
Commercial banks of Russia: review, rating, services and reviews

It is no secret that the economic power and investment attractiveness of any country largely depends on the state of its banking system. The successful development of commercial banks in Russia, as in any other country in the world, is influenced not only by economic components, but also by political aspects, since it has long been known that the political elite can also help in the development of the banking sector and contribute to its decline.

A striking example is the imposition of sanctions by several countries against any other power that may well lead to a general decrease in the turnover of the “punished” state, worsening of the economy and, as a result, stagnation of the banking sector. Therefore, in this article we will consider the activities of commercial banks in Russia and get to know them better.


First of all, you should find out what these financial and credit institutions are. Commercial banks of Russia are the main link of the entire banking structure, which serves not only various organizations, but also ordinary citizens of the country. Regardless of their form of ownership, banks are independent entities of economic life. Their relationship with their customer base is exclusively commercial.

Russian commercial banks


Commercial banks of Russia on the basis of existing legislation are legal entities. They have the right to attract money from both individuals and legal entities, as well as to place the received finance on their own initiative and at their own expense. In addition, they can carry out settlement operations on a team from their customers.

Services provided

Commercial banks in Russia provide the following services:

  • Accumulate (attract) temporarily free money in deposits.
  • Store deposits.
  • Provide customer service cash settlement nature.
  • They give loans both directly on their own behalf and with the help of money attracted by them.
  • Perform collection services.
  • Manage the cash flows of the client on the basis of a special contract.
  • They purchase and sell foreign currency (these operations are conducted both in cashless and cash form).
  • They work with expensive metals (gold, silver).
  • Issue a guarantee.
  • Act as guarantors for third persons.
  • They may acquire rights of claim to fulfill obligations from third parties in cash.
  • Provide advice services.
  • They provide premises for rent to customers (safes) for storing various values ​​and documents in them.
  • Carry out leasing operations.

development of commercial banks in Russia

The described banks primarily act as specific credit institutions capable of attracting cash flows and redistributing them to meet the various financial needs of the population and organizations.

Business principles

The system of commercial banks of Russia in the basis of its work is guided by the rule: its vital activity should proceed within the framework of real resources. Simply put, in cases where the bank attracts money for a short term, and at the same time invests it in long-term loans, then in this case its liquidity is at risk.

Another principle of the bank’s work is economic viability, which implies the institution’s economic responsibility for the results of its work. Absolutely all risks the bank takes upon itself and is liable with all its means and property, which, incidentally, may be levied in some cases.

An equally important principle is that between the bank and the client relations are built exclusively on a market basis. In addition, the regulation of the bank's activities occurs only by economic methods, but not by administrative methods. That is, the state, as the main regulator, creates and articulates the rules of the game for absolutely all financial institutions, but at the same time does not have the right to order them or interfere with the work.


One of the most important functions performed by commercial banks in Russia is the mediation in obtaining a loan. The latter is carried out by redistributing money released for a certain period of time in the process of circulation of funds of various enterprises and funds of private individuals.

In general, by their vigorous activity, banks contribute to the maximum reduction in the degree of risk and uncertainty in the economic sphere of a country's life.

Russian banking system commercial banks

Another equally important function is the organization of the process of stimulating savings in the economy. Banks in every possible way form effective levers that push towards the accumulation of funds. As incentives I can be: high interest on the deposit, ensuring a high degree of reliability of the deposit, the availability of information about the activities of the institution.

Function number three is the mediation of payments between individual entities.

Operational work

Today, the operations of commercial banks in Russia can be divided into the following large categories: passive and active.

The first category is fundraising activities. This may include:

  • attracting loans;
  • various deposits;
  • issue of own securities.

As a result of these manipulations, the bank receives material resources, which are its main assets.

Active operations include actions related to issuing loans, investment activities, settlement and cash manipulations, commission mediation activities. As for loans, most often commercial credit banks in Russia issue short-term loans to economic agents. With the help of such loans, the purchase of inventory items is carried out.


Any system is subject to accounting, including banking system Of Russia. Commercial banks still occupy a leading position in the financial sector of the country. But according to statistics cited on January 1, 2016, the number of such institutions in the Russian Federation is 733. Compared to last year, the number of banks decreased by 101. Moreover, the reduction in the number of these private institutions occurs in all Federal Districts. The Republic of Crimea can only make an exception, since it is a new subject of the Federation.

operations of commercial banks in Russia

Analysis and review

Consider the number of banks in 2016 based on their geographical location (federal districts):

  1. Central region - 434.
  2. Moscow City - 383.
  3. Northwest region - 60.
  4. Southern Federal Region– 37.
  5. North Caucasus Region - 22.
  6. Volga region - 85.
  7. Ural region - 32.
  8. Siberian region - 41.
  9. Far East Region– 17.
  10. Crimean region– 5.

According to the data indicated, the largest number of banks is located precisely in the European regions of Russia, while their number outside the Urals is much lower.

Differentiation of banks by the size of their authorized capital

To determine the number of banks that can disappear in the near future, it is worth looking at the size of their registered capital.

Having studied article 11 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking", we can conclude that the minimum allowable authorized capital of the bank at the time of the petition for state registration and the issuance of a special license for banking operations is 300 million rubles.

