
How to develop a sense of humor in a person?

A sense of humor can be called one of the most attractive, charming qualities of a person. Many will agree with this statement. But is it possible to develop a sense of humor?

The joke is one of the best helpers during the conversation. In what other way, if not with laughter, is it possible to defuse the situation or prevent the wrong line from offending the other person? But this ability in most people causes not only harmless admiration, but also white envy. Even if you really try to subtly feel the current situation and manage to make a joke - this task is not so simple.

Yu. Tamberg paid attention to this issue. “How to develop a sense of humor” is one of the most popular books on the topic we are considering. The author, among the main characteristics that a person with a sense of humor should have, calls developed thinking, instant reaction, ironic attitude to reality and much more.

how to develop a sense of humor

Sometimes in response to the question: “How to develop a sense of humor?” You can hear that it is a gift that has no explanation. Is it possible to do something if this ability decided to bypass you? What to do in a situation if you are trying to make someone laugh or show off your wit, but just get lost, can't find what to say, or nothing works out for you? Is it possible and how to develop a sense of humor, which, at first glance, you do not have and did not have? Answer: it is possible and even necessary! A sense of humor can be not only innate, but also acquired. With some effort, you can “learn” to joke.

Humor and sense of humor: what is it?

Humor ... What is it? In order to emphasize the absurdity, absurdity, imprudence of a person, his actions or any object, they use humor. This technique is aimed at causing laughter or at least a smile from the audience. In many cases, this happens in an exaggerated and demonstrative manner.

How to develop a sense of humor? How to learn to understand jokes and “make” them? A sense of humor is the ability of an observer to notice the funny in people and situations, in dialogs and objects. If a person has a tendency to simply cause a smile on the faces of others, to make humorous remarks or comments, then this means that he has the ability to joke.

how to develop a sense of humor

A sense of humor - a gift from nature or a skill acquired in life?

Is there any way to learn how to make funny jokes? Can a child develop a sense of humor? And if there is no innate wit, is there a chance to shine with the mind? Exhale with relief - eat. How to develop a sense of humor? Exercises, books and much more will help you on the path to mastering wit. Diligence and practice are your best friends on the path to the title of "company soul."

How to develop a sense of humor in children? The sooner this gift is brought up in a child, the better. Of course, a genetic predisposition to the ability to joke takes place. From parents at birth, this skill is passed on to the child. However, the further development of the gift of wit is entirely dependent on the environment. It is the environment around the child that will determine whether he, as an adult, will have an ironic attitude to reality or will his character be extremely straightforward.

How to develop a sense of humor in a child? A kid in whose family a regular joke is a good joke is likely to have the ability to make people laugh himself. If a joke, a joke and sarcasm are rare in a child’s environment, then even in the case of an innate tendency to a good sense of humor, he is unlikely to develop this skill.

how to develop a sense of humor in a child

What is the main argument in favor of learning a sense of humor? Many avid jokers and jokers are extremely shy and modest personalities. In their case, a joke is a kind of protective reaction from their timidity and shyness, which helps to overcome them. Over a period of time, jokers develop a peculiar behavioral reaction to their own shortcomings.

Types of humor

There is a wide variety of types and forms of humor: wit, sarcasm, pun, irony, pun, satire, parody and much more. Each of these forms has its own characteristics and only one common component - they make people laugh. Each joke is good for a specific situation, the age of the target audience, the scope of the audience, and so on, also matter.

Why is the ability to be funny is important? What is the role and place of humor in people's lives?

Of course, a sense of humor is valuable in all areas of life. It is much easier for a person who has wit and a subtle sense of intimacy to go through life. However, the benefit lies not only in a more simplified search for contact with people. There is benefit for the joker himself, because he will be much easier and easier to relate to all situations that arise. Even if failure or unpleasantness touched him, the elaborated reflex to find something funny will work in relation to himself, which will remove the main consequence - stress.

how to develop a sense of humor in children

A person who does not have a sense of humor is usually very straightforward and too rational. Of course, such an attitude to reality can create difficulties in social adaptation, problems in communicating with people, in particular with those who are used to looking at the world with a share of irony. The conflict of perception of the surrounding reality in this case is inevitable.

For an overly straightforward person, any unplanned, unexpected or unpleasant event will cause stress, while a sense of humor in such a situation will act as a protective reaction that will greatly simplify the unpleasant consequences for both the body and the soul. One cannot disagree with the fact that most people do not want to indulge in despondency and worry about trifles once again, especially if there is an opportunity to relate to the current situation more easily.

Let's talk about the benefits of laughter

Before we talk about how to develop a good sense of humor, let's discuss why people should laugh at all.

Why is the ability to make someone laugh is useful? Scientists from America concluded that laughter has a beneficial effect on all parts of the human body. In particular, it is of great benefit to the face, because, smiling, a person uses 15 facial muscles, providing blood flow to them. The researchers proved that a good joke stimulates a certain part of the brain that begins to produce endorphins, or the so-called hormones of happiness, pleasure.

Laughter is also extremely useful for the heart: the lungs of a laughing person are able to process a much larger volume of air, enriching the blood with oxygen useful to the heart, and the internal organs receive the necessary substances through the expansion of blood vessels.

