
Which is better to choose a knife for self-defense? Self defense with a knife: the legal side of the issue

Unfortunately, many residents of the outskirts, sleeping areas and outbacks are faced with the problem of personal security, especially if they have to return late from work. In general, the criminal situation is not as critical as in the mid-90s of the last century, but the Gopniks in the general mass have not disappeared and are still thriving. How to protect yourself from attack and not to cross that thin line beyond which you can easily turn into a criminal from a potential victim?

Self defense knife: legal aspects

If a person has firmly decided to choose a knife as self-defense and protection from meetings with suspicious individuals, he should in no case advertise this moment to law enforcement agencies. The law does not approve the carrying and possession of knives as self-defense. Moreover, law enforcement officials must seize the knife if it is found. Your self-defense knife should be presented to law enforcement agencies as an object for opening canned goods at a picnic or chopping firewood for a bonfire. If a person does not want cold weapons to be accidentally seized from him and started punching on the bases of all unsolved crimes, he must remove the word "self-defense" from his vocabulary. Self defense knife

We study the consequences of using a knife

Before proceeding with the selection, it would be useful to get acquainted with some articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A person must be aware that if he uses a knife for self-defense and seriously injures a robber, then overnight he will turn from a victim into a criminal. The legislative system is imperfect in this regard. Here is a list of articles of the Criminal Code that everyone needs to study in this situation:

  • Article 37. Necessary defense.
  • Article 111. Intentional grievous bodily harm to another person.
  • Section 125. Abandonment in danger.
  • Article 213. Hooliganism.
  • Article 39. Extreme need.

And one more important point. We hope that under article 105, which incriminates murder, the case will not come under any circumstances.

Knives for self-defense: photo. Model selection

Having carefully studied the law and found out that you can only use knives in the most extreme cases, proceed with choosing a device. For a city dweller, a folding knife with a good steel blade is best. When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the convenience of the clip, as well as conduct a test on the speed of opening the knife. The blade should sit firmly in the handle, and the handle itself should not slide in the hand. Ergonomic handles that follow the contours of clenched fingers are welcome. Pocket knives for self-defense have a small blade. However, the size of the blade does not play a major role. The emphasis, including from the forensic point of view, is placed on the stitching component. Concealed carry knives for self defense

Perhaps the choice of tool will be more appropriate to postpone until the time when a person masters one or another technique and methods of hand-to-hand combat. Based on the skills acquired in the lessons, you can choose a blade that is more suitable for your style of conducting a duel. Non-standard anatomy people often make custom tools for themselves. It is not always possible to legally buy melee weapons, and besides, after some time after the classes can develop an extraordinary technique of possession of the subject. Good craftsmen make any kind of knives to order: stilettos, machetes, finches, folding and ordinary, as well as with a blade fitted to the palm of your hand.

Additional aspects when choosing a knife

How to choose a knife for self-defense

When choosing an individual cold weapon, serreytor sharpening blades are welcome. Particular attention must be paid to the length of the handle. A knife can not only cut and stab. If a person does not know how to choose a knife for self-defense, let him pay close attention to the handle longer than his palm. Handles that can provide shock, as well as pressure, will save the defender from the undesirable consequences of using the blade. Cullet models are also good. The most important thing when choosing a knife is the ability to handle it. Not knowing how to manipulate such a dangerous object, you need to completely throw thoughts of its acquisition out of your head.

Ability to handle the subject

Inadequate handling of knives can turn against the owner of the knife. Criminals are most often not extinguished at the sight of a blade, having repeatedly used a similar tool in their practice. Seeing the defender act awkwardly, the robbers will easily disarm their victim. In addition, many criminals have an unbalanced psyche. In this situation, the sparkling blade in front of the hijacker's eyes looks like a signal for even more decisive action and a kind of irritant, the same as a red rag for a bull on a bullfight.

Start training

Self defense knives photo

In order to hone your skills, you need to design a wooden model of the future knife. When a model is already selected, it’s easier to build a safer duplicate of the tree for training on the pattern. You should not rely on video lessons on the Internet and call your best friend as sparring partners. The trainer-instructor in the self-defense section is able to lay a good base in his classes and instill the basic skills and techniques of working with a knife. When mastering the basic course, you can also use plastic knives for self-defense. Such a knife is quite suitable for mastering the block with two hands. And only after passing the main course on self-defense in a specialized section, you can continue to hone your skills using computer video tutorials.

