
How to get a job: search, selection and working conditions. Where to look for work for a young specialist?

Each person needs funds, in other words, money to satisfy his physical and spiritual needs. If there is no large inheritance or other permanent source of income that does not require any participation, as well as your own profitable business, or ideas and opportunities for its organization, then there remains one option - hired labor. And then the question arises: "How to get a job?" Well, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to want and act!

Right start

The search for work must begin first of all with the definition of criteria and opportunities. What is it for? The answer is very simple: to find something, you need to know what to look for!

To do this, it is recommended to arm yourself with a pen and a sheet of paper and state the following:

  • Skills, abilities and knowledge that can be applied in work. This includes all education diplomas and specialties obtained, certificates of various courses and trainings, the availability of recommendations and feedback on the work done, publications and participation in competitions, membership in associations and clubs, and ratings. This will help determine the direction in which it is worth moving on, as well as create a resume.
  • Preferences. This item is for those who know exactly what job to get. For example, a person likes to help others, has a higher medical education and prefers vacancies in this industry.
  • The minimum wage that suits. Everything is clear here - this is the threshold in monetary terms, below which it is unacceptable or impossible for a person to do work for any reason. It is better to calculate this amount in terms of an hour of labor or for a certain amount.
  • Schedule and mode. In this matter, you need to decide for yourself whether an irregular working day, short trips and long business trips, night and weekend work, shift work will be acceptable.
  • The location. It is worth considering your readiness and ability to get, for example, to the other end of the metropolis at night or in the early morning, as well as the option of moving to a foreign city.

how to get a job

Compiling a similar list, evaluating your abilities and capabilities is necessary with all seriousness and with the manifestation of logical thinking. For example, a person dreams of becoming a train driver in a city where there is no railway or metro, while he does not have a special education, or even a driver’s license, and does not agree to move to another locality. The conclusion is unequivocal: the mission is impossible, you need to review at least one item from the above!

Resume - portrait of the applicant

Having correctly completed the recommendations of the previous paragraph, we can proceed to the next important stage. Searching for a job without a resume is simply impossible today. This document contains information about the person: age, gender, education, skills and abilities, experience or lack thereof, positive aspects, bad habits, hobbies, etc. In fact, this is a portrait of a potential employee.

where to get a job

To create a resume, you can contact the professionals or study the information yourself. The benefit of the drafting examples is more than enough. What is important to remember:

  • The information in the summary should be true. Any deception can open up and ruin all impressions of the applicant, so you should not ascribe to what is not, or exaggerate.
  • You can’t downplay it either. It is important to correctly and beautifully present information about yourself, your skills and advantages.
  • Assess your capabilities is adequate. It is unlikely that someone will be invited for an interview who, without education and work experience, wants to receive 300,000 rubles a month.

Having decided on the subject of the search and compiling a resume, you can move on from thought to business.

Word of mouth

It is necessary to notify all your relatives, friends and acquaintances about the search for a suitable place. Do not be shy or afraid to be ridiculed. Any adequate person will quite normally accept the call with the content: “I want to get a job. If something turns up, be sure to call me! ”You can also place a similar ad on your pages on social networks. As life shows, many people find a good place precisely because of someone else's recommendation.

Professional help

For help finding a job, you can contact the state employment service or a private recruitment agency. The first works for free, but has a number of strict rules and requirements defined by law. If you don’t like the vacancy, then the excuses “to travel far”, “I want higher pay”, “there is a strange team” and so on will not work. The “choose from what is” principle works, but the vacancies there are not the best.

work searches

Private entities are more loyal to their customers, but not for free. Some agencies charge staff recruitment exclusively from the employer, but many also want to receive payment for their services from both parties. Such a condition is convenient: the applicant pays for the selection of a vacancy after his employment from the first salary received. Such a deal will be honest - and the person received what he wanted, and the agency earned a well-deserved reward.

In the home

Today it is full of sites for recruitment and vacancies. You should not be too lazy and send your resume to all available resources and subscribe to newsletters. Then methodically, day after day, look through new vacancies and arrange interviews.

Moscow is a city of opportunities!

Many provincials and students dream get a job in Moscow. Yes, this metropolis opens thousands of doors and gives hope for a better future. But it is worth remembering that there are a huge number of people wishing to find happiness in the capital, which means that the competition is very high. The search principle here is the same as described above, but has its own characteristics:

  • For "non-native" registration is required, which means a permanent place of residence, which is not cheap.
  • Highly paid work in Moscow goes, as a rule, to the best of the best, that is, high-level professionals, excellent students and winners of various olympiads and competitions. A good place today can also be obtained by someone who is full of new creative ideas, non-standard and can offer the employer something fresh and unrefused. In general, a threesome student from a distant province without ideas and enthusiasm can hardly count on anything good.
  • The work of the "middle hand" can be obtained by an ordinary graduate of the university, using all the same rules ("word of mouth", "help of professionals", "on their own"). Well, in order to prove himself and reach the top of the career ladder, you will have to work hard and show all your abilities.

