
How to make a unique selling proposition? Examples of USP

It often happens that modern companies try to create a unique selling proposition, but they get an absolutely awkward result. Such suggestions to experts seem typical, dull, too generalized and completely devoid of any benefits.

However, at the same time, many experts are well aware that it is a unique selling proposition that is the foundation of any business, and it is around it that the entire marketing strategy is built completely. Thus, the company can profitably isolate itself from various competitors, as well as occupy its own part of the market.

What it is?

unique selling proposition

A unique selling proposition is a briefly worded message about a particular service, product or the whole company, which allows them to be distinguished from a number of other similar ones, and is also an incentive for a customer to make a purchase.

This term was first proposed by a fairly well-known marketer Rosser Reeves (USA). In his work, he tried to contrast USP with standard storefront advertising at that time, which provided exclusively for the extolling of goods, but did not mean introducing the client to the various competitive features of the products offered.

Why is this so important?

A unique selling proposition is the core of the company’s work, which is surrounded by various actions by specialists. In this core, such concepts as the characteristics of the target audience, positioning, mixing, the advantages of a particular product or service, as well as the business tasks of the company itself are combined.

If this core is weak, then there will be no effectiveness from all sorts of related actions, as a result of which the outlines of the company will gradually spread across the entire sales market, and at some time the boundaries of the business will begin to blur or even completely disappear.

Thus, if a company has a strong enough unique selling proposition, then it can itself be called strong.

How to make it?

unique selling point examples

Leading experts say that it can take quite a long amount of time to search for UTP, but in the end you will need to get something that will allow your business to take its own place in the minds of consumers.

In order for you to figure out how to make UTP (a unique selling proposition), then we will consider several important scenarios.

Development algorithm

Initially, you need to collect primary information and compile a table indicating the characteristics of the goods in it, as well as their competitive advantages for potential consumers. Experience suggests that the more information you provide to your target audience, the better. In this case, you should definitely indicate all the advantages and benefits for potential consumers, even if, in your opinion, they are insignificant. After you determine all the benefits and advantages, it will be possible to cross out those that your competitors can offer, because the main goal in this case is to determine exactly those advantages that are unique to your company.

Next, you should check in detail the relevance of the benefits. First of all, query statistics of the main search engines will help you with this. You need to check each individual benefit using search queries to understand how often potential consumers are looking for a solution to this problem.

Loyal customers can be offered to fill out special feedback cards, highlighting any of the most significant benefits for them. If you were not able to achieve any specific results by comparing the advantages with the benefits that your competitors offer, you can instruct marketers, as well as commercial service employees, to ask why loyal customers decided to work with you. At the output, it will be possible to get a variety of answers, but several of the most common ones can be used in the process of forming the UTP.

Among other things, you should conduct a sales analysis. Using this method involves identifying the most important problems of potential consumers, and proposing their solutions in a unique proposal.

Unique parameter

utp unique selling proposition

In the event that you work in a market that is filled with competing companies, then in this case you must definitely determine what your unique difference is from all other offers. If you cannot find it, you will need to create it.

Considering the examples that a unique selling proposition may have, one can recall the Twix chocolate bars and highlight their distinguishing effect - this is the division of a standard bar into two separate sticks, on which a whole communication strategy was later built.

What competitors have not noticed

It’s hard enough to come up with something original if you work in a classic business. In this case, you will need to find what competing companies have lost sight of in the process of their work. For example, at one time Claude Hopkins found such an interesting fact that the paste is able not only to clean teeth, but also helps to remove plaque.

In addition, considering a unique selling proposition, interesting examples can also be cited from the process of developing this man's UTP for a beer brand. In particular, he drew attention to the fact that at the factory the bottles were not just washed, but additionally poured with a high-power jet of steam, as a result of which he decided to bring this process into his own concept.

Of course, in this case, you will need to completely immerse yourself in all areas of the business, starting from the production process and ending with the work of secretaries or the delivery service.