Based on this, we consider the list of banks by their financial capabilities. The analysis will be carried out by the value of their authorized capital:

  • from 10 billion rubles and above - 29 banks;
  • from 1 billionup to 10 billion rubles - 153 banks;
  • from 500 million to 1 billion rubles - 97;
  • from 300 million to 500 million rubles - 104;
  • from 150 million to 300 million rubles –171;
  • from 60 million to 150 million rubles - 88;
  • from 30 million to 60 million rubles - 28;
  • from 10 million to 30 million rubles - 38;
  • from 3 million to 10 million rubles - 12;
  • up to 3 million rubles - 13.

It is easy to calculate that at the beginning of 2016 only 383 banks had authorized capital, which clearly corresponds to the requirements put forward by the Central Bank of Russia. Also, 179 banks located in the danger zone and may be closed while maintaining a further negative trend towards a decrease in their financial capabilities and assets.

If you carefully look at the statistics provided by the Central Commercial Bank of Russia, you can see that over the past fifteen years the number of banking institutions in the country has significantly decreased.

system of commercial banks of Russia

Rating List

The most powerful commercial banks in Russia, the rating of which is given below, serve more than 80% of all customers in the country. It is this group of banks that form the backbone of the financial system of the state.

As of March 1, 2016, the most powerful were:

  1. OJSC "ALFA-BANK" - provides services for opening accounts, granting loans, life insurance. Has a good reputation.
  2. PJSC "AK BARS" BANK - allows customers to open deposits, borrow funds, provides mortgage lending to the population.
  3. JSC Russian Standard Bank - grants various loans, opens accounts, transfers funds.
  4. Bank of Moscow OJSC - works with small and corporate business, private individuals. It provides cash loans, allows you to open deposit accounts.
  5. PJSC "BANK URALSIB" is one of the most convenient Internet banks. Actively provides a mortgage, stores deposits, serves bank cards.
  6. PJSC "Bank" Saint Petersburg "- provides the opportunity to use the bonus program and a standard set of banking services.
  7. Bank Vozrozhdenie - cooperates with large and medium-sized businesses, attracts individuals with its favorable rate at consumer loans.
  8. PJSC "BINBANK" - has a loyalty program, allows you to restructure debts, issues loans and keeps deposits.
  9. VTB Bank (PJSC) - has a wide selection of payment cards, deposits, loans.
  10. PJSC CB "Vostochny" - lends to the population and industry, guarantees the security of deposits.
  11. VTB 24 (PJSC) - specializes in working with small and medium-sized businesses, private individuals. It provides various options for lending and storing money in the depository.
  12. GPB Bank (JSC) is the most reliable leasing company in Russia. Collaborates with both individuals and corporations.
  13. PJSC "MinBank" is a reliable partner of business and individuals. Has an advanced Internet banking system.
  14. PJSC "MDM Bank" - pays equal attention to individuals and legal entities. Offers a wide selection of loans and deposits.
  15. Promsvyazbank PJSC is a reliable depository. Loans customers on very favorable terms.

Sberbank of Russia Commercial Bank

Reviews on rating banks

As practice shows, the level of public confidence in banks today is quite high, because many of us put money on deposits and use accrued interest, receive a variety of loans, and trust the management of our assets. Consider the commercial banks of Russia, which can successfully complement the above list:

  • JSC "Raiffeisenbank" - a financial institution with a worldwide reputation. Provides a complete list of financial services to all its customers.
  • MOSCOW CREDIT BANK OJSC is one of the oldest banks in Russia. He regularly conducts interest rate reductions on loans, customers note that this bank promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • JSC "Agricultural Bank" - guarantees mortgage lending with state support. Since July 2016, it has an integrated ATM network with Raiffeisenbank JSC.
  • PJSC ROSBANK is a laureate of the annual award “Financial Elite of Russia - 2016” in the nomination “Development Dynamics”, a subgroup of “Leasing”.
  • Sberbank PJSC - provides standard banking services, helps to increase the population financial literacy pays special attention to work with youth.
  • JSC "AB" RUSSIA "- offers refinancing of consumer loans from other banks, lends to various projects and the public.
  • PJSC AKB Svyaz-Bank - is one of the best mortgage institutions. According to customer reviews, it is a reliable custodian of private deposits.
  • CB Citibank JSC - helps in financial management, issues loans and opens deposits.
  • PJSC Sovcombank - known among customers as the most active participant in the fight against credit fraud. It interacts with both individuals and business.
  • SMP Bank JSC is a dynamically developing bank that in the first half of 2016 increased its capital by 2.4 billion rubles. An active player in the lending and deposit storage market.
  • Otkritie FC Bank PJSC is the holder of the prestigious STP-Award 2015 (Best in class) award for the impeccable quality of various international payments based on the results of 2015, which cannot but affect the population’s trust in it.
  • HCF Bank LLC - as the clients say, quickly draws up a loan to private and corporate clients. Offers favorable conditions for opening deposits.

State participation

It is important to know that the state is also a fairly active player in the banking sector. Activity is manifested in the fact that it acts both as a shareholder and as the founder of a number of banks, among which it is worth noting Sberbank of Russia, a commercial bank in which the Central Bank holds 50% of the authorized capital plus one share.

Also, this list can be supplemented by:

  • VTB Bank. In it, the state owns 92.23% of the shares.
  • JSC "Agricultural Bank". The country owns all 100% of the shares.
  • Svyaz-Bank.
  • Gazprombank.

activities of commercial banks of Russia

Banking Marketing

Banking marketing deserves special attention. It includes:

  • identification of existing and potential markets in which you can provide your services;
  • identification of the most important needs of modern customers;
  • setting short-term and long-term goals (development of existing or creation of new services).

The experience of foreign countries shows that more and more attention is paid to marketing in the process of increasing the level of competition between banks.

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