
SDA: entry under the "brick". What is the punishment for entering under the "brick"?

Many citizens have recently been interested in entry under the "brick". In general, this violation is very common. Not everyone understands what relies on this kind of violation. In any case, sometimes punishment can be avoided. But only in those cases when you managed to escape before you were caught. Or in the event of a first violation of the law in principle. Most often, citizens are interested in what kind of punishment for entering under the "brick" they are supposed to. And this will be discussed now.brick entry

What is it

Let's start with the most interesting and simple. Namely, we understand what specific sign on the roads we are talking about. Not everyone knows what a brick is. And therefore, the probability of traffic violations is high.

By itself, this sign represents a red circle. And in its center is a white rectangle. And nothing more. It means "No entry." It is for the white rectangle that this sign was called "brick". After all, it really looks like this object. The sign is called in a similar way among the people, among drivers. There is no such non-standard wording in the rules of the road. What relies on entry under the "brick"? And how does this sign work on the road?

Action area

It should be noted right away: our current rule does not apply to everyone. According to the SDA, entry under the "brick" on the road is allowed only by fixed-route vehicles. Otherwise, all drivers must comply with this feature.

Please note: the "No entry" action applies only to the side of the road where it is installed. And only in one direction. Adjacent to a particular area of ​​the territory also fall under the rule. So, before you park somewhere near the "brick", make sure that the territory does not adjoin the post. There is nothing difficult or special about this.


Entry under a “brick” is not always punishable by law. There are rare exceptions. They, as already mentioned, are usually interpreted on fixed-route vehicles. There are more interesting cases.

For example, very often under the "brick" you can see small white signs with inscriptions. These are qualifying marks. They will help determine the coverage area of ​​the road limiters.fine brick entry

Quite an everyday occurrence - this is the sign "No entry" with the caption: "Except ..." Very often, such exceptions are found near parking lots, shops and hospitals. Pay attention to these qualifying signs. They are sometimes able to save you from the punishment for entering under the "brick". Thus, one should not always be afraid. It’s better, of course, not to violate traffic rules in general. But what if you did do it?

Highlighted lane

Of course, it all depends on the specific situation. And so it’s impossible to say exactly what punishment to count on. Nevertheless, it is necessary to try to do this. The most common punishment for entering a brick is a fine. Its size varies.

Consider several situations in which you may find yourself. The first of them is the entrance to the road with a dedicated lane intended for route transport. In this case, a fine is imposed. And it will be 1,500 rubles. Not critical, but not pleasant enough. Therefore, be careful and always see if you have left for a dedicated lane for a particular vehicle.

Adjoining territories

What is the most common punishment for entering under the "brick", we have already found out. Further, you can pay attention to a variety of situations from life. You should know about them.Otherwise, they can simply deceive you and illegally punish you to one degree or another.brick entry punishment

For entry under the "brick" on the territory adjacent to the sign relies less severe consequences. Here you can get off with the most common warning. But this practice is not too common. Citizens are used to bring up the ruble. Therefore, most likely, you will be assigned a certain fine.

This kind of violation is punishable by small payments. Only 500 rubles. And of course, a verbal warning that you no longer violate the rules of the road. It is not necessary to abuse the entrance under the "brick" to the adjacent territories. Otherwise, you can incur more severe penalties.

One Way

It is very private to violate our current rule on one-way roads. In this case, the entry under the "brick" will bring the driver-offender a lot of trouble. Especially when he goes on the road in the opposite direction.

A fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed here. Plus, they can deprive you of rights. On what period? From 4 to 6 months. Usually, drivers face only one type of punishment. That is, or deprivation of rights, or a huge fine. Remember your rights - neither one nor the other applies simultaneously.entry under the brick what is the penalty


So we almost learned what will be for the entry under the "brick". The punishment for violation of this rule cannot be called unambiguous. Nevertheless, most often the driver is simply fined.

For repeated entries, the law provides for more stringent measures. One fine is not enough here. This is especially true for cases of repeated exit to the oncoming traffic on one-way traffic. Here is such an important point - entry under the "brick". What penalty is provided in this situation?

If DVRs or surveillance cameras can record the recurrence of a violation, a ruble penalty will be imposed on the driver. Its size is the same as in the previous case - 5000 rubles. You can also stay without a driver's license for a year.

In rare cases, a vehicle is confiscated. Then you will have to redeem it for several thousand rubles (depending on your region, a different price tag is set everywhere), and also pay the fine imposed on you.brick entrance

Avoid punishment

Not always the sign "No entry" is set in the right places. Sometimes there may be situations in which the pointers themselves are wrong. But they still try to punish you. No need to believe such actions. Remember: every driver has the right to prove his innocence. To do this is not too easy, but possible.

The main rule to remember is that you will have only 10 days to appeal the fine and punishment in general from the moment of violation. When the driver has irrefutable evidence of his innocence, he can contact the traffic police with them and a fine for appeal. If you are denied, feel free to go to court.

Practice shows that usually the case does not go to trial. And drivers are generally found guilty. To prove in the traffic police the incorrect setting of a particular sign is almost impossible. But worth a try. Although it all depends on what punishment has been applied to you. If it's 500 rubles, is it worth it? But with large amounts with confiscation of rights, it is necessary to compete for their cause.what is the punishment for entering under a brick

Just remember: you must know for sure that you did not violate the rules of the road. And stock up with irrefutable evidence. If you manage to prove your innocence to the STSI, the fine will be canceled. And this event will no longer be remembered. This will not affect your history of relations with the law. In any case, now we understand what threatens to enter under the "brick". And in what situations you can meet exceptions. Punishment is also no longer a secret. In general, always comply with traffic rules. And then it will be possible to avoid a huge number of problems. Especially when it comes to banning entry anywhere.It’s not so difficult if you are careful on the road.

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