
Own business: online flower delivery. How to open a flower delivery service

online flower deliveryModern life is gaining momentum, and less time is left for people to personal life. Because shopping often becomes a heavy burden.

That is why residents of various cities are increasingly turning to companies that provide services for the purchase and delivery of various goods, the range of which is quite wide: from food to clothing.

Thanks to this, over the past decade, various delivery services have become a fast-growing and profitable business.

Flower Delivery Business

Delivery of various goods (including flowers) is a fairly simple business. The organization of such work is based on a minimum investment and comes down to the process of ordinary purchases. The founders of such a business do not need to purchase expensive equipment. Their expenses are mainly related to the operation of personal vehicles. The main conditions are the presence of an old car and excellent knowledge of the places of profitable purchases of goods.

Often an entrepreneur starts such a business in his spare time. The location of such a company, mainly own house or apartment of a businessman. And only with the formation of your base of profitable customers can you hire employees, which will significantly increase the number of new customers and increase your annual income.

Flower delivery service: subtleties and features

flower delivery business planBefore organizing a business of this nature, you must first decide for yourself whether it is suitable or not. To determine the financial side of this work, you need to check the existence of a market for similar services.

So, people with an average income or lower cannot be clients of a flower delivery service in Russia.

Experts calculated that the potential customer’s income should be at least $ 600 per month. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct market research with the determination of a sufficient number of buyers of such services via the Internet. Flower delivery (its successful development) depends on the quality of both the product itself and the services offered.

Therefore, all services should be provided at a high professional level. The entrepreneur and his managers must be able to choose high-quality goods. The success of a business such as online flower delivery directly depends on smooth communication with the owners of various retail outlets, wholesale suppliers, as well as the manufacturers themselves. It is such an organization of work that will facilitate the acquisition of the best product at affordable prices.

The need for a creative approach to work

This business (flower delivery) is based on the correct and original design of gifts. Often, bouquets are ordered for loved ones. And here we need certain knowledge in the field of psychology.

Another factor in the successful development of a business such as online flower delivery is advertising. To do this, it is necessary to determine the size of the budget, and then an effectively organized advertising campaign will become a guarantee of high income and successful business.

How to open a flower delivery service

A successful way to open such a business is to use your own house or apartment for the first time. Since this type of business is related to computer technology, you need to get a good phone with an answering machine, a computer with reliable peripherals and a set of office supplies.

At the initial stage, you can use a home computer, since the applications involved in the work do not need high power. Choose the best inkjet printer: it is inexpensive and capable of providing good print quality.

In the work you will need a camera. Its use will provide visual suggestions for bouquets and various flower arrangements. Such presentation will be appreciated by buyers and will significantly expand the customer base.

The home office can be equipped with inexpensive and not entirely new furniture: a desk, a comfortable working chair, a file cabinet and a bookcase.

And finally, the main costly part is the car, the maintenance of which will account for the largest share of all costs.


Since flowers are a specific product, there is no need to invest in its purchase. However, for all-Russian holidays (for example, March 8 or Valentine's Day), bouquets and flower arrangements will require much more, and wholesale suppliers will be needed for this. Therefore, you always need to have such companies in mind.

When pricing your product, you must consider all overhead costs, labor and time. The expected decent income should also be laid. It is for this purpose that the solvency of this market sector should be well studied.

Delivery of flower arrangements: building a customer base

flower delivery businessIf there is a potential market of more than 100 thousand people, it is advisable for the entrepreneur to engage a florist - a specialist who is engaged not only in arranging bouquets, but also in decorating the premises with flowers.

If the number of customers is less, then the demand for the services of such a professional will be small. Therefore, such services can be offered in large cities, where a large number of enterprises are located.

The main circle of clients will be men who are well-off and at the same time very busy. This list will be supplemented by businessmen who want to purchase bouquets or various flower arrangements for their clients or employees, as well as husbands who want to make a present to their wives, but do not have time to choose.

It’s easier for them to order a beautiful bouquet over the Internet, flower delivery will be carried out on time. To expand the circle of potential clients, an entrepreneur can be offered beautiful cards or small gifts as an addition to bouquets.

For a larger number of entrepreneurs operating in this service sector, various companies and enterprises can serve as a source of stable income. Indeed, when organizing any holidays, a special place is given to the design of the premises.

And here the knowledge and skills of florists come in handy. And if these clients are satisfied, then the businessman will be provided with a source of constant income and orders. Satisfied customers can also give positive recommendations to other company owners, which will ensure the expansion of the customer base. And in this case an important place is taken by the correct organization of advertising actions.

Online Flower Delivery Services Advertising

how to open a flower delivery serviceWhen organizing activities of this kind, as, however, and when organizing any activity, the entrepreneur should draw up a business plan, the delivery of flowers according to which should be carried out from specific suppliers and the terms by which bouquets can be sent should be agreed.

Also, this document should provide for the shelf life of this product, since it can be classified as perishable.

The development of an advertising campaign requires marketing research of the market with the definition of means of warning potential customers. Researching the market itself will not cost a lot of money. It can even be carried out independently by a businessman.

You just need to discuss the ideas that arose regarding the organization of your business with employees and acquaintances. A business plan for flower delivery should contain a section devoted to the organization of advertising for a company delivering bouquets and flower arrangements.

As an advertisement for your company, you can give an appropriate announcement in the media.

Potential income flower delivery service

This type of business can be classified as seasonal, so the businessman receives the greatest income during the most common holidays. However, with proper organization, this type of activity can bring a steady income.

Difficulties at the initial stage of doing business

The main initial difficulty in organizing an online flower delivery business is to develop your own website. Especially if the entrepreneur himself does not have certain programming skills. Here you can rely on specialists in the information field. The second problem is the selection of qualified staff (in this case, florists). But all these difficulties are surmountable.

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Good day! And tell me, for such an online flower delivery store that you described - what is the minimum number of items of cards with goods, that is, bouquets, for the site user to have no doubt about the competence of the organization, in general ?!


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