
How to choose an electric meat grinder? Rating of electric meat grinders and customer reviews

It is no secret that one of the main items in the home kitchen is a meat grinder. The electrical device that replaced its manual counterpart must be selected with particular care.

Instrument design

how to choose an electric meat grinderAround these devices a huge number of myths. Talk is about plastic shafts and gears, burned out engines, etc.

But those who decide to purchase this thing necessary for cooking and are wondering: “How to choose an electric meat grinder?” Should carefully study the device.

What is it like? This is a two-part device. The first of these is the meat grinder itself.

The second part is an electric motor located in the housing.

The mechanical component of the device includes a cylinder with internal longitudinal guides located on it, the so-called Archimedes screw, or auger, knives and grill.

That is, everything that is available in a classic manual meat grinder. The difference lies in the drive. He is electric.


How to choose an electric meat grinder? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics. The main one is engine power. With a detailed acquaintance with this parameter, some nuances are clarified. The power of the meat grinder is of two types. It is distinguished by nominal as well as peak. The first of them is much lower than the maximum.

With rated power, the device is able to work for a long period of time, stopping in order to cool. The maximum value of this indicator indicates the possibility of an electric meat grinder to crank a jammed knife or auger. Of course, the device cannot work at such power for a long time. It just burns the engine. Usually this time period is only a few seconds.

The power of the electric meat grinder depends on the model you have chosen. Modern manufacturers produce devices in which this parameter can be in the range from two hundred to two thousand watts. Which meat grinder to choose? The more power the device will have, the higher its performance will be.

That is, the ability to process a certain amount of product per minute. Productivity, in turn, will affect the ability to grind harder products. But, choosing a home assistant, it is worth remembering that with the growth of its capacity, electricity costs will increase. In addition, during operation, it will be more noisy.

How to choose an electric meat grinder for the home? Reviews of numerous buyers are not advised to purchase cheap devices with a motor power of up to eight hundred watts. As a rule, such meat grinders are not able to grind hard products. The best choice is devices for which the power exceeds the value of 1000 watts. Of course, these meat grinders are in a higher price category, but they can cope with work much faster. Devices with a power exceeding 1,500 W are considered professional. Their cost is high, but they can grind even bones.

How to choose an electric meat grinder, based on the value of its power? Here you need to take into account your own needs. For a large family, where there is a need for frequent cooking of minced meat, you will need a meat grinder of high power. Only in this case, an expensive purchase will be justified.For example, a device with a power of 1400 watts can grind more than two kilograms of meat for one minute. The cost of such meat grinders is in the range from 150 to 250 dollars.

The golden middle includes a less powerful electric meat grinder. Customer reviews talk about the reliability of models with power from 800 to 1200 watts. They are able to grind 1.5 kilograms of meat for a minute. Such devices, in addition to various lattices with holes, are equipped with a variety of nozzles. What is the cost of such an electric meat grinder? It is in the range of 80-120 dollars.

The third group of devices is represented by modest low-speed units. They are able to twist no more than one kilogram of meat per minute. The cost of such meat grinders is much lower than more powerful models, however, they do not always cope with the processing of "problem" meat.

electric meat grinder reviews

What to do? How to choose an electric meat grinder? Match your needs with your wallet. Only after that make the choice of a specific model that will suit its parameters and will be constantly in demand in the kitchen.

Noise level

This is another parameter by which you should choose an electric meat grinder. However, this value is quite subjective. In addition, it is not indicated in the passport. Of course, electric grinders do not differ in silent operation. In addition, when difficulties arise during the processing of products, vibration, buzzing of an uneven nature, and also “squealing” may appear. It is also obvious that for different people and in different rooms, the device will make uneven noise. But on average, its values ​​are approximately 70 dB with the current sanitary norm of 80 dB.


Each device has its own warranty period. Theoretically, this entire period of the device should work without problems. However, it should be borne in mind that the manufacturer indicates in the passport the minimum period for the correct operation of the product. If you use the meat grinder carefully, it will serve for a long time.

Plastic or metal?

How to choose a meat grinder? The tips already bought this device are as follows: to assess the reliability and durability of all components of the device. This applies to the case itself, and all working parts.

The components of the device are important to evaluate objectively. The case of your chosen model can be made of plastic. This will allow the device to be lighter and will not affect the strength of the product. Modern plastics, in addition to Chinese consumer goods, are quite strong. A tray can also be made from this material. However, it is better if this part is made of metal. Then it will be less scratched and washed perfectly in the dishwasher.