For happiness to distant lands

Many believe that there is nothing better than to get a job "over the hill." Indeed, wages, for example, in European countries are an order of magnitude higher than in the vast vast country. But is everything so rosy and simple?

Firstly, there are always those who wish to find good places among the local population, therefore, “our brother” is invited to work, as a rule, on low-skilled and low-paid vacancies. Jobs for women, for example, are cleaners, dishwashers, waitresses, less often babysitters or housekeepers. For men, most often they offer jobs for laborers at construction sites and metallurgical enterprises.There are also options for seasonal work in the fields and in greenhouses.

high paying job

Secondly, relocation and employment abroad requires material and time costs, which are not accessible to everyone. Finding a place in the sun in a foreign country is best left to professionals in order not to get into trouble, and this will also cost money.

Thirdly, going to distant lands it is worth remembering that an emigrant is an emigrant everywhere and will not soon become his own among strangers and traditions.

Fourth, rejoicing in the amount of income in euros or dollars, it is worth remembering that you will also have to pay in foreign currency for housing, food and medical services. So you need to carefully consider whether this move is so beneficial.

There are scammers everywhere

And in the provinces, and in the capital, and abroad, many people "breed" naive job seekers, luring them from money or not paying for the work done. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • Announcements at fences and stops “High-paying work without experience and education!” Is a pure deception. Serious companies, firms, and manufactures will most likely not look for an employee in this way.
  • Informal Employment - it is always a risk of not getting the money earned. Do not naively believe that a person with honest eyes, who promised to pay everything in an envelope so as not to deduct taxes, will keep his word. As practice shows, many people fall for this trick and work for several months for free, and then they do not have any legal rights to demand anything.
  • “Pay, and you will be happy!” It is worth remembering that not a single normal employer will ask you to pay for something or “make a deposit” when taking up the position. If it comes to the fact that money is needed for registration or something else there, most likely it is a “wiring”.

what job to get

Interview - torture or chance?

So, if all the recommendations on how to get a job are implemented correctly, invitations will be received. An important stage begins - the interview. What you need to remember:

  • The employer is looking for an employee, and the job seeker is a good place. A positive outcome is interesting to both parties, so do not be afraid and crouch. Defiantly, of course, is also wrong. You need to be confident in yourself and make it clear that the vacancy is suitable and interesting, but not to the extent that you work for free or humiliate and beg.
  • It is necessary to prepare for the interview, namely to find out the maximum information about the company or company, about the products or services provided. This is useful in a conversation.
  • Presenting yourself correctly is not at all difficult. It is necessary to focus on their merits and advantages, to convince the employer of their abilities, but not to overdo it and not exaggerate.
  • The more interviews, the better. Do not despair if the first meeting was unsuccessful. A good place can be expected at the end of a long journey, so you need to boldly go forward. In addition, with a positive outcome of several meetings at once, there will be a chance to choose, and this is just fine!

get a job in Moscow

Young and inexperienced

many are wondering where to get a job for a young specialist? Yes, anywhere! Having completed all the necessary actions, one may be surprised to find that without experience, a good place can also be found.

There is one little trick: if you read the announcements carefully, then in many vacancies it appears “preferably with experience”. This is one of the chances! If experience is not required, but desirable, then it is worth trying to convince the employer to hire a young, energetic and enthusiastic employee. Most likely, in nine out of ten cases there will be a refusal, but someone will definitely give one chance!

In addition, youth has a number of advantages:

  • Students of recent university courses can go to deans and ask where to get a job after receiving a diploma.Often, large companies and industries apply to educational institutions to attract young professionals. As a rule, such vacancies are low-paid, but have their own advantages. Firstly, this is a job in the specialty. Secondly, this is most likely official employment. Thirdly, this is a chance to prove yourself and work for the future.
  • A young specialist, not burdened with family and obligations, is more mobile and can work more actively, go on business trips, stay in the evenings and go on weekends. For many employers, this is an important aspect, especially if it is work for women. After all, a mother of two children obviously will not be able to devote as much time and effort to official duties as a graduate of a university seeking to make a career.
  • It is well known that young people are easier to learn and adapt to change. In addition, it is a generator of ideas and projects, which is why many large domestic and foreign companies invite exclusively talented students and graduates to work. The organization itself is ready to train them and give the necessary experience.

I want to get a job

Short conclusion

So, the answer to the question of how to get a job is very simple: a clear understanding of the goal, a well-written resume, thoughtful and coordinated actions are the key to success. Even in the most difficult times of financial crises and unemployment, people find work and succeed. It is important to remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, so go ahead to the work of your dreams!

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