
Types of weapons: varieties and their characteristics

Since the intelligent man appeared on the planet, weapons have also begun to develop. This is easy to explain: defenseless people had to defend themselves from wild animals with something, hunt them in order to survive. The weapon went through a lot of various transformations, and, unfortunately, its destructive power was increasingly directed towards the person.

Appearance story

From time immemorial, people have been surrounded by dangers. They came from humans or animals, so the creation of weapons was a necessary necessity. As progress progressed, weapons developed and improved in parallel. At first it was wooden: spears and clubs helped primitive people obtain food and defend themselves from their own kind. Further, with the advent of iron and bronze, spears and swords were made from new materials, more stable and strong. Edged weapons, the types of which are still undergoing changes, allowed people to cope with danger and not die a starvation.

types of weapons

The invention of gunpowder gave a powerful impetus to development in this direction: new types of weapons appeared much more often and were more diverse. Subsequently, nothing innovative was invented in this area, only the possibilities of the previously invented were expanded: the appearance of the weapon changed, its properties were modernized. In particular, rifled weapons were invented, which significantly increased the power and range of destruction.

The second half of the 19th century made fundamental changes - quick-fire and other modern weapons appeared.

Types of weapons

There are various types of weapons on the planet. This means of destruction for close combat, and firearms, and means of mass destruction. The main types of weapons currently known are divided into the following groups:

  • Cold. It is intended for close combat and is activated by the muscular efforts of man.
  • Gunshot. This view is intended for the mechanical destruction of targets at a distance. This is due to the directional movement of the projectile, which is actuated using a certain charge.
  • Pneumatic. For this weapon to be effective, the energy of compressed air is needed, which will induce the projectile to move.
  • Throwing. Such weapons are capable of striking at a distance. It can be driven by both muscular strength and special devices.
  • Weapons of mass destruction. This species at a great distance affects vast territories and leads to significant human loss.
  • Signal (starting) weapon.
  • The latest weapons: microwave pulses.

Street fighter weapons: knives, brass knuckles, finks

Unlike Western countries, where firearms are widespread, edged weapons are popular in the post-Soviet space. Its types cause controversy among those who are trying to classify this type. Most often it is divided into the following subtypes:

  • stitching: bayonets, stilettos;
  • stabbing and cutting includes daggers, hunting knives, including Finnish and bayonet knives;
  • chopping is represented by sabers or sabers;
  • piercing and chopping: broadswords, cleats;
  • crushing: brush, brass knuckles;
  • striker: steel bits.

Scientists sometimes use other types of classifications, but the foregoing is most often used by law enforcement officials who, by their nature of service, have to deal with criminal elements.That is why some types of knives are considered dangerous for society, and their use is attributed to the articles of the Criminal Code.

Melee weapons, types

Nevertheless, such an object as a knife has long been considered the main male thing, an indicator of status and a business card of a person. They cut the umbilical cord for the newborn, this was the first item that was put into the weak hands of the baby, and then all his life he was considered a talisman of his master. Without parting with a man throughout his life, the knife accompanied him to the last journey.

Of course, an ordinary modern person most often comes across dining and kitchen models, but not always. Knives can be used in many ways. Hunters, for example, appreciate the convenience of using special hunting knives. They are extremely durable and durable. Knives for tourism will please people who love hiking and traveling. They are lightweight, practical, made of durable steel, perfectly correct. Knives for survival are also useful, and sometimes vital. These products contain everything you need to be in extreme conditions: a lighter, a compass and other items. Special knives are made for divers, emergency workers or medical personnel. But there are products that are impossible to buy - this is a cold steel weapon. It is intended for army weapons. These are the most dangerous types of striking weapons for close combat, owning which, you can cause serious damage to the enemy.

