
Commercial act: rules and terms of drawing up

A commercial act confirms the circumstances that serve as the basis for bringing to property liability. This document is used by delivery services, passenger enterprises, mail, etc. Let us further consider in which cases a commercial act is drawn up. commercial act


A commercial act, a model of which is presented in the article, certifies:

  1. Inconsistency of the mass of objects, their names, number of places with the information indicated on the invoice.
  2. Damage / damage to objects and probable causes of damage.
  3. Detection of cargo without accompanying documents and vice versa (papers without objects).
  4. The return of stolen valuables.
  5. Non-transfer of cargo to the railway for non-public use within 24 hours after the execution of the appropriate documents (the act is drawn up at the request of the recipient).

The timing

The commercial act is drawn up:

  1. On the way - on the day of the identification of circumstances that need to be duly executed.
  2. When unloading in places of general use - on the day of unloading. If necessary, the paperwork is made upon the transfer of material assets to the recipient.
  3. When unloading in places of non-general use - on the day of unloading. The verification should be carried out during or immediately after completion of the procedure.

If it is not possible to draw up an act of a general form within the specified time, this should be done within the next 24 hours. act form


Data is entered into the commercial act of the general form on the basis of accompanying documents, books on objects weighing on freight and wagon scales and other papers. When it is issued for perishable and food products, a copy of a certificate or quality certificate must be attached to the first copy. The latter are certified on the basis of the original or by the signature and seal of the authorized person. The commercial act on the deterioration of perishable and food products in refrigerated sections, autonomous wagons, containers for endocrine raw materials that run with the service team must be executed correctly.

An extract from the working journal about temperature condition on my way. It must be signed by the leader of this group and certified by an authorized person. At the same time, the document indicates the air temperature in the container, refrigerator section, autonomous car before removing the objects from the composition according to the devices installed in them. If the act form is completed upon delivery of animals and objects controlled by the units of the State Veterinary Supervision, a copy of the veterinary certificate should be attached to its first copy. When you issue a document for regulated products, a copy of a certificate confirming the absence of quarantine organisms is attached to it. a commercial act is drawn up

Homogeneous objects

Such goods may be transported in separate shipments in bulk or in bulk. Upon their arrival within one calendar day from the sender to the recipient in serviceable wagons, in the absence of signs of loss, a detected shortage that exceeds the rate of natural loss and the value of the maximum discrepancy in the results of establishing the net mass can be documented in one act. The same provision applies to identified surpluses that make up the difference between the mass of objects determined at the departure and destination stations, taking into account the marginal rate of discrepancy.The shortage or excessive amount of cargo transported in bulk, in bulk or in bulk with transshipment or transshipment in transit sent by one entity to the address of one recipient and arrived in serviceable wagons is determined by the inspection of the entire batch of goods issued simultaneously. In this case, as a rule, one document is drawn up.

Organization of transportation by rail

For each shipment, the document should contain the following information:

  1. Number and type of wagon.
  2. The number of locking and sealing devices.
  3. The mass and number of pieces of cargo indicated in the accompanying documents and available.

When weighing on a carriage scale, indicators are entered:

  1. Gross.
  2. The masses of the wagon containers (it is checked on the scales or taken from the stencil).
  3. Net.

Data on the shipment is indicated in the list attached to the commercial act. These documents are signed by persons involved in the transfer of objects and authorized representatives of the delivery man. commercial acts on transport

Commercial acts on transport

Documents are executed in triplicate. The act form must be filled out without corrections, blots, erasures. Information is entered in block letters using a typewriter or computer. A commercial certificate executed at the destination station is used in the following sequence:

  1. The first instance is an investigation of the circumstances that became the basis for its execution.
  2. The second form is issued upon request to the recipient.
  3. The third copy remains with the supplier and is stored in his affairs.

Distribution of completed documents at the departure station or at the passing section is carried out as follows:

  1. The first copy is used by the provider to investigate the circumstances.
  2. The second form is attached to the accompanying document and follows to the destination.
  3. The third copy remains in the affairs of the delivery man.