Surprisingly, laughter has the ability to significantly strengthen the immune system. So, according to the results of experiments, in the saliva of people who recently laughed for a long time, there are significantly more substances fighting microbes.

According to scientists, the tears released from the eyes during a strong and long laugh can relieve internal stress and even relieve depression. Interestingly, the tears caused by crying have the same effect.

is it possible to develop a sense of humor

Not so long ago, the theory of the analgesic effect of laughter was proved. So, after watching a comedy film, a person loses susceptibility to pain for some time.

Psychology of humor

Many people notice that a joke that one person laughed at for a long time can be completely incomprehensible to another.This can happen even with people of the same circle of communication, and not just, say, in an audience with obvious intercultural differences. Although the mentality, of course, is of the utmost importance. Remember the phrase "what is good for the Russian, death is for the German"? So it is with humor. What seems extremely funny to an American or even a European can be completely incomprehensible to a representative of the Slavic people.

Therefore, a joke is an extremely universal manifestation and largely depends on the subtleties of the cultural environment. Not the last role in this matter will play and age differences. So, adolescents tend to have more rude jokes, while the older generation will prefer jokes or satire.

Important components of humor are gender, education, profession, social status and much more.

Thus, it is impossible to predict in advance how ridiculous this or that joke will be. However, such attempts are nevertheless made by scientists of such sciences as sociology, anthropology, psychology, linguistics and others. Of course, there is no single equivalent of “jokes” to a joke. Here, the main criterion is how much the joke reached its goal: did it relieve stress, did it relieve the situation, did many find it funny and the like.

 how to develop a good sense of humor

If you want to consider the psychology of humor in as much detail as possible, then you should refer to the following books:

  • Wilde O. “The Importance of Being Serious.”
  • Tamberg Yu. G. "How to develop a sense of humor."
  • Douglas A. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Thus, the ability to smile for oneself and make others laugh can be developed by any person. Not sure how to develop a sense of humor? We offer the following recommendations.

How to develop a sense of humor?

People who know how to deliver a witty joke in time are always in the spotlight. The soul of the company - that's what they call a person who has a sense of humor. He will always find a common language with all interlocutors in any circle of communication, he is admired and listened to. How to develop a sense of humor to be the soul of the company?

Below are some basic tips to help you develop a sense of humor.


Acquiring any new skill requires lengthy practice. Do not miss any opportunity. Do not be lazy to write down your favorite joke or joke. Try to imitate those you think are funny - your favorite comedians or your own friends.


A relaxed attitude to everything that happens is an important component of any joke. Only in this case, the comedian will be able to see the situation from an unusual angle or, conversely, call a spade a spade. There is no need to exacerbate the situation once more, taking it seriously. If you understand that nothing can already be changed, then you can quite afford to think creatively about what happened.

Humor does not oblige you to anything, but at the same time it allows you to give free rein to your imagination without attracting undesirable consequences to you. You will find only positive reviews if you come up with a non-standard and funny solution for the situation.

Skillfully criticize

In most cases, the jokes that are most popular are criticisms of something or anyone. Therefore, tune yourself to a wave of irony. Around so many you can laugh - forget about your sentimentality and good nature for at least some time! But do not target someone. Start with yourself. Make fun of your romantic thoughts, because, as we have already noticed, the best way to make a joke is to make fun of yourself. People around you will always be happy to take such a joke, especially if you choose a sufficiently bright character trait.

Yu Tamberg how to develop a sense of humor

Laugh at the problems

It is almost as difficult as learning to laugh at yourself. However, it is this ability that is valued above all. Manage to find the funny in the sad - so you will become an indispensable friend.If a difficult situation arises, everyone is just waiting for someone to joke about it successfully, defuse the situation, calm everyone down and bring them to their senses.

Be careful about people

Not everyone will be happy if they start joking with them, even if humor is in a positive way. There is always the possibility of inadvertently humiliating or insulting a person.

Therefore, it is better to choose a universal theme or joke about yourself. To successfully joke at another person, you must first learn to laugh at yourself.

Associations are the key to success

A large number of jokes are based on associations. Therefore, in order to ironize most subtly, it is necessary to have developed associative thinking. Someone has it inborn, but someone will have to develop it. How to do it?

Choose any item for yourself and try to pick out as many associations to it as possible. Write down everything that came to mind. Of course, you should not think for a long time, because a sense of humor is a fairly quick reaction to what is happening, a kind of impromptu. Browse through the list, striking out what you think is not suitable, and what seems like a good comparison will be the basis for a joke.

Choose a mentor

To assess your progress, select people who are sophisticated in terms of humor. Even if such a person succeeds in causing a smile, you can be proud of yourself.how to develop a sense of humor exercise

Don't get bored

If you do not see anything funny in the situation, then you should not point it out to other interlocutors. Also, the image of a person who at least understands humor will play into your hands.

To develop a critical and relaxed attitude towards the world is a very difficult task. But at the same time, it’s not so difficult that there is no reason to take it. A little effort, a strong desire and regular practice will allow you to fully develop the ironic way of thinking. And one day you will unconsciously break out a remark that will plunge everyone around into an infectious laughter!

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