John carleton formula

creating a unique selling proposition

This formula is ideal for a business that is developing in the service sector, because there is not even a need to come up with something creative or revolutionary. Simply substitute your data, and ultimately ensure the creation of a unique selling proposition.

By using a specific service or product, we help the target audience solve the problem with a clear benefit. Thus, defining all these nuances, you should most clearly explain to the audience why your product or service is most beneficial to them.


In the event that with the help of the product you are offering, the problem of consumers is solved by some completely new method, you must state this without fail, since creating a unique selling proposition in such a situation will be much easier. In particular, you should indicate the following features:

  • All kinds of innovative formulas.
  • The use of some new packaging.
  • A product that is new to the market.
  • The introduction of a new format of interaction with consumers.
  • Using a revolutionary delivery option.
  • And much more.

This is especially true in the field of pharmaceuticals, where those who use the most modern technologies and effective formulas are mostly successful.

Problem USP

how to create a unique selling proposition

Often, companies prefer to endure the problem of the target audience, since it will also be easier to make a unique selling proposition in this case, and it can turn out to be much more effective. In other words, in this case it is not the description of the service that is considered, but the way in which a particular service or product solves the complex problem of its consumer. Most often, it looks something like this:

  • “Did you have such a problem?” Our product will help you solve it quickly and effectively. ”

Thus, a consumer who really has such a problem will find out that it can be solved with the help of your product. Similarly, for those people who may have such a problem in the future, its solution will automatically be associated with your brand.

UTP with a bonus

Among other things, many companies use a unique selling proposition in advertising with a certain present, offering their customers all kinds of bonuses, discounts, gifts, guarantees, as well as many other things pleasant for the consumer. It is worth noting that experts call this a truly successful scenario for most unique offers, but you should understand that there are no guarantees that this USP can work equally effectively for a long time. For this reason, the use of this formula in the predominant majority of cases occurs in the process of conducting all kinds of seasonal promotions, since in many other cases the development of a unique trading offer with a bonus is impractical.

USP from a position of strength

 how to create a unique selling proposition

In this case, you need to use absolutely all of your influence and the strengths of your own product. All envious people or friends need to demonstrate absolutely all the benefits of your company as a whole or the proposed product and service in particular.

Among these strengths, several characteristics can be distinguished:

  • Low cost.
  • Wide range of.
  • Completely free customer service.
  • The sale of goods from any promoted brands.
  • Support for a certain bright personality (a famous athlete, politician, actor, etc.).
  • The presence of a huge number of diplomas and awards.
  • The presence of offices throughout the country.

Thus, it is permissible to use absolutely any characteristics to which the word “most” can be assigned. At the same time, it is worth noting that for the vast majority of consumers today it is not enough just to say “the most”, but you also need to somehow reinforce this statement with any figures or facts.


Few people understand the fact that a unique selling proposition in a business can even be based on any minor flaws, because with a competent approach they can ultimately be turned into a fairly serious competitive advantage.

If you find such a characteristic, you will definitely need to declare it in a unique proposal being prepared. Some examples are the following:

  • Our juice runs out too fast.
  • Homemade meat without any water in the package.
  • A tutor who does not spare students.

How to use it?

unique selling proposition in advertising

If you have not yet learned the rules for compiling a unique trading offer and have not yet created it, you should use the above scenarios in order to elaborate on a new unique offer, correctly setting all sorts of accents.

Initially, you need to determine as accurately as possible what are the main features of your business, as well as what characteristics it differs in general. The list can be filled endlessly, while improving and changing an already developed proposal.You can put off this list, and then after a certain time come back and supplement it with any new elements that you managed to discover in the process of your work. You should cross out everything unnecessary, dull, boring, or similar to competing companies. Thus, it will ultimately be possible to leave exactly what will be the core of your business.

If you think that this is too complicated or takes a very large amount of time, then in this case you can provide this work to qualified specialists who are professionally engaged in compiling unique trading offers for various companies. Often, such specialists can find an offer for any product. Good luck!

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