
Categories of roads. Classification of roads into categories. Categories of roads

Countries, regions, settlements and their areas are interconnected by various transport routes. This enables humanity to maintain personal and business relationships.

In order to understand how long the path will take, to approximately calculate the speed of movement and the consumption of resources, a definition was introduced at the legislative level, such as road categories.

road categories

The concept of "road"

A road is a communication path designed to move technical equipment and people. The road, based on the type of transport moving along it, can be automobile or railway.

The road is a part of the transport infrastructure that is designed for the movement of motor vehicles and includes related structural elements (road surfaces and roadbed) and artificial engineering structures, as well as the land on which they are located.

The railway is a transport passage consisting of fixed rails along which passenger and freight trains move.

Categories of railways are determined by the code of rules 119.13330.2012 (updated version of SNiP 32-01-95 "1520 mm gauge railways"), according to which the railway lines and tracks are divided into classes depending on the nature and size of the transportation carried out on them.

Federal Law establishing the classification of roads

Categories of roads in the Russian Federation are approved by Federal Law No. 257 of 11/08/2007. The objectives of this legal source are:

  • determination of the fundamentals of the functioning of roads, their use, implementation of road works in the interests of their users, owners of these roads, the state, municipalities;
  • ensuring the safety and development of roads, improving their technical condition;
  • facilitating the implementation of the latest technologies in the field of road activities;
  • improving the investment climate in this area;
  • improvement of public administration in terms of road works;
  • ensuring fair and effective competition in the field of road activities;
  • integration of roads into the international transport network.

road categories

Destination classification

Automobile drives, depending on the destination, are divided into the following categories of roads:

  • federal;
  • regional or inter-municipal;
  • local
  • private.

Federal roads are the most important ways of the Russian Federation, owned by the state and financed mainly from the federal treasury.

Roads of regional significance are transport routes that are managed by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and financed from their budgets.

Classification according to the form of permitted use

Based on the type of permitted use of driveways, the categories of public roads and non-public roads are distinguished.

General roads include roads intended for movement of unlimited circle of people on them. Non-public roads include those roads that are owned, owned or used by state executive authorities, local administrations, organizations or individuals, and also used by them only to meet their own needs or state needs.

Non-public roads

The list of federal, regional and intermunicipal roads of general use is approved by the authorized federal executive authorities and the supreme executive body of state. authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation. The list of regional and inter-municipal non-public roads may not include federal non-public roads and their sections.

The list of local roads may be established by the local government. All public and non-public transport routes are assigned a number consisting of several letters, OP and NP, respectively.

categorization of roads

Federal roads intended for general use

Federal highways include:

  • roads that connect Moscow with the capitals of other neighboring countries, as well as with the administrative centers of the regions of the Russian Federation;
  • Roads that are included in the list of international roads in accordance with international agreements of Russia.

Transport routes of federal significance may also include:

  • connecting the administrative centers of the regions of the Russian Federation with each other;
  • access roads that connect the federal roads of OP, and transport hubs that are of international importance, as well as special objects of federal significance;
  • access roads that connect the administrative centers of the regions of Russia and do not have public roads connecting the corresponding administrative center of the region of the Russian Federation with the capital of the country, and the nearest ports, airports and railway stations / stations.

The list of federal public transport routes is established by Decree of the Government No. 928 of November 17, 2010 "On the list of roads of the federal highway of federal significance".

Regional and intermunicipal public roads

The criteria for categorization of public roads as regional or intermunicipal and the list of such transport routes is approved by the supreme executive body of the state. authorities of the subject of the country. The list of regional or inter-municipal public roads cannot include federal public roads and their sections.

Regional roads are indicated by a special identification number of the Republic of Poland, and inter-municipal roads - by the number of the Ministry of Health.

categories of public roads

Local and private roads intended for public use

Categories of local roads of general importance are divided into:

  • settlement roads;
  • roads of the municipal district;
  • roads of the urban district.

The first include roads located within the settlements of the settlement, except for federal, regional and inter-municipal public roads and private roads.

The second includes roads located on the territory of the municipal district, except for federal, regional and inter-municipal roads of the OP, as well as roads of the local importance of settlements and private roads.

The third type is automobile roads located within the urban district, except for federal, regional and inter-municipal public roads, as well as private transport routes.

Categories of roads are approved by the local government of a settlement, municipal district or urban district, respectively.

Private public roads are the means of communication that are owned by a physical person. and jur. persons, as well as those not equipped with devices that restrict the passage of vehicles of an undefined circle of persons.

 categories of railways

Speed ​​Classification

The classification of roads into categories depending on the conditions of access to them by transport and the conditions of travel on them is as follows:

  • motorways;
  • high-speed roads;
  • ordinary roads.

Highways are roads not intended for auto-service of adjacent territories, as well as:

  • having a central dividing strip, which is not predetermined for movement along it, and several carriageways;
  • Do not cross at the same level other cars and railways, tram tracks, bicycle and pedestrian paths;
  • entry to which is possible only at the intersection at different levels with other roads, which are provided no more often than every 5 km;
  • on the carriageways of which it is forbidden to stop;
  • equipped with special areas for parking and recreation.

Highways are marked with special signs.

Highways are roads that can only be reached through interchanges designed for transport, or adjustable intersections. On the carriageway of this kind of roads, vehicle stops are prohibited, there are specially equipped areas for rest and parking on highways.

Ordinary motor roads are all other motor roads with one or several carriageways and not marked with special signs.

street and road categories

GOST R 52398-2005

GOST R 52398-2005 defines categories of roads according to transport and operational characteristics and consumer properties highways. Roads according to these signs are divided depending on:

  • the number and width of the lanes on which the movement is carried out;
  • the presence of a central dividing strip;
  • intersections with cars and railways, tram tracks, bicycle paths and paths for pedestrians;
  • access conditions to the road with adjoining in one level.

This source has a special table called “Technical classification of roads by category”, according to which a highway is assigned to the corresponding class and category according to one or another indicator.

The table contains such a parameter as the maximum load level of the highway. It determines the categories of roads by traffic intensity and is calculated by dividing the maximum possible traffic intensity to its traffic capacity.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2009, No. 767

It is also worth noting that the procedure for referring to any category of roads is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2009, number 767 "On the classification of roads in the Russian Federation."

In general, 1A category is set for motorways, 1B category for express roads, and 1B, II, III, IV and V categories for ordinary roads.

guest road categories

The category of roads is determined by conducting a special assessment of the technical condition of the transport route. If a federal public road is classified, the evaluating authority is the Federal Highway Agency; when classifying a federal non-public road, it is the federal executive agency in charge of the indicated road; when classifying roads of regional or intermunicipal importance, it is the executive government body subject of the Russian Federation. When determining the category of streets and roads of local importance, the evaluating body is the local government, while qualifying a private road, its owner.

The federal road is assigned to any category within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the results of work to assess the technical condition of the road.

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