
Certificate and category of tractor driver

For any transport, you must have access to management, which is called rights. They are needed not only for driving a car and motorcycle. If you are going to work on special equipment, then you will also need a driver's license. Let's figure out which category of tractor driver is needed to control loaders, wheeled and tracked vehicles.

tractor driver category

What are self-propelled cars

Different types of transport, such as ATVs, bulldozers and excavators, belong to this vast group. For all these types of equipment opens its own category of tractor driver. There are general criteria for self-propelled equipment:

  • she should develop a speed of not more than 50 kilometers per hour;
  • engine volume should not be less than fifty centimeters per cube;
  • the power unit should not be stronger than 4 kilowatts.

It doesn’t matter if the vehicle is moving on wheels or it uses tracks for coupling with the track. For the management of self-propelled vehicles, special rights are necessary, ordinary automobile ones will not work for this.

Classification of machinery

It is easiest to understand when a special driver’s license is required with a simple classification:

  1. Vehicles that do not have the right to travel on public roads. He can only follow off-road.
  2. Wheel tractor and tracked with a power of 25 kW and above.
  3. Caterpillar moving vehicles: excavator, bulldozer and the like. The power of the tractor or other machine in this case should be higher than 25 kW.
  4. Machines designed for harvesting and involved in agriculture.
  5. Machines designed for the repair and installation of asphalt pavement of roads and bridges.

tractor driver's license

All these modes of transport need their own tractor category. Based on the type to which the machine belongs, you need to get different discharges. Before getting permission to drive tractor and self-propelled machinery, each applicant passes training and passes an exam. The future tractor driver needs to know traffic rules and meet certain requirements.

What changes can be seen in the credentials of the new sample

In the new model document, additional subgroups appeared for vehicles classified as self-propelled vehicles. Only category “A” has undergone changes. It was divided into several subgroups:

  1. Motorized transport designed to move off-road.
  2. Motor vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons, which is designed to move on the road.
  3. Motor vehicles for off-road driving weighing over 3.5 tons.
  4. Motor vehicles that move off-road and can carry passengers.

category per tractor

These changes were adopted in 2011. Despite them, if you need a category for a tractor, then you need to open digits B, C, E, F. For a start, categories B and C are enough, which allow you to work on most models of equipment. After gaining basic knowledge, only three-month continuing education courses will be enough. They will allow you to open additional categories in the certificate.

Tractor driver category: who can get it

The right to drive a tractor can only be obtained by a person over 16 years old. He must be trained and have a certificate of a tractor mechanic. It is important to be able to not only control the equipment, but also know its device. Persons who have not undergone training are not allowed to certification.

First, a basic tractor driver’s license is issued, in which not all categories are open. Then it is necessary to take advanced training courses and receive new categories. Some of them open only under the condition of accident-free driving.For example, the category “A 2, 3, 4” can be obtained on condition of moving without an accident throughout the year.

wheeled tractor

Another limitation on tractor control is medical. A person who wants to pass the exams must have a standard medical certificate for drivers. To obtain it, it is necessary to provide information that you are not registered with a psychiatrist or narcologist.

In addition, in order to obtain a tractor driver's certificate in Russia, you will need citizenship and a passport. Otherwise, you must have international rights and receive them at the place of registration.

At what age can one get rights


Not every tractor driver category can be opened after 16 years. Depending on the desired degree, the age may be different:

  1. If you want to drive self-propelled motorized vehicles, then it’s enough that you are 16 years old.
  2. Off-road vehicles can be driven by a person over 19 years of age.
  3. You can carry passengers off-road on self-propelled vehicles only from 23 years old.
  4. Rights to a caterpillar tractor and wheeled vehicles that fall under categories B, C, E, F are issued from the age of 17. This norm has been preserved since the Soviet years, so that students of vocational schools and specialized rural schools can work on technology immediately after graduation.
  5. Category D can be obtained only after adulthood - from 18 years.

However, before issuing rights, inspectors will pay attention not only to age, but also to the experience of tractor management. To open each category, you must be trained and get a certificate.

Where are tractor drivers trained

If you want to get admission to a wheeled tractor, then you need to get a secondary specialized education. This is the basic category B and C, education for her receive at the school. The course of study includes practical and theoretical classes in the disciplines:

  • device and maintenance of self-propelled equipment;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • self-propelled machine control.

Training should only take place in state-approved educational institutions. Before admission, check for a license and accreditation. If you are refused to submit these documents, then you should look for another place to study. You will only spend your time, and you will not be allowed to final certification to obtain a certificate.

tractor driver category e

At the end of the course, it is necessary to pass exam tests: at the educational institution and at Rostekhnadzor. After issuing the certificate, you can immediately get a driver on a caterpillar tractor or any other equipment.

What documents need to be prepared

To pass an internal exam in an educational institution, you only need to have a passport, a medical certificate and a certificate of completion of the training course. This test tests your theoretical and practical knowledge. Questions on the rules of the road for tractor drivers have a lot of differences. On the tickets you will find tasks on the topic of safety when using tractors, working with fuels and lubricants and the rules of first aid.

The practical test includes two blocks: a test drive on the site of the educational institution and the use of the tractor in real conditions. If you successfully overcome the internal tests of knowledge, then the next step will be to contact the Gostekhnadzor. There you will need to present a more extensive package of documents:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • examination form;
  • two photographs of standard size 3 x 4;
  • statement;
  • check for payment of duty.

You will need to demonstrate the ability to use the tractor again. After passing this last test, you can get a certificate. As a rule, it is done within a week.

Where tractor permissions come in handy

First of all, a tractor driver of category "E" or any other is a profession that will help you earn money for your bread. It is needed at different enterprises.Caterpillar and wheeled vehicles are involved in production processes, they are necessary for transportation and loading of both raw materials and finished products. They are also used during road and agricultural work.

Having the basic categories “B” and “C”, you can improve your skills and open other categories, for example, “D” - it will help you get permission to operate the truck, which can be used in warehouses and in hypermarkets.

tractor power

It is necessary to have a certificate not only in order to successfully find a job, but also in order not to pay fines. Moreover, if you are hired by a tractor driver without rights, then the company in which you work will be responsible before the law.

The development of private farming requires the use of motorized equipment. To work even on your site, you will need to have access to control the tractor. After all, no one is immune from the need to travel outside their own allotment.

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There are categories В С Е of the tractor driver- driver I want to open category А1 whether it is necessary to pass an exam or can I open it automatically


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