
Own business: production of plastic products. Business plan: production and sale of jewelry. Equipment and technologies for making jewelry

manufacture of plastic products

From the moment of its creation to this day, plastic products do not lose popularity. Plastic is cheap, it is perfect for mass production therefore, it is currently used in huge quantities. So, polymer cases for high-tech gadgets, car interior parts, and even artificial organs for humans - all these are realities of today.

The manufacture of plastic products is more than cost-effective. Let us discuss why this business is extremely profitable to this day, despite pretty decent competition in this segment.

Business prospects

As we have already said, the competition in this segment is quite high. This is especially noticeable in the example of the interaction of our retail chains with the Chinese market, which supplies a huge amount of such products to our country.

To compete with the fast-moving Chinese, your production of plastic products should be focused on the most promising and dynamically developing market segments. For example, in recent years, more and more individual entrepreneurs have appeared in our country. Many of them are engaged in food production.

Accordingly, they always have a need for cheap and high-quality packaging, for the release of which plastic is ideal.

Do not forget about agriculture. In recent years, animal husbandry in private households has become increasingly important. People need buckets and animal care items, plastic drinking bowls and feeders, basins and other utensils. In a word, when basing your own production of plastic products, always focus on the needs of the population in your region.

One stop solution

When organizing your own business, you have to focus on many factors, each of which can have a significant impact on the profitability and overall “vitality” of the business.

But there is also a universal solution that is suitable for almost all regions. This is jewelry. We will consider a business plan for its production today.

Global manufacturers

It is generally accepted that only unknown companies of Chinese and Indian origin are engaged in the production of cheap jewelry, but this is far from the case. Confirmation is the list of world-famous companies that also do not disdain the production of jewelry intended for a wide range of customers.

These include the "monsters" of world fashion, such as Yves Saint-Laurent and even Christian Dior, Ted Lapidus and Kenzo. On the shelves of western stores you can often see jewelry from Valentino. And these are not cheap crafts of the Chinese, as is the case with our retail chains, but the real jewelry from famous companies. As you can see, the brands of expensive jewelry are recognizable all over the world.

Famous Chinese firms

Despite all the above facts, it is not worth considering that in the Celestial Empire they are making entirely cheap fakes that flood our markets. Not at all.

Among the huge number of cottage industries and enterprises, Kiel James Patrick and Gold Filled are doing well.These jewelry manufacturers in China also earned worldwide fame, and therefore their products can now be seen even in expensive boutiques.

If you want to organize a business by selling the products of these companies, we advise you to work directly with China. You can often find a paradoxical situation in which local handicraft industries copy the products of their own compatriots. Such ersatzians often go to our country, forming a negative attitude towards Chinese jewelry in general.

The advantages of manufacturing domestic jewelry

It is generally accepted that products of this kind are the destiny of only young people and people with not too high incomes. Unfortunately, this opinion was rooted in the fact that the shelves of our stores are literally littered with low-grade jewelry from India and China. Their cost is low, and the quality is even lower.

As a rule, such a production of plastic products is in the hands of the Chinese, Turks and Indians. They do not have much idea of ​​any design refinements, and therefore are mainly engaged in rough copying of products from leading world brands in the field of high fashion.

jewelry making

Accordingly, the resulting jewelry is only formally such. But in the world it is becoming increasingly important high-quality expensive jewelry. Demand for it will always be. This is confirmed by world jewelry manufacturers: according to their information, high-quality and beautiful jewelry is a fashion trend that is becoming more common.

Plastic for production

Once again, back to the topic of cheap Chinese jewelry. It is not recognized by customers also for the reason that the materials of the lowest quality are used in its manufacture. It often happens that the brooch smells sharply of some chemical components.

The danger here is not in the smell itself, but in how all these substances can affect the skin of a person. Accordingly, the most stringent requirements are imposed on the polymers used: plastic can only be food grade, do not contain any substances that could adversely affect health.

Raw materials

By the way, where can I get raw materials of such high quality? Immediately you are disappointed: in our country there are production of plastic of appropriate quality, but there are not so many of them, and the cost of production is high.

jewelry making equipment

Many manufacturers prefer to buy granular raw materials in South Korea and China. It costs there very cheaply, and customs duties on it are low.

Important! Be very careful when buying plastic in China. The fact is that the cheapest products are processed products made from recycled materials. You cannot use such materials for making jewelry.

Equipment and its approximate cost

First, you need to purchase an extrusion line. The simplest model with a load of up to 150 kg of raw materials will cost about 1.5 million rubles. Such equipment for the manufacture of jewelry is currently produced not only in China.

Secondly, a line for thermoforming plastic is required. In addition, you will need to buy a vacuum loader. Finally, it will not be possible to do without a large number of molds in which finished products will be formed.

The finished line for the production of quality jewelry will cost 5-7 million rubles.

Production technology

If we talk specifically about plastic jewelry, then casting and stamping are the most common and cheap technology. In the first case, the molten plastic is simply poured into pre-prepared forms and cooled. After that, surplus material is removed from the surface of the products, jewelry is brought to the required form.

When stamping, almost the same thing happens, but the plastic is not brought to a molten state. The material is simply heated, and then stamped out the necessary products on the molds.

Separately, it is worth mentioning sketches for production. Most manufacturers simply buy sketches from some famous designers. If you have such an opportunity, you can hire a full-time designer. We do not recommend doing illegal copying, since the fines for such activities in recent years have been very serious.

Production room

jewelry manufacturers in china

In principle, there are no unbelievable requirements for the premises where it is planned to establish the production of plastic products.

First, you need an electrical network that can withstand 380 V. A fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system are mandatory.

Since the manufacture of jewelry is a potentially hazardous activity for human health, the workshop should be located no closer than a kilometer from the nearest residential buildings.

In addition, water supply and sewerage are required. Water is rarely used directly in production, since in the manufacture of costume jewelry, ready-made raw materials are much more often needed, but it is extremely necessary for cooling workpieces and for organizing leisure for workers.


To service the machines, you will need to hire three or four laborers, a couple of movers, a forwarding driver, production technologist and designer. In addition, staff will be required to clean the premises. Do not forget that from their salary it is necessary to deduct interest to social funds (about 30%).

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