
How to choose a hearing aid? How to choose hearing aids for the elderly

A large number of people on Earth, especially the elderly, suffer from hearing loss. Someone can be helped surgically, but someone remains a barely hearing person.

But, thanks to modern technology, hearing aids have been created for people who have lost their hearing. Currently, manufacturers offer a huge range of drugs, but few people know how to choose a hearing aid.

History of hearing aids

The history of hearing aids goes far back centuries. The first such devices appeared in ancient Egypt. At that time, they took the horns of a bull, sawed off the tips from them, and as a result received something similar to a shout. People found that if a horn is attached to the ear with a narrow end, and a wide one is directed to the sound source, the sound volume increases greatly. And so they got a hearing aid, which at that time was used by the inhabitants of Egypt. A little later similar devices were created, but only from metal.

Hearing Aids for the Elderly

They changed their design already at the time when Paracelsus proved that the perception of sound does not depend on the size of the horn. And since then they began to create small models, the basis was all the same mouthpiece, but only a small and skillfully carved from wood.

Such a device in those days was inexpensive, and not rich people could buy it for themselves. And now a new era of miniature-sized hearing aids began at the end of the 18th century. The famous engineer from Germany Werner von Siemens created the very first electric device, the principle of its operation is very similar to a telephone.

But these devices had shortcomings: weak amplification of sound and its strong distortion. This prompted the engineers to create such a device that would be small, but would help deaf people to hear well, and at the same time would not distort the sound. As a result, a device operating on electronic tubes was created. Such devices amplified the sound more, but they again had their own drawback: they were massive, it was very difficult to wear them.

Judge for yourself what size he reached if fit in a medium-sized suitcase! Such hearing aids are generally unacceptable for the elderly. After new devices were invented, small in size, but working on small radio tubes, they were still uncomfortable, since the batteries for them weighed a lot.

The first positive results in the invention of more convenient and modern models appeared only in the middle of the 20th century, and today the development does not stop, and manufacturers release new ultramodern models to the market every year. But still, how to choose a hearing aid?

Hearing Aid Styles

It may seem that all hearing aids are the same, but this is a misconception. In principle, they all contain the same details that allow the hearing impaired person to hear, but in fact, they differ greatly in style, shape, size and placement method in the ear.

There are very small models, they are able to accommodate in the outer passage and become almost invisible, there are those that can only partially be located in the outer passage. But the first thing you should pay attention to is still the size, because the smaller the device, the lower the life of its battery, and the price will be much higher.

What are hearing aids?

Today, the choice of hearing aids is quite large, and each buyer for a long time selects the one that suits him, from the variety of models available.

  • All-channel hearing aid.
  • Channel hearing aid.
  • Konha and semi-conkha.
  • BTE device.
  • Open prosthetics.
  • An electronic device for improving sound.

But that is not all. Every year many new models enter the market, which are unique and functional in their own way.

Types of Hearing Aids

We want to talk a little bit about what hearing aids currently exist for older people.

Top hearing aids

Analog hearing aids are capable of amplifying all kinds of sounds equally, and those sounds that he heard well, and those that he hardly heard. Therefore, in such a device, speech intelligibility is significantly lost, and the brain receives a lot of extraneous noise. A person quickly gets tired, and immediately there is a reluctance to use such a device. Its only plus is in price.

Digital hearing aids amplify sounds selectively and use only those frequencies that a person does not hear well. Such devices are corrected by the patient’s audiogram, special points are set in it, and with their help, the purity of sound is adjusted. There are even such devices that are capable of suppressing unnecessary signals. This is an important point for those people who often have a headache.

You can also often find the in-ear hearing aid. Reviews about him are not very good, as he may not be suitable for everyone. After all, it is able to amplify only a small part of the sounds, and in no case can it be used by people who often have inflammatory processes in the ear.

Today, manufacturers produce convenient models of hearing aids, but many are wondering: how can I choose the best hearing aids from such a huge number that will help me to hear well, and at the same time I will be inexpensive?

Hearing aid technology

Before you stop choosing a specific device, you need to find out detailed information about it. If you are not a specialist, and you yourself can’t choose a hearing aid, reviews of people who already use this or that device will definitely help you. But we will give some criteria that should help you choose the best from a huge number of devices.

