
What is the penalty for crossing a double solid? Crossing a double solid marking line: fine or forfeiture?

According to the SDA, in Russia the intersection of the double solid line is prohibited. But, as many motorists say, to comply with this rule, most drivers need to put up a fence where such markings are applied.Double solid intersection

Prescribed punishment

Despite the categorical ban, not always such a violation leads to the deprivation of a driver’s license. Although in some cases, such a scenario is possible. But each driver must be aware of his rights and obligations and understand what sanctions he faces for violating traffic rules.

Deprivation of rights for crossing a double solid line is possible in two cases:

  1. You went around a slow-moving transport;
  2. You crossed the line to make a left turn.

Many are puzzled why such a strict punishment is provided for overtaking. The fact is that the rules clearly spell out: slow-moving vehicles must pull over to the side of the road or into a specially provided “pocket”, and the rest of the cars must continue driving in their lane. Rights can be selected for a period of 4 months to six months.

One of the most serious violations is a left turn, in which the vehicle crosses a solid double line, provided that there is a vehicle ahead that blocks the passage. This behavior on the road entails the deprivation of rights. The intersection is double solid, a left turn and exit on the side of the oncoming traffic may threaten that you will not be able to drive for six months.Penalty for crossing a double solid

Possible options

So, for example, if you are driving on a single-lane road, and in front of it is a car with emergency lights on, then you need to go around it on the right side. If this is not possible, then allowed to exit on a double solid and bypass the vehicle on the left side. But if a detour to the right was still possible, and you violated the rules and crossed the line, then you face a fine for crossing a double solid in the amount of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. If you abuse the opportunity to go around the emergency situation ahead of you on the left, then after several such financial penalties you can completely be left without rights.

The intersection of a double solid line is also considered somewhat different if you were leaving the yard. In this case, you can only rely on financial sanctions. After all, this is interpreted as a violation of the established marking rules and road signs. The penalty for crossing the forbidden line may be limited to 300 rubles.

Departure for the forbidden line

The penalty can be calculated when the intersection of a double solid occurred during a U-turn. Do not forget that there is a big difference between the "movement" along the line and the "exit" on it. For example, some drivers, realizing that the next U-turn is still far away, and they need to go in the opposite direction, risk and violate the rules of the movement. They famously turn the steering wheel and, moving across two solid, go already to the other side.

These actions do not include driving deprivation, but just a fine for crossing a double solid line. You will have to pay no more than 1.5 thousand rubles. If the inspector threatens you with the deprivation of rights, then do not be afraid. You can appeal against any of his decisions in court.Double solid line intersection

Fixing violation

There are 2 options for how the process of violating traffic rules can be detected.In the first case, you can be stopped by the traffic police inspector who saw your maneuver personally. If it comes to trial, then just the words of a traffic police officer will be enough to hold you accountable.

But he can also provide photos or videos confirming the violation. By the way, in this case, even shooting with a mobile phone or camera will be enough. The court will accept this as evidence. Any witness to this violation may be involved in the process.

But if the intersection of the double solid marking line was captured on an automatic camera, then this threatens not only with the deprivation of rights. Also, the driver may additionally lose 5 thousand rubles.Deprivation of rights intersection double solid

Car Owner Actions

If you were stopped for leaving on a solid double line, then do not start to panic. If you did not overtake the vehicle in front, then you can do fine. Do not be afraid to defend your position when talking with road inspectors.

If your rights have been confiscated, then you can go to court. Please note that any decision of the traffic police can be appealed. But it is necessary to do this within 10 days from the date of drawing up the protocol. You can first contact the head of the traffic police. If he refuses, then you will have 10 days to go to court. But note, all applications must be submitted in writing, your copy should be marked with the receipt of the specified document.Intersection double solid punishment


It is important not to miss the deadline set by law to appeal the protocol of the traffic police. Within 10 days following the date of the protocol, you can contact the district court at the place of violation of the rules.

If your claim is not satisfied, and the judge decides to legally punish the inspector for crossing the double continuous marking, then do not be upset. You can also appeal the indicated decision to the highest authority. The next in line will be the regional court. Decisions made in this instance are appealed to the Presidium of the regional court. The final authority is the Supreme Court.Crossing a double solid marking line

Important Nuances

If you know that you did not break the rules, and the traffic police officer insists that you have crossed a solid double line, then the court will most likely be on his side. You can avoid this development if your car is equipped with a DVR. Recording from this device can be used in court as evidence. But this option is suitable if you really did not break the rules.

If you went around on the left side of the car with the alarms turned on, then this only threatens with a fine. Recording on the DVR can also be your salvation. After all, with its help you can confirm that you were forced to break the rules. In such a situation, the intersection of a double solid is not so scary. Punishment in the form of 1.5 thousand rubles. The fine is not comparable with the deprivation of rights for several months.

By the way, this same device can save you if, due to weather conditions, the marking is not visible. It happens that a double solid can not be seen under a layer of snow. In this situation, the inspector does not have the right to deprive you of a driver’s license.

You need to follow the color of the lines. For example, solid yellow is applied for the period of repair work. They are temporary.

It is also important to monitor all changes in the law and know what may threaten one or another violation of traffic rules. In this case, you will be “savvy” and will be able to confidently talk with a representative of the traffic police. In addition, knowing that you can lose your rights, many try not to cross a continuous double line.

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