
How to become a justice of the peace: age, legal education, work experience

Probably the most common question that interests citizens with a higher legal education and a desire to find a job in a prestigious public service is how to become a judge in Russia.

This is not easy to do, because strict requirements are imposed on a citizen who wants to obtain the status of a judge. This compulsory legal education, experience, age and even health status.

However, if a citizen nevertheless decided to get this position, he most likely will have to start from the bottom of the judicial hierarchy - the justice of the peace.

Basic information

Before you learn about how to become a justice of the peace, it is worth determining the term itself.

Justice of the peace is executive, which, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, is vested with the functions of administering justice.

He has the right to consider criminal cases only on the basis of the materials and evidence provided. Also, judges of world judicial districts are endowed with the functions of considering civil and administrative cases.

Requirements for a candidate

So how to become world a judge? Requirements to Applicants for the above positions are quite strict and require compliance with each item. In order to occupy the above position, you must:

  1. Citizenship of Russia.
  2. The presence of higher legal education.
  3. The work experience in the legal profession confirmed by the workbook is at least 5 years.
  4. The absence of a criminal record and criminal cases both for the applicant for the justices of the peace and for his close relatives.
  5. Lack of affiliation with any political movements and parties.
  6. Lack of dual citizenship.

In addition, the applicant for the position of a judge of a world judicial section does not have the right to be a deputy of the authorities or LSG bodies, as well as carry out commercial activities. A candidate for the status of a justice of the peace is prohibited from having a residence permit of a foreign state.

How to become a justice of the peace in Russia

The question of at what age you can become a justice of the peace is also quite significant: a person has the right to apply for this position only after the age of 25 years.

Additional checks of applicants for the position

Applicants for the position of a judge of the world polling station are expected to be checked for their absence of any chronic diseases that may impede the performance of their duties.

The applicant for the above position is also required to provide certificates stating that he has never been registered with drug addiction and psychiatric hospitals (he was not treated for substance abuse, drug addiction and mental disorders).

How to become a justice of the peace

Naturally, only a fully capable person can apply for a position.

Appointment to office

If a citizen meets all the requirements for the above position, then it is time to pass a specialized exam. In case of successful passing of this exam, the applicant for the position receives the recommendation of the qualification collegium of judges of the subject in whose territory he will work.

An exception to this rule are applicants who previously were judges of the federal court (length of service in this position should not be less than 5 years). The indicated applicants do not pass the exam, but are automatically accepted for the position of magistrate.

how to become a justice of the peace in the Moscow region

A citizen is appointed to the post of justice of the peace by the legislative body of the subject of Russia. In some cases, the citizen chooses the population of a particular court plot.

Term of office

The term of activity of a justice of the peace is fixed. So, a person is appointed or elected to the post for five years. After the end of the established period, the citizen has the right to again stand for candidacy for the specified position.

The maximum age to which a citizen can hold the position of justice of the peace is 70 years.

What can justices of the peace?

Having received the answer to the question of how to become a justice of the peace, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the functions assigned to him.

at what age can you become a justice of the peace

The official duties of justices of the peace include making decisions in the following categories of cases:

  • criminal cases of crimes whose responsibility does not exceed three years in prison;
  • divorce cases, provided that the spouses do not have controversial issues regarding common children;
  • cases of the division of property acquired by spouses over the years of their life;
  • other cases arising from family law, labor relations, as well as cases of violations of administrative law.

work experience

It is worth knowing that all the above types of cases, a justice of the peace considers alone, without the participation of a panel of judges.

Termination of authority

A citizen can lay down the powers of a justice of the peace both on his own initiative and by decision of a specialized panel of judges.

Powers are terminated in the following cases:

  • reaching the age limit;
  • personal statement of resignation (including in connection with the transition to a new place of work, deterioration in health status and other personal motives);
  • obtaining citizenship of another country or issuing a residence permit abroad;
  • a court verdict in a criminal case against a judge that has entered into legal force;
  • election to an elected position in legislative or executive bodies;
  • refusal of a justice of the peace to transfer to a new place of work (to another judicial section), in connection with the reorganization or complete abolition of the court;
  • judge's death.

Is it easy to become a justice of the peace in the Moscow region?

Requirements for applicants to obtain the status of a justice of the peace in Moscow and the Moscow Region are the same as in all other regions of Russia. This means that the applicant must receive a higher legal education, work in the specialty for more than 5 years, and also must not have a criminal record, chronic diseases and must comply with all other requirements.

judge position

So, let's talk in more detail about how to become a justice of the peace in the Moscow region. The applicant for the position must provide all the necessary documentation to the Judicial Department of Moscow. After about 2 months, an exam invitation is sent to the candidate for the position.

Having successfully passed the qualification exam, after about 6 months, the applicant for the position should come to the qualification college. At this college, materials for checking all the documents submitted are considered, the candidate is asked additional questions. Based on the results of the board, a decision is made on the recommendation of the applicant for the position. The college may also not recommend a citizen to a judge.

After that, the documents are sent for approval to the chairman of the Moscow City Court, who also has the right to reject or approve the candidate. The procedure for signing documents does not end there, documents are sent for a visa to the Moscow City Duma.

Further, the Moscow City Duma by voting approves the judge for the position or rejects his candidacy.

Judges in Moscow

How to become a justice of the peace in Moscow? What are the odds?

In Moscow, there are 33 district courts, 1 city and 248 world judicial sections. Thus, in Moscow, approximately 1,000 citizens occupy the position of judge.

Law education

The chance to take one of the above places, of course, is small, but do not forget that each judge (whether it is a judge of the Moscow City Court or a judge of the world) has his own assistant and secretary, and this is about 2,000 more posts, which can be optionally claim.

It is a well-known fact that many of today's judges began their climb up the career ladder with the posts of ordinary secretaries in world judicial districts.

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