
How to make polymer clay jewelry with your own hands: master class

Polymer clay jewelry is very popular today. Thanks to the many techniques for working with this material, the products are unusual. Among them are those that mimic well-known materials (precious stones, metals). And there are fruits made of clay, vegetables very similar to real ones. But in any case, these decorations turn out to be beautiful and bright, attract attention, complement the image.


Decoration is a harmonious addition to something with the goal of creating a complete image or an aesthetically beautiful look.

As an item, jewelry can be used to convey information, attract attention, mask any defects, express a protest or assert itself.Jewelry made of polymer clay

Depending on fashion trends, jewelry is divided into:

  • jewelry;
  • jewelry;
  • accessories;
  • makeup;
  • tattoos and piercings;
  • nail art;
  • embroidery fabric decoration.

Jewelry made of polymer clay in this classification refers to jewelry. This material has appeared recently and has firmly taken a place in the workshops of folk craftsmen. From it is much easier than from ordinary clay, to mold original things.

To work with this clay, it is enough to master basic knowledge. Then, in the course of work on each thing, modeling skills will improve.

Polymer clay jewelry

Each of these jewelry items is a handmade product made using a special technology. It is unique and inimitable. The material is so malleable that almost anything can be made from it: fruits, shapes, flowers in any style and in any color. Working with this clay, you can imitate gems. A diverse color palette will allow you to achieve unusual shades.

Polymer clay jewelry is very bright and catchy due to the color saturation of the source material. Products are very durable and lightweight, due to the structure of the clay itself. In addition, it goes well with other materials, which allows you to make real masterpieces.How to make polymer clay jewelry

To understand what such products are, we will take a step-by-step look at how to make polymer clay jewelry.

Execution technology

There are many techniques or methods for sculpting such jewelry. Let's consider some of them.

Millefiori technique, or "sausage". The name translates from Italian as "thousands of flowers." This method has been known since the fourteenth century. In the bar along its entire length, a drawing is made in different colors, then the bar is stretched, and the pattern is saved on each cut. Most often, vegetables, fruits, flowers, buttons, flat beads are made in this technique.How to make polymer clay jewelry

Stroppel cane technique. Its essence is that the remains of previous sausage sticks are laid out tightly on a black layer. Then it is cut in half, the halves are joined and aligned with a rolling pin. Cut again, folded and leveled. The resulting block is cut into thin, 1.5-2 mm, plates, from which the craft is then made.

Technique "Brick". Two colored sausages are made. Then they are cut into small pieces, which are laid out on a black layer in a checkerboard pattern. Then the layer is divided into two parts that are folded together. On top is another black layer. Everything is trimmed with a rolling pin and cut into thin layers, from which the details of future products are then executed.

This is only part of the ways to make polymer clay jewelry. Each of them allows you to get a very original product.

Beginner Tips

If you want to learn how to make jewelry from polymer clay, then these tips will help you master this type of needlework:

  • It is necessary to purchase all the necessary tools and materials. This will help to do the job correctly and avoid damage to the products.
  • Starting work with polymer clay, it is better to purchase only a few colors. As you master this needlework, the color scheme can be expanded.
  • It is necessary to work with gloves, since fingerprints remain on the clay. Then they will need to be hidden under a layer of varnish, and it is difficult for an inexperienced master to do this.
  • Before you start sculpting, you need to get knowledge. This will help the study of literature, the lessons of experienced masters.

DIY polymer clay jewelry

Following these tips, you can quickly master this technique and learn how to sculpt beautiful things.

Master Class

Now let us consider in detail how polymer clay jewelry is made. The master class "Sweet Bracelet" shows all the intricacies of working with polymer clay.

For the manufacture of jewelry we take the following materials and tools:

  • polymer clay, acrylic paints and pastels of the right colors;
  • base chain;
  • toothpicks.

At the first stage, we will make a blank for the future "cookie". To do this, we make two pancakes with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm from brown clay. Now, along the edge, pressing with a toothpick, we make recesses. When both circles are ready, we make a third, contrasting in color, place it in the middle and connect all three together. It remains to make a hole with a toothpick, insert a ring, for which we will then attach the “cookie” to the chain, decorate and bake.

You can make all the cookies the same or, conversely, different. Fantasy will tell you how best.Jewelry made of polymer clay. Master Class

When the individual elements are ready, it remains only to attach them to the chain - and the smart bracelet is ready. He will surely draw attention to his owner, as he is original and bright.

Stylish gift

Jewelry made of polymer clay, made with his own hands, will please not only the master: they can become a stylish gift or a means of earning. These are things that are done manually, and therefore, are different from one another, even if they are made using the same technology.

Jewelry made of polymer clay is obtained by very interesting accessories. All imagination and all creativity allow you to create such things that exist in only one instance. These products are good.

Working with polymer clay is very exciting. In addition, some techniques require attention and concentration. This allows you to escape from problems and surrender to the power of imagination. And the end result allows you to feel like a real artist.

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