
How to open a children's development center. Business plan for a children's development center

how to open a children's development centerEvery year, the standard of living in the country rises, which means that the birth rate is also increasing. The fairly fast pace of existence makes everyone spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Is it profitable to open a children's development center? Many modern mothers after a year of maternity leave begin to go to work, leaving their child to their grandmothers, nannies, identifying him in the center of development. Such centers have now become very fashionable, and high competition is already observed.

However, in small cities these centers are few, and in some settlements they are completely absent. Children's development center can be a great solution for business. Although the success of your project will depend on whether it is done for children or for profit. So what you need to consider if you have a question about how to open a children's development center.

Concept development

Your first step should be an accurate plan development, with whom and how you will work. Questions you should give a clear answer to:

- What children will the center work with?

- By what methodology will the training sessions be held? Where to get educational and methodological literature?

- How many children will be in the group? How many groups will there be?

- Short or long term groups?

- What will be the class schedule?

- What will be the work schedule?

- Will there be additional services? If so, which ones?

Preparation of documents

business plan for a children's development centerIn order to understand how to open a children's development center and what documents you need, it is better to contact a lawyer. You need to issue an IP. This is the easiest and most convenient option for beginners, in addition, the tax rate is less.

It is necessary to register with the tax service and determine the tax system. You can open a bank account in advance for more convenient payment for your future services. To rent a room you will need primary capital, which you can take on credit or attract an investor (you need to make an agreement with him).

Still need the OKVED code (stands for All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities). To get the code, you need to have your own business plan for the children's development center, according to which you will have an activity drawn up.

Obtaining a license

Since you are going to work with kids, you will need a license from the Ministry of Education for the right to educate and develop children. You need to be very careful with this license, because with negative reviews and complaints it will be taken away. This will also require a separate set of documents. You will need a lease or ownership agreement, a conclusion from the Sanitary Inspection and the Ministry of Emergencies, a notice of tax registration, a business plan of a children's development center and information about employees.

Choice of premises

How to open a leisure center for children and choose the right room? To do this, be guided by the wishes of future consumers. Choosing a separate room or apartment in the block is your decision. But you need to arrange everything as a non-residential premises.

The place is better to choose in a residential area. And less will be spent on rent than in the center, and there are more potential consumers. The room must have two exits - the main and emergency. Many things need to be considered: convenient entry and parking spaces, a platform for strollers, a sled, a place for a wardrobe and so on.

What should be the room?

How to open a children's development center and comply with all the rules?

There are specific sanitary rules and regulations for child care facilities. Firstly, the building should be fenced and planted with greenery. The latter should occupy exactly half of the entire area free from development. When choosing plants, you need to abandon fruitful plants, as well as poisonous and prickly. On the porch must be a canopy of rain.

 how to open development centers for childrenIt is necessary to consider storm water drainage, outdoor lighting, to ensure the presence of a play area, a sports ground, shadow curtains, and daily cleaning of the territory. As for the building itself, it should be no higher than three floors, with a height of 3 meters from floor to ceiling.

The flooring should be non-slippery and without flaws. Sockets must be at least 1.8 meters high. Children under the age of three must study on the ground floor. Kids are not allowed in the basement and basement.

It is necessary to leave a separate room for undressing young children, there should be a place for undressing parents and breastfeeding children. The room should have access for ventilation, as well as heating. The temperature in the room should be between 19-21 degrees. There may be a medical room and a catering unit. In the toilet room for each young child there should be a personal pot, and for older children - a personal toilet seat.

Equipment purchase

When all the finishing work is completed, it is time to buy furniture and the necessary equipment. How to open a private children's development center and not face the mud? It is better not to save on the quality of goods; to buy goods from well-known firms. We will deal with furniture. The main criteria when choosing furniture are safety, reliability, aesthetics.

Each age group needs its own furniture size. Game rooms should have a soft carpet, mostly bright. Do not do without technology. This includes a computer, TV, DVD player, tape recorder, printer, musical instruments. If necessary, buy mirrors and racks for choreography, as well as sports equipment, items for drawing and crafts.

