
How do you become prosecutors in Russia? What does it take to become a prosecutor? How to become a military prosecutor?

As you know, the profession of a prosecutor is considered the last step in the career ladder of a person who has completed a higher legal degree. But this position is by no means everyone, since in order to occupy it, it is not enough to get a diploma. To achieve this goal, much more is required. Namely:

  • have vast experience in the legal field;
  • Analytical mind;
  • stress resistance;
  • self-discipline.

And this is far from all. That is why it is very difficult to get to this post.

The word "prosecutor" has its origin since ancient times and from the dead language of the Romance peoples (procurare) is translated as "manager", "knowing" or "caring".


Despite the fact that the activities of the first prosecutors were known even in Ancient Rome, in the Russian Empire, such a position was introduced only in 1708 by Tsar Peter 1.

how do they become prosecutors

As you know, prosecutors of that time were engaged in monitoring the implementation of royal decrees and compliance with the laws of that time. Their activities were accompanied by serious danger, which can only be compared with the service of a combat officer. With the advent of communism, this profession was simplified to simple paperwork in his office. It has not changed to this day. Prosecutors rarely leave their workplaces for the purpose of travel. Most often, they work with various documents or represent the prosecution in court.

“How to become a prosecutor?” - in Russia this is a very topical issue. In order to answer it, consider all in more detail.


The profession "prosecutor", as a rule, includes two areas:

  1. The charge in court.
  2. Monitoring compliance with the legislative apparatus.

profession prosecutor


In the first case, the prosecutor acts as a judicial prosecutor. The materials he received from the investigator are carefully checked. Next, the prosecutor decides their solvency. If, in his opinion, evidence of guilt is insufficiently collected, then the case is sent back for revision. Otherwise, the prosecutor, relying on them, represents the prosecution in court.

how to become a prosecutor in Russia

In court, the prosecutor enters into a real competition with the lawyer of the defendant. Due to the fact that the slightest doubt that the accused was involved in the crime could be a significant plus for the defense, the prosecutor must not allow this doubt to appear, convincingly providing the court and the jury with all kinds of evidence and testimonies of witnesses.


In this area, the prosecutor strictly monitors compliance with all measures of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Accepts and considers applications from the public when their rights are violated. It also oversees the work of the authorities, correctional institutions and so on.

One of the duties of the prosecutor is to monitor changes in the legislation of the country and make these adjustments (if they appear) in their activities, as well as the activities of his departments.

A prosecutor’s protest is the reaction of a prosecutor to a violation of a law.


Another of the basic requirements for this profession is dedication. Since the prosecutor does not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, he cannot be a member of political parties, he does not have the right to be elected to government posts. Also, the prosecutor cannot hold office in local government.

The only thing that can be combined with this position is teaching in educational institutions, work in the scientific field and creativity. These restrictions are imposed so as not to violate prosecutorial impartiality.

How to become

How to become prosecutors is a simple matter. The first thing that is required on the way to this position is to get a higher legal education. Next, you need to spend years working in the legal field. The best prospect in terms of transferring to the post of prosecutor is the profession of assistant prosecutor.

what you need to become a prosecutor

In addition, this post can be reached by the police. But not everyone, and again - depending on how. Only investigators with extensive experience in investigative activities become prosecutors. And of course, that an ordinary sergeant of a patrol guard will not be drawn to such a position. Once you become a high-level professional, you can claim this place.

In order to answer the question “What does it take to become a prosecutor?”, We derive the following requirements for this position:

- higher legal education;

- extensive experience in investigative work;

- possession of personal qualities (dedication, perseverance, stress resistance, analytical thinking, etc.).


The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is divided into several territorial districts. Its structure includes:

  • military prosecutor's office;
  • transport prosecutor's office;
  • environmental prosecutor's office.

And not only.

The top prosecutor’s office is the prosecutor general. All previous steps of the prosecutorial hierarchy obey him. The Attorney General is appointed exclusively by decision of the Federation Council. This post assumes a term of office of not more than five years.

Attorney General appointed

The procedure for appointing prosecutors to a post depends on him. He also decides on the removal of these posts.

Who is suitable for the position

The answer to the question of how to become prosecutors will be a bit unexpected - they are born. Exactly. Because it’s not enough to finish high school, put on a uniform and make a serious face. In addition, you must be an honest person. And this is not about the honesty that was developed to obtain a position, but about the fact that a person is almost innate. As a rule, there is no prosecutor who was not offered a bribe. And this is done daily (even hourly). Only an inexperienced person is able to adequately fulfill the duties of this post.

procedure for the appointment of prosecutors

And besides offering a bribe, the prosecutor often receives threats. Sometimes everything happens at the same time. Therefore, an important quality for a candidate is endurance.

What gives?

How to become prosecutors, we have already discussed. Now let's find out what this post gives to its candidate for it.

First is prestige. And indeed, today there is no more prestigious place than work in the legislative sphere. Namely, work in the prosecutor's office. Thus, a person acquires useful acquaintances, connections and opportunities. And, in addition, it turns out to be useful for those in need of help and protection of citizens.

Secondly, it is a decent wage. Today, the prosecutor receives from fifty thousand rubles. The assistant prosecutor also does not complain about his salary.

Military Prosecutor

But in the question “How to become a military prosecutor?” Everything is already much more complicated. To do this, graduate from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. Namely, the prosecution and investigation department. He appeared recently - in 1993.

Becoming a candidate for this position is very, very difficult. Since they recruit exclusively young people aged 18 to 22 years.

The biography of the future cadet is checked carefully. After which there are several entrance tests:

  • medical board;
  • interview with a psychologist;
  • physical tests.

If we are talking about cadets who have served in the armed forces or who are serving in them, then the requirements for the candidate are much higher.

how to become a military prosecutor

Physical indicators are the key point of the military prosecutor

For cadets at the prosecution and investigation department, their standards include:

  • cross 3 km for 12 minutes (sometimes more / less);
  • pull-ups 12 times;
  • swim 100 meters in one and a half minutes.

All standards are passed in one day and at a time. Retaking standards is already a privilege that few are honored.

To everything else, it should be added that women are not accepted as candidates. In contrast to the Ryazan Military School, which organized a company of fair sexes within its walls, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense does not make such exceptions so far. And, as far as is known, in the near future she does not plan.

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Reason for complaint
The VUMO of the Russian Federation was formed much earlier than indicated in the article, until 1993 this university had different names.


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