
What should be the humidity in the room: normal

“The most important thing is the weather in the house,” the famous singer sang. But this is indeed so. The optimal microclimate will protect you from many diseases, while the violation of the balance of temperature and humidity is fraught with consequences.

But if the temperature is more or less clear, in almost every house there is a wall-mounted thermometer that records its changes, then far from everyone knows what the normal humidity in the room should be (normal and permissible deviations), and how to measure it. Today we want to pay attention to this issue so that each of you has the perfect weather in your home.humidity in the room is the norm in a pharmacy

What to strive for

Indeed, what should be the humidity in the room? Norma is an established corridor that may be slightly higher or lower, but too much discrepancy threatens to worsen your well-being. Nowadays, they finally began to pay attention to this important indicator, put cranes on the radiators of batteries, and also buy special devices that help normalize the microclimate. The reason is understandable, people react poorly to microclimate changes and seek to neutralize this factor. What you need to focus on when talking about indoor humidity? The norm is about 45%, and we need to strive for this indicator.norms of humidity in the room

Let's define the terminology

There are several concepts that are directly related to the topic of our article. This is the relative and absolute humidity in the room. The norm in this case is the value that characterizes the presence of water vapor in the air. This is a fundamental characteristic of a healthy microclimate. That is, while we are talking about the absolute value. However, we are more interested in relative humidity. What does it mean? This is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum possible amount at a given temperature. Now it’s a little clear what we mean when we talk about the humidity in the room. The norm varies greatly depending on what functional load lies on this room.humidity and room temperature

Regulated Parameter

Absolute humidity practically does not interest us. Always, speaking about normal living conditions, we mean the ratio of temperature and humidity. Any person working in the field of healthcare or labor protection will tell you that the norm of relative humidity in the room is a value that will not be the same for different buildings and rooms. In particular, there are six categories of premises, depending on their purpose and operation characteristics. It should be noted that relative humidity is usually divided into optimal and permissible.

The standards we operate with

For the most part, we are interested in the humidity in the living room. The norm in this case is declared 45%. Although this figure is not an optimal indicator, such a ratio of humidity does not threaten complications for your health. Let's talk a little more about norms and standards.

So, depending on the saturation with water vapor, the air in the room can be dry, up to 55%. Air with a relative humidity of 56% to 70% is considered to be moderately dry. With a percentage ratio of 71% to 85%, the air is considered moderately humid. Finally, over 86% is very humid air.

So, in an office or residential building, it is necessary to maintain humidity from 45% to 50%. This is enough if only to not be uncomfortable.These are the lowest indicators; the humidity in the production room should be higher. The norm here differs depending on the specifics of production.

For example, take the tobacco industry. For tobacco storage, it is necessary to maintain indicators from 65% to 80%, and if you take cigarette production here it is desirable to reduce air humidity to 55%. Printing production is also sensitive to these indicators. For printing shops and paper stores, the optimal indicator is from 50% to 60%. If we take woodworking workshops, the indicators will be even lower, not more than 55%. Approximately the same figures must be maintained in the workshops engaged in the textile industry. For a bakery, a room with a higher temperature of about 40 degrees, as well as a humidity of about 75%, is suitable. But the greenhouses, which are created for growing tulips and mushrooms, require raising these figures to 95%.room humidity is normal

Consequences of deviation from the norm

In fact, it was not in vain today that we decided to talk about the humidity in the room. The SNIP norm is developed not just like that, but in order to maximally protect human health. Doctors know that this indicator is very important. Any deviations from the norm will affect the state of your health. If the air is very dry, it causes increased evaporation of moisture from the skin, plants and furniture. As a result, the skin becomes dry, signs of aging appear much earlier, and hair becomes brittle and dull. Since the skin quickly ages and loses elasticity, metabolism is disrupted. Dry nasal mucosa is the cause of frequent acute respiratory infections and runny nose. Therefore, if you notice one or more symptoms in yourself, be sure to take care to increase the humidity in the room in which you spend a lot of time.norm of relative humidity of air in the room

High humidity

Setting the norms of humidity in the room, SANPIN also notes the inadmissibility of too high indicators. First of all, this is fraught with the fact that a humid environment promotes the growth of molds and pathogenic microorganisms that cause various diseases. At high air temperature, increased humidity contributes to overheating of the body, and at low temperatures - overcooling. Although if we consider rooms with central heating, then it is better to waterlog than to dry.

