
How to choose a welding inverter? Which welding inverter to choose? Rating of welding inverters

Any type of activity in which metallic materials are used is not without welding. Using a welding machine, you can connect two parts of steel, copper, stainless steel and many other types of metals.

how to choose a welding inverter

The use of such units is so widespread and multifaceted that they can be used both in the cottage and in spaceships. Some scientists even suggest that without welding mankind would not have had such powerful technological progress.

This type of connection dominates most industrial designs. With the help of welding, houses, factories and enterprises are built. Scientific activity in this industry does not stop. As the pace of construction and production increases year by year, welding is the main way to reduce the manufacturing time of the final product. In this regard, the question arises of which welding inverter to choose and what to pay attention to.

Why exactly the inverter

AT mass production Means for welding are widely used inverters. In addition to them, there are welding transformers, but they have a number of disadvantages and are considered obsolete. Therefore, the focus of the text will be on how to choose a welding inverter.

For carrying out simple work on connecting metal structures, an inverter type welding machine is excellent. For this purpose, you can also use devices that perform welding according to other principles. For example, semi-automatic welding using wire in a shielding gas environment. But for the quality use of devices of this type, certain skills and practices of the welder are needed.

Classification of welding inverters

For various works, inverters with different characteristics are used. Basically produce devices that are designed for a current in the range of 140-250 amperes. For low-power inverters, the limits are 140–160 amperes. The average performance is 160-200 amperes. And finally, in professional devices, the current strength is 200-220 amperes.

As a rule, the greater the current strength, the more impressive the external dimensions of the device. Therefore, when thinking about how to choose a welding inverter for a house in which there is not enough space, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the unit.

Low-power options are considered entry-level and have minimal work capabilities. Medium - the most popular and allow you to perform the necessary work on welding joints. Professional devices allow you to perform work at the highest level. Their characteristics make it possible to use metal materials of large thickness in their work.

Inverter Features

In addition to ampere data, the devices have several welding modes. The simplest one, for ferrous metal and other basic needs, is the MMA mode (manual arc welding). For welding other metals, the TIG mode must also be supported. It allows welding in a protective gas environment, for example, with a tungsten electrode. This must be taken into account in order to know how to choose the right welding inverter.

choose a welding inverter for the home

Most inverters for electrodes use direct current, but there are those that support alternating voltage. This mode is indicated by AC / DC. A 220 volt network is used to power the device, in some cases it can be 140 volts.All this information is usually written in the instructions and duplicated on the inverter housing.

The designation “1-x220” may occur, which means that the device is designed for a single-phase voltage of 220 volts. In this case, it is fully suitable for work at home.

Welding inverter for home

Entry-level appliances are for the most part intended for household needs. It can be welding of small structures and repair work. As a home assistant, he will be just in time. For heavy loads it is not suitable. Since it is designed for low current, it will not be able to weld materials of large thickness. Therefore, before choosing a welding inverter for the home, you need to know in advance what materials you will have to work with.

The operation mode of such a device is intermittent. This means that a long welding period can overheat the device. Therefore, you need to use short periods of time for work.

Due to its modest characteristics, this type of inverter is small and convenient for transportation. This is a definite advantage over the rest.

Welding inverter for medium loads

In order to carry out complex repair work and frequent welding operations, an apparatus with average characteristics is well suited. It is able to withstand good loads in terms of workload, and is also reliable in operation. If you do not know how to choose a welding inverter for the garage, in which frequent repairs will be carried out, then pay attention to the inverter with average characteristics. It will allow you to cope with all welding work. In addition, it will have a large margin in thickness of the welded metal.

how to choose a semi-automatic welding inverter

Also, this device is good to use in a small enterprise. But if you need a good speed, you need to use semi-automatic welding. It will allow less time to spend on replacing electrodes and increase the working cycle time. Before choosing an inverter welding semiautomatic device, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the specifics of its operation, since instead of electrodes, it feeds wire in a protective gas environment.

Professional inverters for industrial applications

To carry out welding work at large facilities or in the production of high-quality equipment, professional welding machines are required. They allow you to make a high-end connection. Among these inverters there may be devices with different operating principles.

All of them can replace each other, but each has a type of welding seam that performs best. Therefore, in order to know how to choose an inverter-type welding semiautomatic device, you need to decide which connection will dominate. For example, if you plan to make long seams, and even need speed in the work, then a semiautomatic device will do more than a simple inverter.

In the case of using an electrode welding machine, it is most convenient to cook seams of small length or point connections. Also, the connection after the electrode has slightly improved characteristics.

Criteria for choosing a low power inverter

To know which welding inverter to choose, you need to roughly evaluate what you have to do with it. If this is infrequent welding and repair work, then a small Chinese-made inverter is quite suitable. In this case, it makes no sense to purchase an expensive unit, which most of the time will just stand.

Also, the low-power version is convenient in transportation due to its small size. It can easily be worn on the shoulder, and it fits absolutely in any trunk.

Before choosing a welding inverter of low power, you need to know in advance that with it you can weld metal no thicker than 3 mm. Accordingly, the maximum diameter of the electrodes is also 3 mm.

A low power inverter is a quick response tool for troubleshooting.Its capabilities are often enough for the needs of a summer cottage, a small workshop or just for housework.

The need to purchase a medium power inverter

If it is planned to work on the construction, repair and assembly of metal structures in significant volumes, then a low-power device can no longer cope. For this purpose, it is already necessary to purchase an inverter with a working range of 160-200 amperes. It withstands long duty cycles and can weld thick metal.