Throwing weapons

This weapon is a special subspecies of the cold. It is not in vain that it has been singled out into a separate subgroup. The fact is that it helps the owner, who knows how to handle him, hit the target at a distance, using only muscular effort and accuracy skills. It is often used in hunting. Typically, throwing knives or darts are used. There are more exotic species, such as shuriken, spears, boomerangs, crossbows. The last name along with the bow, pilum and sulitsa was used by the ancient Slavic and Roman warriors. Today, this type of weapon has remained mainly in sports applications.

types of weapons of mass destruction

On shuriken, as a cult weapon of Japanese warriors, it is necessary to say especially. Despite the deep-rooted stereotype, not only the ninja used it, but also other warriors in the Land of the Rising Sun. There are an unimaginable number of them, and the variety of forms is amazing. The use of shuriken samurai brought to perfection: they can be cut, discreetly throw at the target and stab. It was because of the secret murder that the so-called invisibles gained fame for the shurikens.

Theoretically safe pneumatics

This is a type of small arms, which is characterized by a special way of feeding the projectile. This happens with the help of compressed air. The concept of "pneumatic" is translated from Greek as "wind". Actually, this fact prompted the name of the weapon that way. The range of the shot from "pneumatics" and the nature of the defeat are such that this species is not classified as dangerous to humans, although there have been cases of killing by negligence. Basically, such weapons are used for shooting sports. But there are hunting species that are more powerful, so they are used for hunting birds or a small beast.

types of chemical weapons

At the beginning of the last century, seriously thought about replacing firearms with pneumatic weapons. The replacement was motivated by noiselessness, rapid-fire qualities, greater accuracy and the absence of smoke, which often unmasks the arrow.

Machine guns, pistols, machine guns

When modern types of weapons appeared, pneumatics remained mainly for entertainment, and firearms confidently entered the battle arena. The story of their appearance began with the invention of gunpowder and its successful application. This most important event happened in the XIV century, thereby opening the era of artillery.

At the moment, there is a clear classification that divides the indicated segment into the following types of firearms:

  • combat: carbines, machine guns, pistols, rifles;
  • sports: small-caliber weapons, pistols;
  • hunting: smoothbore guns.

This list applies to handguns. Also included in the types of firearms and easel, including anti-aircraft mounts and machine guns.

various weapons

According to the purpose of use, hand weapons are divided into the following groups:

  • Civil. This type includes hunting, sports and weapons for self-defense.
  • Battle. With its help, combat and operational-service tasks are solved.
  • Employees use government employees who are allowed to wear it.

The most popular types of hand held small arms are pistols. This is a personal automatic device. It is used to hit a target at a relatively close distance. There are many types of pistols. In addition to the usual, there are underwater, signal and self-loading models. Separately, it is worth mentioning about submachine guns. This type of firearm has a range of about 200 meters. The high combat qualities of this pistol allowed him to occupy a worthy niche in the armament of many countries.

Sniper rifles, known to the townsfolk by numerous fighters, have a high range of destruction, power and accuracy, and the optical sight contributes to the accuracy of the shooter.

The machine, otherwise called an assault rifle, is characterized by high maneuverability when shooting and rate of fire. At the beginning of World War II, the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle was invented, gaining the respect of the armies of many world powers.

Flash in the air

This type of weapon has no lethal force, but you can not do without it either in sports competitions, or in remote, remote places, or on a watercraft. This is a signal weapon.

 types of weapons

It is in the arsenal of rescuers and the military, they are equipped with aircraft and ships. As a starting point, it is used at various relay races and olympiads. Signal weapons, of course, are designed to supply diverse signals: light, sound or smoke. A shot from a rocket launcher, for example, you can call for help or find a place of their own deployment.

Weapons of mass destruction

Whatever weapons are discussed, this is the deadliest of all known. The name itself sounds a threat to humanity. Currently known types of weapons of mass destruction are divided into three main groups:

  • biological;
  • nuclear;
  • chemical.

Whatever types of weapons one would have to face, everyone brings destruction and death. But innovative technologies that can lead to total destruction, cause pandemics of incurable diseases, inevitable mutations and further unsuitability of the territory for living are of particular danger to people.

Biological and chemical weapons

These types of weapons of mass destruction, such as biological ones, involve the release of pathogenic bacteria to the required territory using aircraft or artillery shells. Biological warheads explode almost silently, leaving large fragments behind. The fact of using this deadly weapon is quite problematic to prove. It infects everything around: both people and animals.

