
How to choose a baby car seat? How to choose a car seat for a newborn? Which company car seat to buy?

A child is not only great joy, but also a great responsibility: the baby is very fragile and vulnerable, and therefore it always needs increased attention from adults.

This statement is especially true when it comes to car rides, as unfortunately, anything can happen on the road.

how to choose a baby car seat

In many cases, a special car seat can serve as a salvation for the baby, in which the child can be rigidly fixed so that it does not fly out and get injured during sharp braking. As studies by many domestic and foreign scientists show, more than 70% of deaths and serious injuries of children in a car occur only because their parents did not buy this important piece of equipment.

But how to choose a baby car seat, so as not to be mistaken and provide your offspring with the maximum possible protection?

What should I pay attention to first of all?

First you need to find out which group of chairs is right for you. In order not to be unfounded, we give the main anthropometric characteristics of such products, which we need to pay attention to first of all. So, here are the main options:

  • Group 0. Includes infants from 0 to 10 kilograms of weight. Age - up to six months. The chair should be located sideways relative to the course of movement.
  • Group 0+. This includes children under 13 kilograms, under the age of one year. Armchairs in this category must be able to be mounted in the “face against traffic” position.
  • Group 1. This includes all children whose weight is in the range of 9-18 kilograms. Age - from nine months to four years. Starting from this group, children can be placed face in the direction of travel.
  • Group 2. It includes babies whose weight is 15-25 kilograms. As a rule, their age is from three to seven years. As in the past case, such models are located face in the direction of travel.
  • Group 3. The allowable weight of children is from 22 to 36 kg. Age - from six to twelve years. As in most previous cases, the children are seated with their faces in the direction of travel.

Here's how to choose the right child car seats. If we talk about groups 0 and 1, then the selection of fastenings is extremely important. Since the safety of the baby will directly depend on this. It should be remembered that the Isofix mount does not interfere (in most cases) with the use of a conventional seat belt to secure the seat with the child. So how to choose a child car seat, if the main task when buying it is always there, was and will be exactly safety?

Crash tests

When buying the accessory in question, it is extremely important to pay attention to those results that gave crash tests. In the end, the choice of child car seat provides for the purchase of the product that provides the highest level of protection.

In our country, German research in this area is considered the traditional quality standard, but we should not forget about the results of the activities of developers from other countries.

What certificates are needed?

Before choosing a child car seat, you need to remember the signs of some certificates, which must be present on any product from a more or less decent manufacturer.

So, it is mandatory that the marking is ECE R44 / 03 or ECE R44 / 04.These marks indicate that this chair has passed the entire test cycle, and therefore fully complies with all EU safety standards.

which car seat to choose

What do security certificates indicate?

By the way, what exactly do the certification certificates ECE R44 / 03 or ECE R44 / 04 indicate? Let's open this question in more detail.

  • This standard provides full protection against side impacts.
  • Please note that there is a special color coding for these certificates: if it is red, then it is installed by the face in the direction of travel, blue is against it.
  • Each component of the chair has been individually tested.
  • The certificate shows that seat belts are resistant to temperature, cold, light (UV), as well as abrasion.
  • The buckle opens only with a minimum force of 8 kg (80 Newtons). This ensures that the baby will not be able to unhook his "harness" on his own.
  • In addition, the certificate ensures that the seat belt will not slip or stick into the body. That is why the choice of child car seats should include the purchase of approved seats.

What tests does the chair undergo?

If it turns out that all components meet the requirements for them, testing is performed according to the following method:

  • All tests will be captured with a high-speed camera, and later on the recordings will be reviewed frame by frame.
  • The main requirement is that during the test, the mannequin must in no case go beyond a certain zone. The requirement is due to the fact that at the time of a real accident such an accident is fraught with a powerful blow to the seat, windshield or dashboard. Ballistic gel or special clay is used to measure the possible impact force.
  • Dozens of computer sensors measure the speed and power of all impacts in real time. There are certain standards, when exceeded, with certainty, fractures and injuries of internal organs can be ascertained.
  • Only when the results of all tests are ready, does the manufacturer contact the Transport Safety Agency. There, after a comprehensive study of the data, a final decision is made on the issuance or refusal to obtain a certificate.

how to choose the right child car seats


By the way, which company car seat to choose? Today, there are several universally recognized world leaders in their development and production. These include the following companies:

  • ADAC from Germany.
  • Oeamtc from Austria.
  • TCS, Sweden
  • ANWB is a brand from the Netherlands.
  • DEKRA. Germans again.

Note that it is these manufacturers that provide the most diverse ways of attaching a child car seat: both owners of modern cars and those who use outdated domestic models will find the necessary options. Simply put, seats from these companies can be secured “the old fashioned way” using seat belts, but they also have Isofix connectors.

In the latter case, the design of the car has special hinges, to which seats with appropriate connectors are attached.

