
Own business: production of pillows and blankets. How to build a profitable production of duvets and pillows

Pillow production

Human sleep is such a mysterious and unexplored phenomenon that for many scientists it becomes the work of a lifetime about which they write treatises, conduct lengthy scientific disputes, and hold symposia. If we do not talk about some individual characteristics of the body, then any insignificant detail can interrupt a dream, for example, an uncomfortable bed, the light that remained on, lumps on a sheet or blanket, and much more that can poison existence.

Choosing a way to solve a problem

If there are any serious sleep disturbances, then you need to contact professionals. And when the problem lies on the surface, you can try to solve it yourself. Many succeed in this. First you need to analyze the state in which you go to bed every day.

Even if you get a little nervous, you can become a hostage to your fears and worries, which is why the dream will necessarily be disturbed. A terrible headache awaits you the next morning, which may affect your appearance. On the part of relatives and colleagues, questions may arise related to your circles under the eyes.

An important role in shaping a good deep sleep is your bed. Everything should be such that you can feel in your bedroom as the master, and not a slave, acting in favor of fashionable trends. Everyone knows that nothing is more pleasant and convenient than a feather coat and a blanket.

They perfectly retain heat, which is good in winter, when it is cold around and the bed is warm. In addition, they are so convenient and enjoyable that it will be a crime to part with them. The production of pillows and duvets from the fluff is still a fairly demanded business.

There are various types of blankets, you need to choose a specific one to start its production. The main difference between these products is the filler, on which the usability and the resulting heat depend. Each consumer chooses for himself the type of blanket that suits him the most, and you, as a manufacturer, need to navigate the modern needs of customers in order to engage in the manufacture of goods.

Duvet blanked

This look is the warmest and easiest, because fluff is a natural filler. The duvet has very good thermoregulation, so in summer it is not hot under it, but warm in winter. While fluff is treated with antiallergenic impregnations, people suffering from severe allergies should refrain from such an acquisition. Making duvets is the most complex process.


If you choose the production of such products, you should know that they are characterized by almost all the advantages of downy, but are more severe. However, this point depends on the preferences of the consumer. And the content of lanolin in woolen blankets makes them healthy.

Cotton blanket

The advantage of such products is the low price, hypoallergenicity and good warming properties. Cons can be considered a tendency to absorb odors, reduced durability. However, many consumers choose these products for themselves, so it makes sense to produce them.

Synthetic blanket

Now on the market there are quite a lot of fillers of synthetic origin, but their properties are not very different.Currently, polyester has become the most popular filler. The blankets from it are unpretentious in use, they can be washed in a car, they are quite warm and are not inclined to absorb odors. Due to poor thermoregulation, such blankets can be a real punishment for the consumer, since when it is cold or hot in the house, it will be uncomfortable under it.

Types of blankets


Of course, you can start your own business in the field of manufacturing products full of fluff, but at the moment there are also alternatives such as synthetic winterizer and holofiber. These are very simple and fairly cheap fillers for bedding. The production of pillows and blankets using these fillers can be very profitable. Gradually, you can get a tangible income.

So, if you decide to start the production of pillows and blankets, then you should first draw up the legal side of the issue. Only after receiving permission to organize entrepreneurial activity, you can count on calm. After that, you can open and equip your workshop without fear of getting any fines.

What is necessary?

To open a workshop in which the production of blankets and pillows will be carried out, you will need a room whose area is one hundred twenty - one hundred thirty square meters. It should have a good electrical wiring, as well as a place for storing raw materials. Currently existing rules prescribe the mandatory presence of a bathroom and washbasin.

You can start the production of blankets and pillows if you have technical specifications registered with the state standardization department. You can compose them yourself, taking as a basis the permissible technical conditions.


Quilts are designed to just warm you up. There is a more important attribute for sleep. The production of pillows is a very important activity, since it is this attribute that can turn rest into pleasure or torture. Filler for them can serve as the same materials as for blankets. Consumer preferences in this case are also very different. Some people get small pillows on which only the head fits, and for some it is important that the pillow is huge, warm. If your business is the manufacture of pillows, then hotels and hotels can serve as points of sale in this case. The main thing is to find an approach to the leadership of these institutions.


You can produce a fairly wide range of products. These can be products from different materials and with different fillers. You can sell blankets in bulk for hotels, hotels, hostels and other places. If you are interested in the production of blankets and pillows, then it is recommended to choose not only standard sizes of products, then you will be able to expand the range of products.

Offer to wholesalers

Everyone understands that when organizing their own production, it is worth focusing on wholesale customers, as they can become your regular customers, which will allow you to establish sales of finished products. The choice of a particular filling material, configuration and product size depends on the needs of customers.

Equipment and raw materials

If you want to organize profitable production, then you should stock up on certain devices. You will need at least three sewing machines, as well as a large cutting table. All this is designed for five people to work in the workshop. The responsibility of the three employees will be sewing covers and building up finished products. The fourth will be engaged in filling, and the fifth will be cut, and also perform the functions of a technologist.

The raw material in this case is the fabric for the basis of blankets and pillows, synthetic winterizer, holofiber and thread. All this is bought at weaving factories. Threads and fabrics can be purchased with bobbins and rolls in the same place.

You will definitely need blanket stitching machines, which should be purchased in advance so that after the start of production there will be no hitches.

Implementation Issues

Making duvetsAre you interested in the production of pillows? Keep in mind that the most important point is the sale of products. Products can be offered to camp sites, hotels or just retail outlets of the corresponding orientation. Gradually, you will be able to establish sales directly in your own store or on the market.

You must understand that organizing a business will not bring the desired success if you do not promote your products through advertising.

First, you can make yourself known in city advertising newspapers so that potential buyers notice you. This will require certain financial investments that will pay off quickly enough.

Do not forget about such an affordable way as advertising on the Internet and social networks. And when your products begin to be sold slowly, satisfied customers themselves will begin to disseminate information about you, because word of mouth has not been canceled. Sometimes this method is most effective so that the production of pillows and blankets becomes profitable.

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Hello, we are interested in the production of decorative pillows, size 35/35 (possibly smaller) with the name of our site and our contact. tel. (use as an advertisement)

We are also ready to consider the proposal to make only pillowcases with the name of our site and our contact. tel. for pillows 35/35


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