Inhaling viruses carried downwind, the doomed masses of living things instantly become infected with influenza, cholera, plague, malaria, smallpox and other deadly ailments. The disease lurks for some time in the infected body, gradually developing. To kill animals often use the virus of foot and mouth disease or anthrax. In this way, even plant crops become infected. You can protect yourself from such weapons in advance by vaccination, as well as using sealed suits and gas masks.Mandatory disinfestation and deratization of infected areas.

modern weapons

The following weapons are no less dangerous. They are based on the chemical effects of such substances:

  • V-gases;
  • soman;
  • mustard gas;
  • sarin;
  • phosgene.

These chemical components are capable of infecting vast territories. At the same time, water, soil, plants and structures are poisoned. For example, soman is dangerous in that it is extremely difficult to detect due to the lack of color and odor. This nerve gas has a high resistance to climatic changes and does not affect the external signs of the infected. Zarin is in many ways similar to the previous gas, but V-gases are more resistant. The remaining toxic substances have an unpleasant odor and a skin-boiling effect.

Types of chemical weapons are divided by the nature of the effects on the body:

  • neuroparalytic;
  • boiling skin;
  • asphyxiating
  • psychochemical;
  • common poisonous.

The first type is used most often in order to disable as much of the enemy’s manpower as possible. The second type of substance penetrates the skin, affecting it. General toxic and asphyxiating substances have an effect mainly on the respiratory system of the body. Psychochemical poisonous weapons are a relatively new species. It is used mainly for the temporary incapacitation of human masses. It is characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, a violation of the central nervous system. Chemical weapons of mass destruction are very effective and are used in military practice by many countries. The advantage of such weapons is that they are silent and inconspicuous.

Nuclear threat

The world first heard about a nuclear explosion after a tragedy in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only after that did people fully realize the monstrous scale of the disasters caused by such weapons. Types of nuclear weapons are grouped according to several criteria, but the main one is the type of charge:

  • Atomic.
  • Thermonuclear (otherwise called the hydrogen bomb).
  • Neutron
  • Clean.

The difference between the charges is in the processes occurring with the nuclei (their synthesis and fission).

types of nuclear weapons

Nuclear warhead explosions also vary. It can be:

  • air warheads;
  • ground (an explosion made near the ground);
  • surface;
  • underground;
  • underwater.

The classical information taught at the civil defense lessons that existed during the existence of the USSR was based primarily on stories about the zone of the nuclear explosion and its deadly factors. Now, this knowledge will not be redundant. So, the damaging effect of a nuclear explosion:

  • Shock impulse. With supersonic speed, it rushes from the center of the explosion in the nearby territory, sweeping away everything in its path.
  • Light emission. It spreads lightning fast and consists of visible infrared and ultraviolet rays. But in places with a significant shadow, this deadly radiation can be protected.
  • Penetrating radiation. Depending on the dose, the neutron flux in 10 seconds can, if not kill, then irreversibly disrupt the activity of all organs and systems of the body.
  • Decay products of nuclei. They form a poisonous cloud, from the thickness of which everything around is poisoned.
  • Electromagnetic pulse. Gamma radiation generated by the explosion disrupts the operation of electronics.

main weapons

There are four zones of destruction after the explosion of a nuclear bomb:

  • Total destruction. All communications and buildings built by man are completely destroyed by the blast wave.
  • Significant destruction. Local blockages and fires, destruction of shelters.
  • The average degree of damage. Mostly there are fires caused by a light wave.
  • Weak destruction. Damage to buildings is stable, almost no blockages.

The degree of radiation damage to the terrain depends on meteorological factors and the power of the explosion.

Weapons of the future

The most serious threat to the planet is the latest microwave weapons. Its action is based on the movement of microwave pulses that can disable radio electronics, objects that pose a danger to the environment and air defense systems. Invisible pulses can stop the activities of chemical plants, nuclear plants, and without leakage of hazardous components. Microwaves are able to penetrate everywhere, there are no obstacles for them, moreover, this type of weapon is still being finalized in order to increase the range of destruction. Therefore, microwave weapons have a chance to become the most deadly in the history of mankind.

People continue to build up weapons, inventing ever new types and methods of destruction, infection, and incapacitation of biological masses. Therefore, today the banal slogan about world peace is especially relevant.

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