Before choosing a welding machine-inverter of medium power, you need to know what welding modes are needed. Depending on this, the model of the device is selected. But you can purchase a device with characteristics that may be useful in the future. This will allow, for example, welding different types of metals.

This class of inverters is most often purchased both for domestic needs and for production loads. They are equipped with additional features that simplify the work. If you do not know which welding inverter to choose for a beginner in this business, feel free to purchase a device with average characteristics.

In some cases, a voltage of 380 volts may be required to power such an apparatus. But mostly 220 volts are used.

High Power Professional Inverters

This class is used in mass production and construction. Of course, it is suitable for home, but all its possibilities will be fully revealed only at industrial facilities. It is also used in precision mechanics and in high-quality joining of parts. Therefore, if there is a responsible work in large volume, and you do not know which is better to choose a welding inverter, pay attention to a professional machine.

It happens that when working on inverters of medium power, you can achieve professional performance. But this will only happen if the welder is highly qualified and experienced.

Most of these devices operate with a three-phase current of 380 volts. This must be taken into account in advance, since it is not always possible to connect to such a network.

In the system of such devices, as a rule, there are additional functions to improve the quality of work and protect the unit from harmful factors.

Additional protection features in inverters

Modern welding machines are equipped with special temperature sensors that monitor the overheating of individual elements of the system. They are designed to turn off the power when a node is very hot. Therefore, you do not need to worry about which welding inverter to choose so that it does not burn out. Such sensors are even in the cheapest options, but they are usually much smaller there.

In addition, there is a means of protection against moisture. In each device, they can be different. The most expensive models always provide the highest possible protective system against rain and other liquids.

To prevent dust from entering, there are special filters that clean the air pumped into the housing by a cooling fan. Or, in the absence of a filter, you need to periodically remove the outer cover and blow through the entire structure with compressed air.

Features for enhanced usability

When working with an inverter, a welder who does not have experience will be able to start cooking as quickly as an experienced worker. Several features will help.

In order for the arc to quickly catch fire, the device has a function that flexibly adjusts the current strength. As a result, the arc sets very quickly. There is also a system that maintains constant uniform burning. If it turns out that the electrode is welded to the part, the device will automatically discharge current and will wait for the circuit to open. After that, the parameters go to operating mode. Thanks to these functions, you don’t need to specifically learn the welding technique, you just need to know how to choose a welding inverter correctly.

If the device is in standby mode and connected to the network, then its voltage at the electrode automatically decreases to a safe level. This eliminates the possibility of electric shock to the worker. After a short circuit occurs at the beginning of operation, the system will automatically raise the current to the operating level.

Welding Accessories

The most important thing, in addition to the device itself, is the protective glass through which the worker looks. Without it, welding is strictly prohibited. Today on sale you can find many options for the implementation of such a shield. Most of them are held on the head due to a special mount and are lowered to the eyes if necessary. This design does not require a free hand to hold the shield.

how to choose a welding inverter for the home

There are two types of glasses that are used for work: ordinary darkened and with a special additional light filter. You can work the same way with each option. But an additional filter removes radiation harmful to the eyes. Therefore, it is believed that it protects better. Sometimes such a shield is included with the welding upon purchase. Its quality may be different, but, as a rule, it is from cheap options. Therefore, it must be carefully examined before choosing. The welding inverter can be of excellent quality, but this does not apply to additional things.

A necessary safety measure for hands is the presence of leather gloves with a length of up to the elbows. They are made of thick but soft leather. You should not save on this accessory, since the treatment of burnt hands will cost more.

Welding Inverter Manufacturers

There are welding manufacturers who have long been in the market and have won a good location. They occupy a leading position in sales. In this regard, you can build a small rating of inverters. But do not rely on it 100%. It is very relative, because each manufacturer has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is now quite difficult to specifically answer the question of which company to choose a welding inverter. In addition, there were so many new manufacturers that it is simply impossible to take into account everyone, and if they did not get into the rating, this does not mean at all the low level of quality of their welding machine.

In a separate line should include manufacturers from the CIS countries. They also make excellent welding models. A distinctive feature of domestic manufacturers is the low price compared to European ones with quality at the same level.

Rating of manufacturers of welding inverters

One of the best is the manufacturer from Finland KEMPPI. This company has been engaged in welding for a long time. Many of their ideas are adopted by other manufacturers. The company produces a wide range of weldings for both home and large enterprises.

how to choose an inverter-type welding semiautomatic device

FUBAG is German quality. This manufacturer is distinguished by its reliability and great functionality. In addition, it is able to operate on a network from 65 to 265 volts. This is very relevant in the event of chronic instability of Russian power grids.

The Italian manufacturer Telwin boasts its small device dimensions. For them, the company even produces comfortable plastic cases.

There is still quite an old German manufacturer - Brima. He has been manufacturing his machines for over 50 years. Apparently, the devices are quite simple. But in terms of durability, they received a large number of positive reviews. Which brand to choose a welding inverter is already a private matter for everyone. All of them will work for a long time and with high quality.

Manufacturers from the CIS

Of the high-quality domestic manufacturers, the brand "Neon" can be noted. They produce high-quality and easy-to-use devices.

There is also a fairly promoted Resanta brand. They have great inverters. A wide range of products covers the limits of choice, from domestic needs to large production.

It is also worth noting the good manufacturers "Svarog", "Titan", "Fast and the Furious", "Fubag." All of them are high-quality devices for welding.

It happens that you need a Russian-made device, and you do not know how to choose. The welding inverter from the above list will completely satisfy all your requirements.

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