
Own business: production of bulk floors. Production and sale of decorative bulk floors

Production of bulk floors

Recently, decorative bulk floors have become in high demand among the population. There are more and more companies that are training in the technology of their production.

You can quickly organize your business. Bulk floor can be manufactured at minimal cost, while receiving substantial profit. It is only important to know about certain nuances of this business. Such a business can bring a very substantial income to its owner.

Essence of the idea

Decorative bulk floors have such characteristics as attractive appearance, resistance to moisture, as well as long service life. They are made using a polymer coating to which epoxy or polyurethane resins are added. Decorative bulk floors look good in restaurants, banquet halls, offices, and recently they began to be made in houses and apartments.

Polyurethane floors are notable for their unreliable operation. They tend to fade in the sun, they remain scratches from heels that can not be restored. Epoxy floors are more resistant to sunlight, and scratches are quickly restored by sanding. In the raw materials intended for the manufacture of decorative floors, there are no toxins, it is not able to cause allergies and has fire-fighting properties.

Production of bulk floors

To make high-quality floors, you will need to bring in craftsmen with the appropriate qualifications. This work is quite delicate and requires certain knowledge, as well as skill. Floors are considered to be of poor quality if various specks or air bubbles get into the resin during the manufacturing process. Before applying polymer, the floor needs preparation.

The surface must be filled with a special screed, which will make it absolutely even. Next, a layer of resin is applied. After it has completely dried, it is required to polish the resulting top layer. The surface in some cases may require additional varnish. If you organize a business, an experienced team will be able to produce bulk floors in a week, so you need to hire only professionals. And this should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, since the payment of qualified personnel fully corresponds to their skill level.

Materials such as impregnation and primers, waterproofing and topcoat will be required if you are using bulk floors. A business plan must take all of this into account. In addition, you will need special tools such as a spray gun and a doctor blade. You can rent a milling machine at first, or do without it at all.

Some subtleties

Production of bulk floors is a seasonal business, so it is better to start it in the warm season. With the advent of spring, customers in need of such services appear like snowdrops, and in winter there may well be a decline in demand. Your company will pay off in just a couple of months. For you, the best option is to cooperate with a permanent, experienced team of workers who are always ready to earn. You can start your activity with the implementation of several orders for your friends at cost. So you will gain the necessary experience and work skills.

Production of bulk floors

The scope of the enterprise

Anyone who has encountered repairs at least once is well aware of how popular bulk floors have become. This is due to their environmental safety, as well as a very spectacular appearance. Such a coating is very expensive, but it can completely replace a laminate, tile, linoleum, and also other types of coatings.

Bulk floors have good resistance to mechanical damage, as already mentioned above. Their perfectly smooth surface, water resistance, as well as antibacterial properties - this is a number of points that make such a coating a rather interesting solution. All these properties are due to the fact that in the dense structure of the bulk floor, bacteria and fungi simply have nowhere to breed.

Work Requirements

The bulk floor is laid on a standard cement or concrete base. The grade of concrete should be M200 or higher. The moisture content of the base should be less than 4%. Before starting the production of bulk floors, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of old coatings, dirt and dust. Stains can be removed using a mosaic grinder.

The work should be carried out at a constant temperature, eliminating the possibility of a sharp decrease, otherwise this may cause the formation of condensate. On the basis there should not be chips, cracks and potholes, otherwise the production of bulk floors will be carried out with a violation of technology. In the presence of defects, it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate them. Porous substrates must be impregnated with liquid seals. At this stage, the quality of the future coating is already being determined. If necessary, the surface impregnation should be repeated several times.

The adhesion of the polymer and the base depends on the degree of surface roughness, as well as on the absence of various films or a layer of cement milk on it, with which the coating can simply peel off from the base. This error is one of the most common when applying polymer coatings.

Work stages

Flooring is carried out using a fairly simple technology that can be mastered independently. It is supposed to carry out such basic steps as preparing a concrete base, applying soil or impregnating concrete, puttying the surface, and pouring with a top coat. The cost of work is usually calculated depending on the surface area, as well as on the special wishes of the client, for example, a photo image, 3D or multi-colored design. And this usually indicates the need to hire experienced designers or artists to complete the project.


Do not specialize narrowly. To get a good quality income, it is better to serve not only residential premises, but also production shops, various offices and more. There you will not need to somehow particularly fantasize, but you will come across the opportunity to work on large areas.

It is worth offering the services of your business to the owners of restaurants, bars, night clubs, as well as other establishments, because the bulk floor in them will not only look elegant, but will also become practical in terms of cleaning. In addition, you can make bulk bar counters and countertops.

The transparent bulk floor looks especially attractive. You can install additional light sources, as well as create some three-dimensional paintings. You can endlessly come up with something new, in addition, the demand for this type of product is increasing every day.

Bulk floor business

Coating features

What are decorative bulk floors? At its core, these are polymer coatings with an arbitrary pattern, which are characterized by a beautiful appearance, high decorativeness, and also have waterproof characteristics. This is a kind of huge paintings that create a certain effect, ordered by the client.

In the middle of the bulk floor, you can put various decorative elements. Usually they are in great demand in the decoration of restaurants, cafes, office premises, bathrooms and corridors. Such floors are characterized by durability and hygiene, they do not accumulate dust, and do not wear out for a long time. Their combined use with underfloor heating technology is allowed. The manufacture of bulk floors does not require much time.

Flight of Design

Making floors is a very interesting and profitable business, especially when you consider the possibilities for creating a diverse design. One of the latest recent trends is the transformation of the room into a corner of nature: forest, taiga, desert, sky, waterfall, sea coast. This effect is achieved through the use of bulk floors with realistic and very colorful images. That is why, as a currently popular way to decorate an apartment, it is quite possible to call a bulk floor.

The business of its manufacture is quite suitable for a creative person who is filled with new and very original ideas. The right approach to organizing the business itself and the advertising campaign will allow him to get a very tangible profit in a fairly short time. At the moment, there are not many such companies in Russia, so you have a real chance to take your place in this field of activity, and also make good money on it.

Business bulk floor


To organize a business does not require unique knowledge and large financial investments. The study of all the varieties, features and nuances of the operation of bulk floors will not take so much time. Typically, manufacturers of materials for creating bulk floors provide training services for the skill of their installation. Sometimes this is done for free. However, even if you need to pay for training, you can be calm, these investments will quickly pay off after the start of work.

Important points

Naturally, to organize your company engaged in the production of bulk floors, you will need to buy or rent an office space, as well as hire several employees and purchase the necessary materials. Worthy of decent advertising. At the moment, bulk floors are not so widespread, so you need to talk about them in the most accessible form. The client must understand what features and privileges such a service is able to give. It is the novelty of this business that makes it so promising and profitable.

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