And what is the best way to fix a child car seat? Experts say that Isofix is ​​the optimal solution, since this installation method provides the best strength characteristics.

Other features

It is very important to figure out in advance how much time the baby will spend in the chair. If you count only on short trips, any product from the 0+ category will be sufficient. Despite the fact that different groups are designed to transport children with different weights, their dimensions are almost the same.

But! Before choosing a baby car seat for newborns, you should not especially count on universality: the body of infants is too fragile, and therefore it should not be exposed to any risk.

Some models can be used almost from the moment of birth to 12 years, and others have to be changed when the child begins to feel in them not too comfortable. Please note that many 0+ seats have wheels for transporting by the handle when the baby is outside the car.

Before choosing a car seat for a newborn, keep in mind that children in the "younger" categories of seats (which are mounted against the direction of travel) must be transported for at least one year, since it is during this time that the musculoskeletal base is formed, the person’s posture is laid. Until the neck and back are sufficiently strong, the chair should not be deployed in the direction of travel.

For long trips

If you are considering long and long journeys, we strongly advise you to pay attention to the armchairs of categories 0/0 +, 0/0 + / 1, which are fixed in the supine position, which allows the child to sleep during the trip. Alas, almost all crash tests from various manufacturers showed that the reliability of the initial categories is at a very low level, and therefore it is better to immediately abandon potentially dangerous routes.

So how to choose a good car seat? Answering this question, one cannot but note the presence of additional options.

Additional protection

It is very important to remember that the weight of the baby’s head is up to a quarter of its main mass. Given that the supporting muscular system has not yet had time to form, any jerks during sudden braking of the car can be fatal. Each chair of the "zero" category should be equipped with several wide and soft straps, and for the head there must be additional locking fastenings.

And how to choose a baby car seat from 0? Note! In products that belong to groups from 0 to 1+, quality internal safety belts must be present. Better when their fasteners are made of metal. The design of the castle should exclude any possibility that the baby will be able to open it independently.

But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the lining in the region of the fastener: it must be cloth, soft and wide so that the metal lock in no way could injure the baby even in the event of a sharp braking.

Other belts and pads also need to be checked for softness and elasticity, since not only the safety of your child depends on these characteristics, but also his peace of mind when traveling, which is presented by good car seats. How to choose? Reviews indicate that children under three years old often sleep in a car, and many continue to do this, even when they become older.

And therefore, even for chairs of the second category, it is very desirable to have adjustments with which you can put the product in the "sleeping" position. In general, such an obvious option is found in almost every manufacturer. That's just the adjustment range is different.

Searching for the ideal

So how to choose a child car seat, the characteristics of which would be ideal? Alas, this does not exist in nature, since the concepts of ideality are different for each of us, and it is impossible to find identical children. Nevertheless, you can always choose a chair that will best meet the needs of your child.

Keep in mind that any “extra” option can additionally add a considerable amount to the cost of a chair, which may be unacceptable for young families, whose budget is usually significantly limited. So which one is better to choose a car seat: a simple model or a variant with a “body kit”?

It should be remembered that during operation, the "extra" functions are usually very useful. And further. The assertion that when buying a chair from a renowned manufacturer you pay mainly for the brand itself is only partially true.

The fact is that such companies conduct all kinds of tests for the compliance of their products with international safety standards, and therefore you probably will not waste money.In general, the conclusion is quite simple: everything related to the health and life of your children cannot be too expensive by definition.

how to choose a baby car seat from 1 year old

Choose a chair together

Many parents forget that when buying a chair it is necessary to motivate their child accordingly. Simply put, you need to make his stay in it enjoyable. This is especially true for those kids who have never traveled in a car seat. Keep in mind that if you teach a child to him from infancy in the future, he will not have scandals and tantrums related to the need to travel in it.

In general, anything can serve as motivation. But here it is important to remember the uniqueness of each child and the fact that each of them has something to their taste. For example, many boys like the cars themselves and everything related to this topic in one way or another. Almost any of them can be interested in, drawing an analogy between a child seat and a racing car seat.

As for the girls, they can be interested in comparing the chair with the carriage of the princess, especially if you choose a model of the corresponding shade. By the way, with regard to color: be sure to let the children participate in its choice. If the child likes the chair, then he will feel much more confident.


Be sure to let the little tester sit in a selectable chair. If this is not possible, you should refrain from buying: no matter how good the thing looks, your baby may well not like something much. And it is quite possible, you will find out about this just in the middle of a busy road, when the child begins to scream and cry. All this may well lead to an accident and other unpleasant consequences.

Here's how to choose a baby car seat. The reviews also say that it is necessary to try on the purchased product to your car. Despite the “universality” of many seats, in fact it may well turn out that for their fastening, the length of the safety belts is trite. If your model has Isofix type fasteners, then the instructions must necessarily list those cars for which it was designed. And how to fix a child car seat so that it is as reliable as possible in its place?

