
Sociability. What does a concept really mean

The ability of people to communicate lies in the concept of sociability.


In our vocabulary, words borrowed from different languages ​​have been actively gaining momentum recently, including the concept of "sociability". What is the term really like? It is borrowed from the Latin language. Communication means "connected, communicating, communication", that is, the ability to communicate with others.

sociability what is

Sociability development process

From birth, every person is endowed with certain abilities. One of the main ones that enable a person to interact comfortably in society is sociability. What does a person have to do in order to find a common language with people? After all, for this you do not need to be a polyglot, to read a lot of literature is unthinkable. Nevertheless, this ability is associated not only with the moral and ethical qualities of the individual, but also with the physiological component and is partly inherent in everyone from the moment of birth. Depending on various psychological characteristics, people interact with each other in different ways.

Since from the moment of birth a person is in society, an important aspect of his life is communication. Sociability from the first days of life develops with the help of the immediate environment. In the family, on the example of the behavior of their parents, the child learns to interact. Next, kindergarten, school, friends, work, etc. are connected to this process.

Filling out the questionnaire when applying for a job or describing the nature of a person, it has become relevant in the description of personal characteristics to indicate such qualities as responsibility, sociability. Especially in the field of service and sales, where you have to communicate a lot with customers. The definition of "sociability" what does it mean from the point of view of the employer?

communication skills

From a business point of view, this character trait should be aimed at the result. That is, it is necessary, using your communicative qualities, to interest a certain counterparty, establish strong partnerships with him or conclude a profitable contract. The concept of "sociability" - what does the definition mean for an ordinary person? The simplest and most understandable explanation is that this word means the ability to communicate.

Communication skills

For some, the process of interacting with others is easy, while others have great difficulty establishing contacts. There are a sufficient number of reasons why one person easily and naturally feels in an unfamiliar company, while the other avoids communication in every possible way. Sometimes, by nature, he is rather timid or simply does not own the topic of conversation, so he prefers to remain silent. Others may be prevented from communicating by ordinary bad manners.

Types of Communications

The main purpose of communication is the transfer of information.

Depending on the characteristics, the following types of sociability can be distinguished:

  • Dominant. This superior type exerts constant pressure on the interlocutor. This is expressed not only in a loud voice, but also in constant interruption, a harsh manner of communication, entering the interlocutor’s personal space. The advantage of this type is excellent oratory and the ability to quickly respond and make decisions in different situations.
  • The introvert is the antipode of the dominant. This type of communication is peculiar: embarrassment, quiet voice, excessive compliance.
  • The mobile type easily and quickly joins the conversation and also disconnects from it. Sometimes it can end a phrase if it seems to him that the interlocutor is very slowly formulating his thought.
  • For the rigid type, the communication process is complicated by the fact that it needs time to tune in for the conversation. Such interlocutors formulate their thoughts with pedantic accuracy.

Communication skills

For a sociable person, the following qualities are characteristic:

  • ability to communicate, ease of conversation;
  • respect for the interlocutor;
  • a sense of humor, especially if the conversation is at an impasse or a scandal is brewing;
  • oratory;
  • ability to interest the interlocutor and keep his attention.communication sociability

How to develop interpersonal skills

The development of sociability is an important process in which the following must be remembered:

  1. When talking with a person, one does not need to pay attention to his appearance and draw hasty conclusions about his social status. He can be a pleasant conversationalist and an excellent partner when it comes to business. It is best to focus not on the outside, but on the inside of the personality. This is the only way to get an excellent conversationalist and enjoy the process of communication.
  2. A calm, restless person looks confident in the eyes of the interlocutor, sets him up for conversation in the right direction.
  3. To hear the interlocutor. This ability is not given to every person and is one of his strengths. Learning to listen to speech to the end, not to interrupt, to support the thread of a conversation, to show your involvement throughout the conversation in non-verbal ways of communication is a talent.
  4. Express your thoughts accurately, articulate sentences, avoid vague and ambiguous concepts in your conversation so that the person you are talking to does not lose the thread of the conversation.
  5. Constantly evolve. Reading literature, attending special trainings provide a good basis for communication. A diversified person is able to support any conversation.
  6. The practice of communication. You can read, learn, know a lot, but never use your skills for various reasons. Therefore, it is important to open up for communication. Any, even not the most pleasant, communication over time will help to develop certain skills and make this process effective.sociability responsibility

Communication helps to find various topics for conversation with any person, anywhere, in any company.

In this article, we examined the qualities of sociability, its main characteristics, types, identified communication problems, etc.

sociability development

This concept can be characterized using various methods and approaches to the study. The development of interpersonal skills is important, because it is precisely this that promotes the advancement of a person to the peak of success.

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