As for the internal working parts, they must be made of metal. And it should be high-quality stainless steel. It is durable and will not react with food.


This part represents the internal spiral working part of the meat grinder. Its main function is to advance the meat to the knives. The screw must be metal. But sometimes in addition to the device comes a plastic part. This is not a spare screw at all. A plastic shaft is installed in the device when working with berries, vegetables and fruits. This allows you to not feel the taste of metal in the finished product.

Perforated discs

The next working part of the meat grinder is the grill. Through this element, the movement of chopped meat occurs. A lot depends on the size of the disks. Therefore, when choosing a meat grinder, it is advisable to stay on the model, the kit of which includes a set consisting of three disks. In extreme cases, they can be purchased separately.

For example, a lattice with small holes is needed for making a paste or baby puree. On a fine grater, it is easier to turn chicken to mince. Hole sizes do not have to choose.In meat grinders of any manufacturers, they range from three to eight millimeters. Pay attention to the thickness of the disk itself. It should not be too thin. The “rougher” the drive, the better quality the product will have on output.


This working part of the device plays an important role in terms of its performance. Which meat grinder to choose for the house? The configuration and sharpness of the knives greatly influence the operation of the device. It is also worth considering when buying. What to choose a meat grinder? User reviews recommend models whose knives have curved (saber) blades. This configuration prevents the windings of wires and fibers on the shaft, which eliminates the need for frequent disassembly of the device in order to clean the knives.

The characteristic of this working part is also different. Knives are divided into ordinary and self-sharpening. The first type will require sharpening at regular intervals. The second one does not need this. Which knives to choose, you decide. But it is worth remembering that an ordinary knife can be sharpened in the after-sales service, and the second will wear out much faster and require replacement. Although, as for household appliances, the details of both types will last a long time.

In addition, the knives can have two or four cutting edges. Use them depending on what type of product you want to receive. If more thorough grinding is required, then a knife with four edges is required.

How to choose an electric meat grinder for the house? It is recommended that you purchase the model that comes with two different types of knives. In this case, the device will be multifunctional.

Inlet neck

This part of the device is no less important than knives, discs and auger. How to choose an electric meat grinder for the house? One of the important criteria for determining a suitable model is the material from which the inlet neck is made. Without fail, it must be metal. Before buying, you should check whether it can be easily disconnected. It is advisable that this part is washed in a dishwasher. This will play an important role in the care of the device.

Before buying an electric meat grinder, you will need to study the section of the instruction that will indicate the material from which the connections transmitting movements from the engine are made. Sometimes in the models of even the most famous brands of gears are made of plastic. But such devices should not be purchased. If the gears are not metal, then an electric meat grinder is unlikely to please you more than its nominal period of use.

Tray and pusher

In order to facilitate work with the device, manufacturers have come up with some additions to it. The most noticeable of these are the pusher and the tray. The quantity of products that can be prepared for the operation of the device depends on the size of the last of these two parts. As a rule, the size of the tray directly depends on the performance of the device. As for the pusher, it is the only item that can be placed in a meat grinder. This part will allow you to refuse pushing products with your finger.


What should be an electric meat grinder in appearance? User reviews recommend that you carefully look at the design of the device before buying. After all, often this heavy thing is not hidden in a closet. An important factor when choosing a model is its ergonomics. An electric meat grinder should be convenient when you take it in your hands, and be designed so that without problems you can substitute a bowl for minced meat to it.

Security features

Great helpers in the kitchen are electric meat grinders. Customer reviews of this powerful electric appliance recommend not to forget about its safety. Precautions in operation require even a mechanical meat grinder. Turning on the electric device, you need to be extremely careful.To avoid possible accidents, more than understanding the dangers of the device is necessary. When buying, you must pay attention to the safety of the device.

Often in cheap models there are no many necessary parameters. This significantly reduces the price and makes them attractive to customers. For example, a more compact electric grinder with a low neck. At the same time, this reduces the cost of the device. But from a security point of view, such a model should not be purchased.

After all, a finger may accidentally slip into the neck. That is why when buying this item is worth paying attention to. The neck in the meat grinder should be so high that the finger could not reach the screw. Remember this important point. After all, the neck with the correct operation of the device is the only dangerous place. In this regard, before buying, test the model, trying to get your finger to the shaft.