If a commercial act is drawn up at a passing section or departure station, an appropriate entry is made in the consignment note on the reverse side. The line "marks" indicates the number of the document, the date and circumstances in connection with which it is filled. A record of paper processing at the destination station is made at the request of the recipient.

Electronic document type

Railway transportation can be carried out using an automated accounting system. In such situations, documentation is generated electronically. The procedure for its storage and distribution is established by entities engaged in railway transportation, in accordance with the agreement on the exchange of data and documentation in electronic form. The notes specified in the rules for processing accompanying papers shall be entered on the invoice. An electronic act is applied to her. organization of transportation by rail


If the bill of lading contains a mark on the execution of the document at the passing station, and is not present among the accompanying papers, the person delivering the objects must issue the act again. A commercial act is not drawn up upon delivery of the goods received at the destination address, if present, and the data in it do not differ from the actual state and availability of material values.


The absence of a commercial act drawn up at a passing point upon delivery of the goods is not the reason for its non-recognition. It does not matter if the corresponding mark is present on the invoice or not. If during the check at the station, no difference is found between the information of the act and the actual condition and the presence of the cargo at the destination, the carrier, without drawing up a new document, must make an entry in the existing paper in the section "G". If inconsistency of information is revealed, another paper is drawn up. At the destination station, the recipient does not issue a document filled in the passing section. However, there is an exception to this rule.

If the responsibility of the entity carrying out rail transportation follows from the document, it must be issued to the recipient.On the way can be issued paper certifying the circumstances for which the sender is responsible. In such a situation, a commercial deed filled in on the way must be presented to the recipient. It will not matter if the document issued at the time of receipt of the objects at the destination station is transmitted. A copy of the paper filled in the passing section is stored in the files of the person carrying out the railway transportation. During the examination, a corresponding entry is made in section "E" of the document. a commercial act is not drawn up upon delivery of the goods


The commercial act must be certified by the recipient or his representative (if there is a corresponding power of attorney), if he takes part in the verification of delivery, as well as the carrier. The document must be registered in the ledger. When checking the tare (wagon) weight by the authorized representative of the carrier who did not participate in the weighing, the names of the entities in the presence of which the determination of the net and tare masses should be indicated in section "D" of the act. In this case, the document is signed by the representative participating in the verification procedure. With the simultaneous unloading and delivery of goods to the recipient, the certificate is certified by persons representing the addressee and the carrier. When wagons are released in public places at the sites and in the depots of the stations, if the transfer of objects is made after this, the document is signed only by the representative of the delivery man. When cargo is dispatched from the indicated sections, if a discrepancy is found in the act that was drawn up during the unloading process, the carrier draws up new paper.

Using ZPU

Locking and sealing devices:

  1. Forwarded, redeemed, sent for examination. This is carried out in the presence of circumstances providing for individual liability of the person delivering the objects or mutual responsibility of the sender and the carrier.
  2. Paid off. This is done during the execution of the document, from which the responsibility of the sender only follows. ZPU are repaid only when they are removed from the car and recognized as serviceable, as well as after drawing up the act. A note should be made in the appropriate column of the document. The entry "ZPU repaid" is entered in the line "When the act is attached" opposite to paragraph 1 "b". commercial act sample

Document submission

At the request of the recipient, the carrier must issue an act within three days. Presentation of the document to the recipient is carried out upon presentation of the last power of attorney. If the recipient is an individual, he must have a passport or other document confirming his identity. Upon receipt of the act, the representative of the recipient puts his signature on the back of the copy that remains with the carrier. At the same time, the number and date of the power of attorney or identity document are indicated.

Refusal of registration

If the carrier did not draw up an act or executed it in violation of the requirements, the recipient must send him a written application, unless another form is provided for in the agreement. The subject must perform this action within three days, and in respect of perishable and food products - within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the product. The carrier must give the applicant a reasoned response no later than 3 days or 1 day (for special types of cargo). Representatives of the recipient and the delivery company participating in the design of the document must sign it. If there are objections, they can state them in the act.

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