Pay attention to directional microphones, their system is based on the receipt of an audio signal from different sides. Such technology significantly improves the ability to hear when a person is in a crowd of people.

Also pay attention to telephone adapters, they are also called telecoil. They are capable of eliminating extraneous ambient sounds and amplify only telephone sounds. There are hearing aids where switching automatically takes place after a hearing-impaired person brings the telephone receiver to his ear. But in other devices, you must independently switch to receive sound through the phone with a special button.

Today, there are hearing aids for older people that can transmit sound from Bluetooth devices. But such devices require an interface that will help maximize the Bluetooth signal and transmit the signal to the hearing aid.

Today, there are also more modern models that provide remote control. With it, you can easily adjust the sound and other changes without touching the device at all.

Even after you study in detail all the functions of the hearing aid, there is no guarantee that it will be perfect for you, because modern universal devices are not cheap. So how to choose a hearing aid? Reviews about this or that model are versatile, everyone selects the device at their discretion, someone likes compact and inexpensive, and someone chooses those that they can program and set parameters according to their individual requests and features.

Recently, many people who do not hear well often think that it is necessary to buy a practical, convenient and effective device that will suit all of the specified parameters.Recently, much has been said about the BACH and Compact devices, but let's compare how these devices differ. How to choose a hearing aid - "BAJA" or "Compact"?

Advantages and disadvantages of the BAJA hearing aid

The principle of operation of the HANA hearing aid is the principle of bone conduction, its effectiveness is confirmed by the first operations.

Such a device is considered a new model designed for people who have difficulty hearing, and especially those who are not suitable for conventional hearing aids. VANA is needed mainly for those people who have conductive or mixed hearing loss, which was present from birth or is a consequence of some disease. This device can be used by people with unilateral postoperative hearing loss resulting from an injury or infection.

That is why such devices use the principle of bone conduction. The device is fixed with a titanium pin of small size on the ear cavity. VANA is a convenient, practical, effective, almost invisible hearing aid. Reviews of numerous patients who have already been able to deliver a similar device are only positive. Today, about 11 thousand people in the world use it and remain satisfied.

Advantages and disadvantages of Compact hearing aids

Compact devices are currently offered in a huge assortment, there are expensive ones, and there are also cheap ones. Those that are more expensive are equipped with many functions and help a person hear well, but they also have drawbacks: either they are uncomfortable to wear, they catch a lot of extraneous sounds, or some other reasons. But still, from the huge variety of such models, you can choose the option that suits you. How to choose a hearing aid? Reviews tell you about those, then about other models. Someone likes an expensive digital device, while someone has acquired an inexpensive and satisfied.

If you yourself can not stop your choice on a specific device, then perhaps you should consult a doctor. And if you don’t want to go to the doctor, or went, but he couldn’t pick up anything, then what should I do?

Hearing Aids for the Elderly

It can be quite difficult for an elderly person to choose a device for improving their hearing, but if you approach the choice properly, you can find a practical, convenient and effective device. It is better to stop the choice on the device, which automatically sets the parameters, since it will be difficult for an aged person to adjust the device himself.

You can choose a device with remote control so that the patient himself can adjust the power and other parameters personally to his needs. Or, nevertheless, opt for a WAHA device, which experts will install, adjust it, and an elderly person will not worry about anything. Before deciding on a specific device, ask if a person who is hard of hearing, and besides, his health is already getting weaker, can regulate the device himself.

First steps before buying

Before choosing this or that device, consult with your doctor. If he did not give specific recommendations, ask people who have already made a choice and are using the device. But how to choose a hearing aid yourself, and what to look for when choosing?

What you need to consider before buying a device

First of all, go through a doctor’s examination and find out if you have any contraindications for prosthetics of the ear canal.

Only contact a professional doctor or licensed center. The doctor can help you in choosing, he will be based on the features of the structure of your ear and will be able to give practical advice when choosing.

Ask about the trial period of wearing the device. Those companies that sell devices of good quality and are interested in helping you will certainly offer you to completely vilify the device for free. After that, you decide whether you like it or not, and then make a choice: buy it or return it.

Be sure to ask if the hearing aid has a margin of gain, because over time, hearing can still weaken.

Check Warranty.

How to choose a hearing aid?

Never listen to promises; don't be fooled. Do not believe that the proposed device is able to restore hearing - such, unfortunately, have not yet been released.