Psychological training

In addition to training to hone tool skills, the defender’s psychology plays an important role. Someone, once caught in a criminal incident, will forever decide for himself that from now on he will not become an object for extorting money or any other similar things. Someone believes that it is better to deal with the offender without using physical violence. To all adherents carrying cold steel you need to clearly understand for yourself one simple thing. Even the best self-defense knife will never surpass a cold head, a clear mind and sound judgment. Having cold steel with you means to feel more confident in a psychological sense, nothing more. To take out a knife is only in case of a real threat to life. Pocket Knives for Self Defense

Are there limits to acceptable self-defense?

Each person, scrolling through possible scenarios of events for the future, thought about how to stop on time and prevent exceeding self-defense standards. The most interesting thing is that the norms provided by law are rather arbitrary and vague, but the wording of the limit of permissible self-defense has a fairly clear statement. Using hidden wear knives for self-defense, it is extremely important to know where the line is that you cannot cross. First of all, you should not set yourself the task of inflicting the maximum number of injuries to a thief. That in the future there was a chance to assert their rights. The necessary limits of self-defense must not be exceeded if the situation with the attack is insignificant and does not correspond to danger, just as if the situation around does not allow a clear threat. Well, and, of course, a self-defense knife is no reason to cause grievous bodily harm to the offender.

The term "temporary boundary of permissible self-defense"

By this term is meant that the defending side moves to decisive methods only when a real attack has already taken place. Verbal threats, in this case, will not be considered the reason that led to the use of weapons. Self-defense in its temporary borders should be stopped immediately if there is no longer any need to use weapons and there is no real threat to life through a new attack. The legislation provides for terms that classify self-defense before an attack as premature, after an attack as a lynching. In both cases, the victim is considered by the court as having violated the framework of the law. Self Defense Knives

How to determine which knife will be called edged weapons?

The definition of "cold steel" is necessary primarily for the court, if it was not possible to deal with the offender by methods without using a knife. Knives for self-defense cannot be taken for knives if they are certified by the seller as household tools. You need to buy knives from a legal seller, who will give an information sheet with a description of the item, as well as acquaint you with the results of an expert assessment. In the event that an expert assessment was not carried out for some reason or the knife was purchased from under the floor, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Blade length exceeds 90 mm.
  • The handle has recesses between the fingers, and is also clearly fixed in the hand with a possible injection, exceeding the allowable stop.
  • The blade material is heavy-duty steel.
  • Sharpening of the blade is oriented to the tip of the blade.
  • There are listed in GOST the geometric parameters of the edge of the blade, indicating belonging to melee weapons.

Pros and cons of the chosen method of self-defense

Before deciding to use hidden-wearing knives for self-defense, you need to think it over ten times and weigh the pros and cons. Not everyone will be able to hone the skills of owning such an instrument to perfection in order to be able to cope with the enemy without causing serious injuries. Only capable students and ready-made masters of blade ownership will not allow thoughtless negligence. Folding self defense knives are effective but very dangerous type of weapon. If someone still has doubts, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​using just a knife as protection. The fact is that the courts are fairly biased towards the use of knives in self-defense. A mitigating circumstance when inflicting grievous bodily harm can only be a state of affect. Which self defense knife is better


Strict observance of unwritten rules will help to get out of the street conflict without tangible consequences and protect yourself and your loved ones by following the letter of the law. Each defender must clearly know their rights. No one has the right to pursue such a goal as harming the health of another person, even if this person is a criminal. To neutralize the attacker is the main goal of the person who decided to use the knife for self-defense. Which is better? Only experts will answer this question. Psychological stability and the vision of the weaknesses of the enemy will help much more in a critical situation. Carry cold steel - this means to feel additional psychological confidence and experience a sense of security. Cold weapons should be used only when there is a real and imminent threat to life.

And the last one. When the classes in the hand-to-hand combat section, the classes for honing the skills of holding an object such as a knife, are carried out for a long time, the student will be able to master the techniques perfectly and he will not need to grab the knife in case of imminent danger. Long-term training is likely to help cope with the hijacker, as they say, with bare hands. It will not be difficult to neutralize an unarmed enemy, as well as to take a dangerous object from an armed one.Having robbed a knife from a robber, a person thereby demonstrates his own strength, which should force the criminal to abandon his original intentions.

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