Our home is our castle

We spend a lot of time at home, so it is very important that ideal conditions for life are created here. Do not forget that the norms of humidity in the room SANPIN registers relative to the temperature in the room. As we have already said, relative humidity should be from 40% to 60% at an air temperature of 22-24 degrees.

If condensate begins to precipitate and collect in drops, it means that the maximum permissible humidity is reached. Usually we can observe such a phenomenon at the border of the heating seasons. The included heaters, electric stoves and air conditioners dry the air very much, and in high season the humidity in apartments is usually lower than in the Sahara desert. Indoor plants are the first to feel dry air. They begin to dry and fall off the leaves. Then all home, and especially young children, begin to notice its effects on themselves.humidity in the production room is the norm

Home Infant

With the appearance of crumbs, parents immediately add anxiety. The heat transfer of the baby is still so imperfect that any mothers are perceived with hostility by young mothers. In fact, in vain, because fresh air and normal temperature condition - This is the key to the normal functioning of the immune system.

The optimum temperature in the nursery is considered to be from +20 to +22 degrees (acceptable values ​​are from +18 to +24). To control it, a normal room thermometer is suitable. It is in such conditions that a balance is maintained between heat production and heat loss.At the same time, humidity in the room also plays a large role. The norm for a child is from 50% to 70%. You can adjust it using a special device - a hygrometer.humidity in the living room is normal

What is fraught with dry air for a baby

Today, most of us live in apartments with central heating, so the problem of high humidity does not concern almost any of us. But his excessive dryness affects the child is far from the best way. Especially on newborns.

Exhaled air has a body temperature and humidity of 100%. And if the air in the apartment is dry, the body spends a lot of fluid to moisturize it. Such a loss of fluid leads to anxiety of the child, he does not sleep well, is naughty, his nose is often stuffy and his breathing is difficult. Due to the drying up of the mucous membranes, their protection against pathogenic bacteria and viruses worsens.

Requirements for the premises in which the pharmacy is located

We often go to pharmacies, because, unfortunately, medicines are an integral part of our lives. Pharmacies belong to the health care system, that is, the requirements for them are very stringent. Medicines must be stored and sold strictly in the prescribed temperature conditions, the necessary lighting, humidity and other indicators that must be observed are clearly spelled out.

The air temperature, which should be maintained by pharmacy personnel - from +18 to +20 degrees, is not higher. It is under these conditions that most medicines are stored, except those that should be in the refrigerator. What should be the relative humidity in the room? The norm in a pharmacy should not go beyond 40-60%.room humidity is the norm for a child

How to maintain normal performance

Humidity and room temperature should be constantly monitored. But with the temperature, everything is clear - you need to hang a thermometer and observe its performance. If you increase it excessively, you can reduce the heat supply or increase ventilation. If the temperature is below normal, then vice versa, it is worth connecting an additional heat source.

Humidity is more difficult to measure, often we do not have hygrometers at home. Therefore, there are two ways out of this situation. The first - we manage the improvised ways. We install an aquarium in the room, hang the batteries with wet towels, and put cans of water near the radiators. This will provide additional humidification, but it is difficult to control.

If you want to be sure that the conditions in the room are optimal, then use special devices to humidify the air. They are silent and safe. This is usually a water tank that is equipped with a micro-atomization system and a small fan that drives dry air through this cloud. Some models are equipped with a hygrometer, others with a hygrostat, which maintains a given level of humidity in the room. But usually these are expensive models that are used in production.

The norm of relative humidity in the room is an important indicator, which must be monitored.

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