Buy hearing aids only at specialized stores or other establishments that have a license to sell such devices.

Do not immediately chase an expensive device, because it is not always expensive and the best one can be useful to you and will suit you personally.

Often the price may be higher due to the huge number of additional accessories that you may not need.

Our advice should answer the question "How to choose a hearing aid without a doctor?", But still, if possible, try to visit it.

After acquisition

Remember that after you purchase the device, getting used to it will take time. Your auditory skills will improve gradually, as you need to get used to the sounds. Remember that the sound through the device is very different, because it was amplified, even your voice may seem different to you, do not be alarmed, this is all the device.

We talked a lot about apparatus for the elderly, but how to choose a hearing aid for a child?

Hearing aid for baby

The ability to hear for a child is his way of perceiving the world around him. With the help of the device, children perceive speech and sounds that surround them. It helps to quickly adapt to the outside world.

How to choose a hearing aid for a child?

If for an elderly person the device can be chosen independently, then only a qualified doctor should pick it up for a child.

Selection is made in licensed institutions. Only a specialist can determine the degree of hearing loss and can choose the appropriate device.

If the child is still very young, then his hearing can only be checked reflexively.

The specialist watches how the baby reacts to a particular sound. His reaction is recorded on special sensors.

The best hearing aids for a child are the behind-the-ear version with an individually crafted earbud. With this insert you can provide the best effect from hearing aids. Never use the unit. The child grows very quickly, so very soon you will have to change the device, and this is impractical.

For a teenager, it is better to choose a device with a touch panel, which can facilitate management. Such a device can be easily turned on, and special knowledge for it is not necessary.

Useful hints when choosing a hearing aid

Many people who have lost their hearing want to regain their full life, and only with the help of a hearing aid can this be done. We have already talked a lot about how to choose a hearing aid, and we want to give some useful tips.

  1. When choosing a device, emphasize the aesthetic and functional aspects.
  2. Pay attention to the practicality of the device, it should be easy to use and care.
  3. Decide if you need additional features.
  4. Will you be able to independently control the numerous functions of the device, change its settings and whether you need a volume control.
  5. Be sure to find out about the warranty.
  6. It is better, before choosing a specific device, to get a consultation of a professional doctor.
  7. How to choose a hearing aid? Prices are different, it all depends on the functions of the device, manufacturer and additional accessories, but try not to chase the expensive, because it is not always that which is expensive, high-quality and convenient.

How to choose a hearing aid price?

Put on your hearing aid for the first time

  • Remember that a hearing aid, even the most expensive one, cannot fully restore your normal hearing.
  • Be sure to give yourself time to get used to the device, it can take about a couple of months.
  • Use hearing aids for older people in different environments to train your hearing.

Do not be discouraged if, after putting on the device, you did not manage to set it up correctly. Everything takes time, and you will succeed.Use the device constantly and you can quickly get used to it and learn how to use it correctly, do not be shy.

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Reason for complaint
Tatyana Kononova
I do not agree with Daria. You just need to select it competently, it’s just not suitable for everyone, that's all. It can be said about any device of any company, it’s just that people are completely different. I support Alexander, some general phrases, but in essence - zero. I read and was once again glad that my device does not whistle, does not allow extraneous noise, gives a clear sound. I want to be quiet, when required - add sound. In addition, it represents an affordable price segment. And batteries are a trifle compared to the fact that you do not get tired, do not strain. Who does not know that I can’t hear it, and does not know about my ailment, because my rezoundik is not visible at all under my hair! Daria, you need to wear hearing aids and be inside the problem, but just by doing them, you can hardly convey anything intelligently to people.
Alexander Skitin
Interesting! Could you argue? I've been wearing Resaud Alera for the third year now and can’t say anything bad about this device. Well, perhaps - change the batteries from time to time. Even with the condition that it belongs to the budget category - dear, I just can not afford.
Good day.

Fortunately, this is not my first day of hearing aids.

And I can say that Risaud is greatly overestimated. In real life, he does not have the qualities that people like to talk about him on the Internet about.
It is important that the hearing aid does not whistle in the ear. What sins a certain number of modern devices. We chose for a child for a very long time, before we went to Europe to a single audiologist on the recommendation. While at the picture stopped. It’s very difficult for a child to find, to pick up a good device, which would be of high quality and fit personally for a child.


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