a return to the supplier or write-off of these products, all these operations can be carried out only after the registration in EGAIS, and for this such products should already be taken into account.

New rules for the sale of beer in 2016

egais instruction

Private entrepreneurs who sell beer and various beer drinks as well as cider, mead and poir, in accordance with the new rules in force since 2016, must implement such a procedure as registration in EGAIS. After that, any information about the procurement will be transferred to this system. The vast majority of alcohol retailers need to do this from January 1. Fixing other facts of beer sales in 2016 is not provided for by the new rules.

Is EGAIS required in public catering?

Given the clarifications of the official authorities, the answer to the question whether EGAIS is required in public catering is also quite relevant. Catering enterprises that sell alcoholic beverages must record the purchase of such products in the EGAIS system. At the same time, fixing sales of such drinks in restaurants and cafes is not provided.

Exemption from this system

egais system

It is worth noting a few rules, according to which some companies selling alcoholic beverages are temporarily exempted from the need to register with EGAIS.

First of all, relief in this law is provided for companies whose work is carried out in the Crimea and Sevastopol.In particular, this applies to those organizations involved in the retail sale of alcohol, as well as to individual entrepreneurs who sell beer and various low-alcohol drinks in retail. In urban settlements, the beginning of the recording of facts of the acquisition of alcohol in EGAIS should begin from the beginning of 2017. If we talk about rural settlements, then for them in the EGAIS the registration will have to be carried out even later - from January 1, 2018.

Various retail alcohol organizations that operate in rural areas with a population of up to three thousand people, where full Internet is not currently available in stores, belong to the category of companies that should not record alcohol-containing products to fix sales, and in this case there is a delay until July 1, 2017. If we talk about procurements, then in this case there are, in principle, no delays for rural settlements.

In addition to the fact that procurement must be registered with EGAIS, even not all rural settlements are exempted from fixing sales. The list of settlements for which such deferrals will be granted is approved directly by the subject of the federation.

There are also several categories of companies that are exempt from the need to connect EGAIS:

  • manufacturers of beer drinks, cider, beer, poire or mead, which produce no more than 300,000 decalitres annually;
  • producers of champagne or wine made from their own grapes;
  • in terms of fixing sales, the need to connect to EGAIS is not provided for individual entrepreneurs who sell the above-low-alcohol drinks at retail, as well as for catering organizations, that is, restaurants and cafes.

Also important is the fact that at the moment there is completely no legislative support for the legal Internet trade in alcohol, but regulatory authorities say that this issue is being actively considered. So far, it is assumed that future legislation regulating all these processes will prescribe restrictions on the time of sales, as well as on the age of buyers.


Maintaining such a journal has also become required since 2016. It should contain the number, barcode, product name and its code, date of the sale, as well as the quantity and capacity in liters. Data informing about the features of the supply of alcohol will not be displayed in such a journal. The form of its conduct is approved by the order of "Rosalkogolregulirovanie"

unified state automated information system

The document can be kept in electronic or paper form. Provided that you are directly connected to EGAIS, the requirements for maintaining such a journal can be considered fully implemented, but there are also certain subtleties. Fixation of the retail trade in alcoholic beverages in EGAIS becomes mandatory only in July 2016, and the journal has been maintained since January, that is, it will be necessary to record sales for six months separately. But in reality today there is a fairly large number of specialized services that provide opportunities for the implementation of any requirements for maintaining an accounting journal.

In connection with all these features, it is recommended that you begin to study the rules of operation of this system now, so that later you will not experience any difficulties.

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