To do this, you must carefully read the instructions, as in it the manufacturer gives detailed recommendations. Keep in mind that the presence of this kind of mounts may also depend on the configuration of your car, so it is better to check such questions with the dealer who sold you the car.

About simplicity and convenience

The easier the method of securing the chair, the more convenient it will be to install it in the car: each member of your family will be able to do this without having previously studied the operating instructions. Remember that the seller must show you the installation method in your machine. Since fastening a child car seat is often necessary in a hurry, this method should be as simple as possible, but at the same time reliable.

The protection of the shoulders and head is very important, since during an accident it is these areas that are most often injured. If your car model has a frontal airbag opposite the installed child seat, then it must be deactivated. In the case when it is impossible to do this, it is strictly forbidden to transport the child in the car. In general, almost all experts recommend installing the chair exclusively in the back seat, since this zone is the most protected.

Very often, the question of how to choose a car seat for a child is asked by young mothers. They should pay attention to a slightly different aspect of this type of purchase. It is very important that the seat cover can be removed for washing. As a rule, all products of manufacturers available on the market comply with this condition.If the purchase budget is limited, the presence or absence of additional accessories may be an important circumstance: capes on the back of the front seat (so that the child does not stain him with shoes), a sun blind, and more.

Is the child an existing car seat?

If you are interested in determining how well your child fits the chair in which he is currently traveling, you will have to do a few simple things. In the event that you use the seat from the first group (and above), pay attention to the position of the head above the back of the chair: does it protrude by more than a third. Also, check if the belt is below the child’s shoulder joint. If you answered both of these questions positively, it is time to buy a new seat for your baby.

As for the seats, which are mounted in the "against the direction of travel" position, they have slightly different requirements. So, the belt may be lower than the shoulder, but in any case the head should not protrude above the edge of the back.

Key recommendations

So which car seat to choose? Based on the above recommendations, we can draw general conclusions:

  • In the case when the age of your baby does not exceed six months, the best option would be a chair group 0+. And how to choose a car seat for a newborn, if you have limited finances? Indeed, many young families do not want to buy a new seat for each "season"! In this case, you can purchase a product of group 0 + / 1. Note! Such a chair should have a special liner for transporting babies. Please note that many experts strongly recommend carrying a child against the movement of the car until its weight reaches 13 kilograms at least.
  • When you plan to take your baby on trips from six months with you, the chair of group 1 may be the best choice. As in the previous case, it is best to carry the child against the direction of travel. Optimally, if you can do this to the maximum permitted weight in this category. So, before choosing a child car seat from 1 year, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • There are some universal models of chairs (group 1), in which children can be transported until they reach the age of four years (about 18 kilograms). The choice of such seats should be treated as carefully as possible, since their design should provide reliable protection for the child for two to three years. And which car seat to choose in this case? Buy only products from trusted manufacturers!
  • In the range from one to two years, individual seats (if financially possible) of groups 1,2 or 3 should be chosen. Note that the specialized seats are much more convenient for the child. Since their design provides all the features of kids of different ages.

If the child is already three years old or more, then it is better to immediately choose a chair group 3-4. Moreover, it is preferable - a universal model that will serve your offspring up to 12 years, when it can be transported on a regular seat. Here's how to choose a baby car seat from 3 years old.

Only new!

Even if your financial situation is not very good, we would highly recommend not buying chairs that were already in use before you. There are times when unscrupulous sellers sell seats that have been in accidents! Experts say that even in the most mild accident, the power frame of the chair may well "lead", which will not affect its protective qualities in the best way. In no case should you save on the safety of your baby! Before choosing the right car seat, be sure to read the instructions, talk with consultants.

In the end, when transporting a child, you should always fasten yourself. After all, by doing so you set an example for your children: when they grow up, they will also use a seat belt, maintaining their health and even life. Here's how to choose the right child car seats. Once again, we note that this issue should be approached as carefully as possible.

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Reason for complaint
Irina KroshkaEnot
We also have a Chicco car seat, only Chicco Oasys Fix plus. I spend a lot of time with my children in a car, and therefore the choice of a suitable car seat has become paramount for us. And when Chicco Oasys Fix Plus was presented to us, we realized that we had found our car seat. Convenient, beautiful, stylish, high-quality, it fits perfectly into our car, quickly and easily installed and just as easily removed. The children immediately liked this chair, even if we are going on long trips, they don’t act up, sit quietly and even fall asleep. And due to the fact that you can stretch the back, change the angle of its inclination and make it wider than the side of the chair, it has become simply irreplaceable, because it can be adjusted for any child! Great chair, we are satisfied!)
We have Chicco Gro-up 123. I like this chair very much, the belts are long, the child is not cramped in the winter, the back tilt changes and the child’s head doesn’t fall on his chest, I remove and wash the covers in the washing machine.
Not heavy, there are carrying handles. Very quickly reconfigured from one age position to another. Very satisfied.


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