
How to choose a mattress. How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed

Choosing a mattress is a rather complicated process, as the range of such products is very large. But the subject does not change over the years. In addition, the quality of sleep depends on the mattress. You can purchase any model in the store.

Mattresses can be coconut, latex, springless, spring, simple and orthopedic. As you can see, the choice is great. That is why many people have a question about how to choose a mattress for a bed.

how to choose a mattress

What is an orthopedic mattress

Before proceeding with the selection of the product, it is worth understanding what orthopedic mattresses are. How to choose the perfect model? Indeed, in fact, this is the most important part of the bed, which allows a person to relax as much as possible, and his body to take the correct position. At the same time, it is worth remembering that mattresses are made completely from different materials. They can be natural and artificial.

"Orthopedic" means "intended for the treatment of various deformations of the human body, as well as for their compensation." However, this term was attached to mattresses by manufacturers. Therefore, the phrase turned out to be wrong. In fact, the mattress is not intended to treat any disease. Everyone should understand this. When purchasing a bed mat, do not expect it to help get rid of scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

However, a correctly selected mattress can help you get rid of insomnia, eliminate pain, which occurs as a result of improper body position during sleep. As a result, your well-being will only improve. So, how to choose a mattress for a bed?

orthopedic mattresses how to choose

Orthopedic should be called exactly the product that allows you to keep the spine straight during rest. For each person it is worth choosing a mattress individually. For some, this or that model will have an orthopedic effect, but for some it will not.

For example, if a full person spends the night on a mattress that is too soft, then in the morning he will feel himself not rested. In this case, a hammock effect is created, since the product will bend in the middle. Agree, in this position it is almost impossible to rest.

But how to choose a mattress, for example, a thin girl? Of course, it is worth abandoning a too rigid mattress, as it will not bend, and the spine will be in a curved position throughout the night. As a result of such rest, joint pain may appear. As you can see, when choosing a mattress, you should rely not only on the properties of the product, but also on your physical data. Remember, only a correctly selected product can be called orthopedic.

Types of mattresses

Before choosing a mattress, you should decide on its appearance. The most common models can be springless and spring. However, you should not think that one species is worse than another. Not at all. Each of these models has its own advantages. Remember that the choice of such a product is subjective and individual.

There are also water mattresses that are filled with water, and inflatable. It is worth noting that the first type is extremely rare on sale, since the operation of such products is quite problematic. As for inflatable ones, they are most often used as an extra bed.

Varieties of spring blocks orthopedic mattresses

Coca mattress is better to choose

So, how to choose the right mattress? Orthopedic models can be equipped with an independent and dependent spring unit.

In the first case, each spring is located in a separate case and does not depend on the others. There can be up to 1200 individual parts per square meter.

It is worth noting that the more springs, the greater the effect of the mattress. In other words, it adapts to the shape of the human body.

It is worth noting that such products allow you to completely relax and sleep well. Of course, the cost of such a mattress is much higher.

Products with a dependent spring unit differ in reasonable cost, excellent ventilation and the ability to withstand fairly large loads. Each spring inside such a mattress is connected to neighboring ones. When you click on one part, all the others work. Of course, this significantly reduces the orthopedic effect.

So, how to choose a mattress for a bed? Recently, products made from natural materials: coconut coir, horsehair, camel hair, linen, and also latex have been very popular. The orthopedic effect in this case depends on the filling layers used in the manufacture of the mattress. Let's see, natural orthopedic mattresses how to choose which is better and what to look for when buying.

Coconut Coir Mattresses

Coira are fibers that are formed after coconut processing. Most often, this component is combined with other fillers, as it makes the mattress too stiff. Typically, coconut coir is used as an additional layer between the springs and latex in an orthopedic mattress.

The advantages of this material include a good ability to pass moisture and air, durability, environmental friendliness and strength. As for the shortcomings, he alone - increased rigidity. If you wondered how to choose a mattress for newborns, then pay attention to monoblocks from coconut coir. For a newly born baby, such a product is simply ideal. But which mattress is better to choose for an adult?

Latex: natural and artificial

how to choose a mattress for a child

As for latex mattresses, they are able to repeat the contours of the person lying on them, this is a guarantee of quality sleep. It is worth noting that the spine during rest takes the correct position, which allows you to relax as much as possible. Latex is able to withstand a fairly high pressure and is considered a durable material.

Products from it have special through holes. Such a system provides moisture and heat transfer, and also contributes to normal ventilation. It is worth noting that natural latex is hypoallergenic. However, unlike artificial, such material is expensive. As for the non-natural, it has a specific smell, low cost and high strength.

Natural fillers

Fans of natural materials prefer sheep, coconut and camel orthopedic mattresses. How to choose from so many exactly what will be just right? Among the advantages of a natural filler, it is worth highlighting hygroscopicity and excellent ventilation. As for the shortcomings, there are several of them: rolling into lumps, reproduction of various pathogens, low orthopedic effect, can cause allergies.

Helium mattresses

Since it is very difficult to choose a mattress, let's consider another option - helium products. They allow you to simulate a three-dimensional plane. After all, such products can bend back and forth, left and right, down and up. For this reason, such models are widely used in medicine. Use them for long operations, as well as in the period after surgery. After all, such products are very convenient for patients who are forced to be in a lying position for a long time. Alas, not everyone knows about such qualities of helium mattresses.Therefore, they are not used so widely.

What to look for when choosing a mattress

Many argue that a hard mattress is very useful for the spine. However, as we have already found out, this is a fallacy. The most important thing about this part is convenience. Since it is very difficult to choose a mattress today because of the wide range, it will not be out of place to heed the advice of specialists. First of all, it is worth remembering that the product should not be very soft or very hard.

Mattresses at a low cost based on a spring block cannot be called orthopedic. The most optimal option in this price segment is “bonnels” - springless products based on foam rubber or artificial latex. Such models are much better than those equipped with a spring unit.

Before choosing a double mattress, it is worth considering that thin people are perfectly suited for soft products in which there is no layer of coconut coir. But full is better to pay attention to hard products with sufficiently reinforced springs.

If you experience pain in the lumbar region, then it is worth abandoning the hard options. You should choose a softer mattress that supports the lower back and misses well. If there are problems in the upper parts of the spine, then it is worth paying attention to rigid models with a layer of coconut coir.

how to choose the right mattress

Very often, orthopedists recommend patients who suffer from diseases of the spine, semi-rigid or hard mattresses. Of course, the advice of specialists should be heeded. However, a completely healthy person should abandon such models, since this will not bring benefits, but only harm.

Mattresses for children

Before choosing a mattress for a child, pay attention to the composition of the filler. For the smallest, it is important that the product is well ventilated. The ideal option is a monoblock made of coconut coir with a mattress cover 3 to 7 centimeters thick. For teens, it’s better to pick up something more “tenacious” that can withstand even jumping. In this case, a springless model, for example, made of natural or artificial latex, is ideal.


Orthopedic mattresses as such do not exist. A product can have a similar effect only for a certain person. When choosing a mattress should take into account the height, weight and age of sleeping, as well as the presence of certain diseases of the spine. Of course, one should also remember personal preferences. When choosing a product, you should not rely on banal advice about a particular model. In this case, it is still a balance between a limited budget and optimal performance.

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