Which meat grinder is better to buy? The one in which, in addition to the high neck, engine protection is provided. Different models of devices can have such a function either of a mechanical form, or of a coupling, or electric. The last type of protection is the most thought out. It involves turning off the engine during a sudden slip or prolonged operation. After the device cools down, operation can continue.

What other useful function should an electric meat grinder be equipped with? User reviews recommend paying attention to the presence of a reverse model in the purchased model. This function allows you to give the grinder a "reverse stroke" in the case when solid pieces of food do not allow the screw to spin. Reverse fixes the problem easily.

Additional functions and nozzles

How to choose a good electric meat grinder? Modern manufacturers equip models of kitchen assistants that they produce with additional functions. This greatly expands the capabilities of appliances, raising them to the level of food processors. Is there a need for such features? The decision must be made by the buyer. At the same time, it is worth remembering that each of the additional functions increases the price of the device. However, buying a meat grinder, which has many attachments, you can save on the purchase of numerous household appliances.

What functions of the meat grinder are most popular? This is a nozzle for sausages. It is recommended to select this function even if you will make products no more than once a year. Such a nozzle does not affect the cost of the device.

An electric meat grinder can also include a grater-slicer. This nozzle will help to decorate the table with beautifully chopped products, as well as chop anything with beautiful pieces. In this case, the work will be done in a matter of seconds.

how to choose a food processor with a meat grinder

Another of the most popular nozzles is a juicer. If you like freshly squeezed juice, then it should also be in the kit. But remember that for different models of electric meat grinders there are different nozzles. There are juicers for tomatoes, there are for citrus fruits, there are classic options. Which one to choose is up to the buyer. However, it is better if the juicer is purchased separately. It fits a meat grinder a little.

There can be many nozzles to this amazing device. Most often they are chosen for making cookies, forming cutlets produced pasta, spaghetti and noodles, diced products. A kebbe attachment is also popular. Of course, these developments are very interesting, but it is worth remembering that they significantly increase the price of the device.

King of small kitchen appliances

A food processor is rightfully the main assistant to any housewife. What is the difference between him and an electric meat grinder? Which of the devices should I prefer when choosing an assistant for cooking? A food processor with a meat grinder has its advantages. It is equipped with a working bowl, which allows you not to search for the necessary dishes. In addition, it is multifunctional.The harvester is equipped with a mixer and other various nozzles. In addition, it is easier to wash at the end of cooking.

A food processor with a meat grinder or an electric meat grinder? Which instrument do you prefer? When choosing a device, it is worth remembering that electric meat grinders have greater performance. On average, they are able to process up to one and a half kilograms of products in one minute. In addition, they have great potential for processing meat.

There are buyers who do not need juicers, mixers and blenders. They only want to rub, cut and shred. Of course, the choice of such consumers is an electric meat grinder. In addition to this device you can always additionally purchase the necessary nozzles. It is worth remembering that a meat grinder will cope with vegetables faster than a meat processor. It is up to personal preference.

How to choose a food processor with a meat grinder, if you place more emphasis on making dough for baking, mashed vegetables and drinks? The main attention when choosing a model should be paid to its power. If it is low (400-500 watts), then the technique will be able to cope only with the most tender meat that does not have veins.

Rating of meat grinders

What devices are popular with customers? It is worth saying that meat grinders are produced by many well-known brands. The equipment “Philips”, “BOSCH”, as well as “Kenwood”, in addition to its reliability, is also very powerful and also productive.

how to choose an electric meat grinder for home reviews

Numerous nozzles delight customers with brands such as Panasonic, Moulinex and Tefal.

They are on the second step of the rating. The meat grinders produced by these companies have a stylish design and are well implemented in the Russian market.

If the consumer’s financial capabilities are limited and he is not ready to pay from six to twelve thousand rubles for the purchase of the device, then you should pay attention to the models from Braun, SUPRA, Zelmer Diana, Delonghi and Mystery, which belong to the budget.

But it is worth remembering that the equipment of these manufacturers has modest characteristics and is not designed for a large amount of work.

At the lowest rung of the ranking are Chinese brands. Reliability and quality of these products cause numerous complaints from users.

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Larisa V.
Great, easy to understand review! Indeed, the most important thing in a meat grinder is power. It is necessary to understand how much meat is planned to be processed on average. My pet Dauken FW3040 easily twists a few kilograms of meat, even with hard veins. This is understandable, with good power it is completely metal, both outside and inside.


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