
How to choose a spray gun? How to choose an electric spray gun?

The airbrush is an irreplaceable attribute in the workshop of any home craftsman. At the same time, we note that it is not at all necessary to use it only for painting a car, because this device can also be used during ordinary painting work in everyday life. The main thing is to know how to choose a spray gun so that it is convenient to use.

How it works

The airbrush is a device which needs to be used correctly. And for this you need to know his device, possible adjustments and settings. Today, many manufacturers offer to buy this device, which only complicates the choice. It is noteworthy that the atomizer was first coined by an American doctor to administer a medication to the nose.

Today the device has significantly transformed, and the question arises of how to choose the right spray gun. The design features of these devices are such that the flow of compressed air is controlled by the trigger. In this case, the tank itself, into which the paint is poured, can be located above or below. By adjusting the air flow and selecting the spray head with different diameters, you can control the process of spraying the composition. In order for the device to work stably, it is important to know how to choose a compressor for the spray gun.

how to choose a spray gun

Design features

Any spray gun is a simple device in composition, which even a novice user can handle. The device turns on via the network. A piston is launched through the armature, the reciprocating actions of which lead to the suction of the sprayed material through the filter into the chamber of the device. Here, the material is compressed, then pushed out using a spray gun and nozzle. That is, using a spray gun is simple: paint is poured, after which you can begin to work with an already cleaned and high-quality prepared surface.

How to choose paint for a spray gun?

In order to paint a car well, it is important to properly configure the device itself, with which we will apply the composition. Several factors affect spraying:

  1. Properly diluted paint.
  2. Properly selected air pressure.
  3. Precisely set torch size.
  4. Correctly organized supply of coloring material.

The most important thing is to prepare the paint of the desired degree of viscosity. It depends on this stage how well the composition will be sprayed. To do this, paint is taken and mixed with an activator - the proportions are indicated on the can. Due to the high viscosity, this mixture cannot be used yet - it is still necessary to add a solvent to it. We need to approach this point responsibly, since the quality of the final product depends on the quantity of the latter. This creates a mixture that will be applied in a single layer.

How to choose a spray gun for water-based paint, so that the coating pleases with high quality? It is necessary to properly configure the device taking into account the width of the torch, air pressure and adjustment of the paint supply.

how to choose paint for a spray gun

Adjustment Features

Before choosing a spray gun for the home, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. This device includes an air supply unit and a spray gun through which painting is performed. In the form of a block for air supply, a compressor, a manual pump or an air duct can act. And to control the level of paint ejection, you can choose models with a built-in electric motor or plunger pump.

How to choose a spray gun - pneumatic or electric? It all depends on the device spray gun.It consists of a housing, a paint tank, which holds up to one liter of composition. The lid of the tank is equipped with a special drainage hole, which should be cleaned periodically to avoid the formation of vacuum inside the tank.

Air and paint are supplied with a special trigger located on the body. When we easily press it, air is supplied. With a strong press, the needle is affected, which moves and opens the channel necessary for the receipt of paint. The main part of the sprayer is a head with a nozzle made of brass, bronze or ceramic, of different diameters. The smaller the size of the hole, the smaller the droplets of protruding paint. The enlarged opening allows you to spray liquids with a high level of viscosity. When deciding which spray gun to choose, pay attention to the models in which the head comes complete with interchangeable nozzles of different diameters.

Using special adjusting screws, the shape and size of the spray cone are controlled, as well as the amount of paint sprayed and the air pressure. Adjustment should be carried out taking into account the viscosity of the composition, as well as the size of the painted parts and the type of painting (it can be draft or finish).

what to choose an electric spray gun


How to choose a spray gun? First you need to decide on the type of spray. All models of devices are divided into several groups, depending on the volume and working air pressure:

  • High pressure (HP).
  • High volume, low pressure (HVLP).
  • Low volume, low pressure (LVLP).
  • Low volume, medium pressure (LVMP).
  • Low Pressure (RP).
  • Medium Pressure (MP).
  • With high pressure efficiency (HTE).

The main differences are between the spray guns of the HP, HVLP and LVLP systems, and the rest of the devices are their modifications. The most popular models for buyers are with the spray system based on the HP system. The main advantage of this version is the wide torch, which provides uniform coating on the surface, increasing the speed of repairs.

Among these models can be noted the Expert HP device, which is equipped with a gravitational supply of paint. It is suitable when we choose a spray gun for painting a car as simple as possible in action. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that the device can be used for paintwork, tinting and priming surfaces of metal or wood. The base nozzle has a diameter of 1.4 mm and is made of stainless steel, anodized aluminum is used to create the air nozzle.

How to choose a spray gun that will allow you to rationally spend paint and varnish materials? You can pay attention to models with the HLVP system, which work without swirls of paint, ensuring the formation of a uniformly painted surface. LVLP systems are characterized by low air consumption, low sensitivity to differential pressure, as well as high-quality application of paints and varnishes on the parts.

