
When does privatization of apartments in Russia end? When does free privatization of housing end?

The word "privatization" comes from the Latin privatus. It translates as "private".

Free privatization is the transfer of housing that belongs to the state, free of charge into the ownership of a citizen. The procedure in question is carried out once. If in the stipulated period of free privatization a citizen did not register his property, then after the deadline the owner of the apartment or house will have to redeem them from the municipality at market value.

In 2014, the question of when the privatization of apartments in Russia ends is raised more than once. The deadline was scheduled for March 2015. But due to the fact that the property of most citizens remained non-privatized, they decided to give people another year of time.when privatization of apartments in Russia ends

What types of property fall under the law?

Under the types of property that the state allows to privatize for free, all real estate options are understood:

  1. Apartments
  2. Houses.
  3. Land plots, including those requiring major repairs of the house.
  4. Buildings subject to reconstruction, demolition.
  5. Monument houses of history and architecture.
  6. Homes to be modernized, etc.

Currently, most of the real estate has already passed into private ownership. Many citizens, knowing the moment when the privatization of apartments in Russia ends, by the end of this period they lined up in order to complete the procedure under consideration.

Employment contract

Citizens who have received housing have the right to use it on the basis of a social hiring agreement. According to this document, the owner of the apartment or house of the municipal housing stock, as well as the person authorized by him (the landlord) gives an obligation to transfer the premises to the tenant for use and possession. The contract in question is perpetual. Simply put, he acts as long as at least one registered citizen remains in the apartment.

If there is a debt for utility bills, the tenant may lose his apartment. At the same time, he will be evicted to another residential building of a smaller area or deprived of an apartment if it is not the only one.privatization ends in Russia

Privatization renewal terms

For the first time, privatization of real estate became possible in 1991. Further, the term was extended until 2007. It was planned that in Russia free privatization of real estate will end in 2007. As already mentioned, huge lines began to line up towards the end of the term. It became clear that many residential premises remained non-privatized. For this reason, the procedure was extended several times. In 2007, the term was increased to 2010. Then it was extended to March 2013. Then, the term was increased to March 2015, now - until 2016.

Who is allowed to get housing for free?

Free to become the owner of real estate is entitled only to a citizen of the Russian Federation. All persons authorized to use the premises are allowed to participate in the process under review. Including we are talking about minor citizens. Privatize real estate can be one person or several people who will further dispose of this property.

In order to privatize housing, the consent of all persons registered in it, including minor children from the age of 14 to 18, is necessary. The procedure in question is carried out once.An exception is a minor. They have the right to undergo the procedure twice: before coming of age and after. It is worth noting one caveat. If a similar procedure was carried out outside the country, then this does not affect privatization in the state itself.when does free privatization of housing end

Privatization History

Back in the USSR, the state began to provide the population with the use of houses and apartments. They were the property of the municipality. Man had the right only to live in them. The sale, exchange or rental of such property was not foreseen. Only after the collapse of the USSR was a law passed allowing free housing privatization. Simply put, citizens have the right to become full owners of real estate. The procedure under consideration was carried out free of charge and the deadline for when the free privatization of housing ends is announced in 1991. This moment was scheduled for 1996. This procedure was part of the country's economic development plan. But the deadline had to be extended, as the population was bewildered and confused due to the collapse of the USSR, economic stagnation, inflation, and other reasons that influenced the demand for the project. The second extended period can be called more successful. Within its framework, a large number of citizens expressed a desire to privatize housing. For these reasons, the term was further extended several times.

Why privatize real estate?

The privatization of a private house or apartment allows a citizen to acquire ownership of this housing. What are the benefits? The owner may dispose of his property at his discretion. For example, he has the right to sell, bequeath or give. What cannot be done with non-privatized housing, since it is in municipal or state ownership. And only the municipality has the right to make any real estate transactions.apartment privatization extended in Russia

The end of privatization

Currently, the privatization period for housing ends March 1, 2016. According to forecasts, the state will not extend this period for the implementation of the procedure. It was previously proposed to extend it until 2018. But the majority of votes were cast in 2016.

Privatization of the apartment has been extended in Russia due to the large number of dilapidated and dilapidated houses, from which the relocation of citizens is necessary. Also, the reason for the increase in the term was a large number of waiting lists. The accession of Crimea to Russia also influenced. Now, on this territory, citizens should have time to use the right to free privatization of housing.

Privatization in Moscow and the region

As throughout Russia, the privatization of apartments in Moscow is completely free. The deadlines for privatization in the capital are the same as elsewhere (until March 2016). The procedure in question in Moscow can be carried out with the help of a real estate agency. Its employees will deal with the entire process on their own, without the participation of the potential owner. Or you can do everything on your own.

To start the privatization of an apartment, the consent of all persons registered (registered) in this apartment will be required. After that, all the necessary documents are provided to the authorities involved in the transfer of housing into ownership.

What confirms ownership?

When does privatization of apartments in Russia end? The term is extended until next year. And this allows citizens to take advantage of free home ownership. This process ends with the moment a person receives a certificate of state registration of law and a transfer agreement registered in justice authorities. After receiving these documents, a person becomes a full owner and has the opportunity to make any real estate transaction.privatization of apartments in Moscow privatization end dates

What kind of housing can not be privatized?

The law prohibits the privatization of the following facilities:

  1. Apartments in houses and dormitories recognized as emergency.
  2. Residential premises of public and private housing funds.
  3. Houses of closed military camps.
  4. Office living quarters.

What will happen when free privatization ends?

The end of the free period of registration in the ownership of real estate will lead to a new phase. Privatization will be carried out for a fee. That is, a person to whom housing was provided under a social contract of employment will be able to obtain ownership of it by purchasing from the municipality or the state at market value.

In Russia, privatization is coming to an end next year. Therefore, those people who did not manage to register their property for free will be able to do this for a fee. These two privatization processes do not differ in terms of the documents provided. Their difference is only in the cost of the service.privatization period ends

Employer Responsibilities and Rights

The deadline for when the privatization of apartments in Russia for free ends. After this period, the tenant has the right to obtain real estate by purchasing it at market value. At the same time, housing can be privatized no earlier than a year after the conclusion of the contract. Until that moment, until the ownership of the housing, each tenant has certain responsibilities. He also has rights in accordance with the contract.

The employer has the right:

  1. Rent housing in the lease.
  2. Exchange or replace the premises.
  3. To instill other persons.
  4. Allow accommodation in an apartment or house of temporary residents.
  5. Require the landlord to provide utilities, major repairs, and participation in the maintenance of the property.

The employer must comply with some requirements.

  1. Pay utility bills on time.
  2. Ensure the safety of housing and maintain it in good condition.
  3. Use the room for its intended purpose.
  4. Carry out ongoing repairs.in Russia free privatization of real estate will end

Housing deprivatization

State Duma deputies made a proposal on the deprivatization of housing. What it is? Deprivatization is necessary for those citizens who do not have the opportunity to reimburse the costs of maintaining a house or apartment. This procedure will help protect single pensioners from encroachment on their property. It is also designed to help the poor and lonely people. It is proposed to transfer to state or municipal ownership only that property that has been privatized, that is, with which no transactions have been made. The decision on deprivatization is proposed to be made voluntary. In this case, the consent of all homeowners is required. They must live in it constantly.

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