The highlight can be a living area. How to open a children's leisure center without toys? No way! You will need a wide variety of bright and interesting toys for children of different ages. Do not be cheap, remember that the avaricious pays twice. In all this turmoil, do not forget that the main goal of the center is to develop children. The selection of the right literature and teaching aids is important.

Is it profitable to open a children's development center


How to open a children's development center and how to choose staff? When choosing staff, ask yourself this question: “Would I trust my child to this person?”. Qualities needed when working with children: love for babies, teacher education, work experience, a neat appearance, recommendations from previous works, the presence of a medical book, adaptation to new conditions, a personal approach to each child and their parents.

Do not be too lazy to attend one of the lessons of the candidate in question in order to see in practice his treatment with children. Sometimes moms without pedagogical education come to such centers for employment. They are also worth paying attention to.

Some of them are seriously passionate about modern methods of child development, well-versed and erudite. Give priority to comprehensively developed personalities. Find out what they do in their free time, what their hobbies are. An excellent choice would be a competent specialist who owns a musical instrument or draws well.

Choosing an administrator will not be difficult, since the main criterion on which to rely on this issue is the sociability of a person. In addition, you will need a cleaning lady and a security guard, since nowadays you can’t do without maintenance personnel.

Additional services

How to open a children's leisure center, what may be additional services? As the latter, you can offer parents psychologist and speech therapist classrooms, music, dance and sports clubs, teaching children a foreign language. A medical center is also required.

how to open a development center for children

Customer base

How to open development centers for children? You will need an advertisement. It can be ads, flyers, advertising lines on TV and in newspapers. But the main advertisement will be the parents themselves. Make the first day free, and if mommies like your establishment, they will talk about it to all their friends and friends.

You also need to pay attention to children's forums where you can advertise about your center. Another necessary and no less important move could be the opening of a site where training methods, data on teachers, class schedule, cost of services and possible promotions will be placed.

Cost and profit

Naturally, your business should be profitable and have the potential for further development. If you calculate everything, you can open a children's development center, the payback of which will become one hundred percent in three years. First, we calculate the approximate costs, because for each city and district they have their own:

- Making IP - 5000 rubles.

- License - 18,000 rubles.

- Rental of premises - 180,000 rubles.

- Repair - 600,000 rubles.

- Furniture - 120,000 rubles.

- Technique - 135,000 rubles.

- Teaching aids - 130,000 rubles.

- Additional costs - 100,000 rubles.

- Advertising - 50,000 rubles.

Total: 1338000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

- Salary - from 150,000 rubles.

- Utilities - 10,000 rubles.

- Advertising - 10,000 rubles.

- Other - 10,000 rubles.

Total: 180,000 rubles.

Monthly income:

- Developing activities - 60,000 rubles.

- Holidays - 50,000 rubles.

- Mugs - 50,000 rubles.

- Other classes - 70,000 rubles.

Total: 230,000 rubles.

How to attract parents, as well as their babies to the children's development center

Of course, the main visitors to the center will be those children who live nearby. Therefore, it is in this territory that it is necessary to carry out the main part of the advertising campaign: invite parents to events held by the center, organize conversations with them, and also post ads on houses, in entrances.

Invite parents with children to various sports competitions, concerts of foster children, holidays - all this will undoubtedly attract new customers and help expand your fame.

You can maintain your popularity with all kinds of promotions and innovative ideas. But remember

private children's development center

that in this case, you will need to involve advertising agencies in their conduct, which may entail additional costs.

In the situation that has matured in the country at the moment, the opening of a development center for toddlers and middle-aged children is quite promising. If you are not afraid of difficulties that may come your way, then this business will pay off and begin to bring the expected significant income.

In addition, you have the opportunity to get not only money or profit, but also to do a very necessary and useful work, for which you will sooner or later thank the parents of small children. Perhaps, the pupils of your center will also thank you.

Of course, starting any business is hard. But now you know how to open a development center for children. The highest praise for you will be the parents who are proud of their children, and, of course, the small but important victories of your students. And then success, believe me, will not take long. Good luck in your endeavors!

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