Selection rules

how to choose a spray gun

Before deciding how to choose an electric spray gun, you need to decide how often the device will be used by you and for what purposes - domestic or professional. Such parameters as power and efficiency of the device will depend on this. By the way, for professional activities, the painter needs at least three apparatus for spraying paint of various types of action. The best option is a spray gun of the LVLP system, however, when choosing, you should still proceed from several parameters:

  1. Nozzle size. You should take into account the power of the spray gun, as well as the type of coating. For example, for a metallic base coat, the diameter of the nozzle should be 1.2-1.3 mm, and for varnish and acrylic, 1.4-1.5 mm.
  2. Spraying method, especially if a primer is to be applied.
  3. Type of spray. A modern buyer can purchase an electric, pneumatic or mechanical device.
  4. DimensionsAll models on the market are focused on either industrial production or domestic use. The former are distinguished by greater power and the ability to paint immediately a large surface in one approach, the latter are convenient in that they are compact, so they can be used to decorate hard-to-reach spots.

When deciding which electric gun to choose, you need to understand that such a device allows you to make the painting process better and more convenient. As a result, the painted layer will be of good quality, in addition, applying a large amount of paint will not be required, and this is a great opportunity to save.

How to choose a spray gun that works from the network? Remember that this appliance is operated from an outlet, and additional equipment is not required to carry out painting work. Such a device can easily cope with any kind of paints, protective mixtures, solutions. These models are good in that they allow you to make the painting process more economical and convenient. It remains to determine the brand of the spray gun.


This company is a world leader in the production of professional paint systems. Each model of this brand is well thought out - both a uniform and uniform torch, and a high level of paint transfer to the surface. The company traces its history back to 1908 and currently pleases buyers with a variety of electric and manual models of spray guns.

Most SATA models are based on HVLP technology, which affects the reduction in the consumption of paints and varnishes. These models are usually used for finishing, which is of high quality due to the stable and regular shape of the torch. RP-based models are equipped with a powerful compressor, and are distinguished by their performance and efficiency. The distinctive features of spray guns of this brand include:

  • ergonomics;
  • ease of use and care.

What can we offer Walcom

how to choose a spray gun for home

How to choose a spray gun for painting a car that will allow you to perform a lot of work? Models of the Walcom series are designed just for the finish of cars in the industrial sector. This equipment - modern and technological - allows you to make the painting process high-quality and simple.

Each sprayer is equipped with a pressure gauge, filters that can be changed at any time, a gearbox, a brush for cleaning the paint tank and all the necessary documentation. Such a competent and responsible approach allows us to make the operation of the device convenient and simple. Italian-made products are created taking into account the latest developments and the latest technologies, due to which each coloring is performed efficiently.

Aggregates from Bosch

This brand allows you to purchase a high-quality airbrush (household). How to choose the best from existing models? This brand offers you to evaluate a wide selection of devices with which you can paint a car, residential or industrial facilities as quickly as possible, conveniently and economically. Bosch universal spray guns are able to spray even thick formulations, while each will be consumed economically and accurately, and a special filter will clean it of harmful impurities.

One of the popular models - Bosch PFS 55 - is ideally suited for domestic work. The paint is applied quickly and efficiently to any surface. The body of the unit is convenient, ergonomic, while it is made of high impact plastic. It is advisable to use this model if you need to apply paint to small areas. The unit under consideration is used with enamel and glaze paints, varnishes on a transparent basis, primers, automotive topcoats, oils, stains.A good choice is the Bosch PFS 65 airbrush with a universal mobile design that allows you to competently spend paint and evenly paint any surface.

WAGNER Products

how to choose a spray gun for water-based paint

Spray guns of this series have long been popular among specialists. Possessing good power and convenient in work, they can be used for finishing all types of surfaces in various rooms, as well as for painting cars. One of the most popular models is the W550. Its main advantage is compactness, besides it is very easy and simple to use. For work, you do not need to use additional accessories, while spraying the paint will be evenly and accurately. The built-in cloudless spraying system allows us to carry out the necessary operations as accurately as possible, leaving the surrounding things clean.

Despite the small size, this device is powerful, can be used in various fields and is designed just for use in small areas. Spraying is based on the HVVLP system, and work can be carried out using low-viscosity mixtures, polishes, water-soluble paints, enamels, varnishes, primers, oil paints and many other compounds.

Sturm Products

Another popular and economical spray gun is offered to us by Sturm. This device equally well copes with painting both cars and walls or ceilings. It is convenient to use, since the paint lays evenly, accurately, does not spread, and it is easy and simple to control the device.

It is no coincidence that the products of this company are equally popular both among professionals and among those who need to paint something in an apartment or a country house. In this series, the SG9640 model attracts attention, which works with any compositions based on water, chalk, lime, as well as with paints and varnishes and protective mixtures. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a collector motor, which creates the desired air pressure, which allows you to make the painting neat and fast.

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