
Permission to commission the facility. Act of commissioning an object

In the new edition of the Town Planning Code, the previously existing procedure for putting an object into operation was fundamentally changed. The rules are also regulated by the Regulation on the implementation of GOS in the Russian Federation, Government Decision No. 441. Next, we will examine how commissioning of construction projects is now underway. permission to put the facility into operation

Normative base

Government Decision No. 441 regulates the activities of the federal executive body issuing permission to put the facility into operation. The order of the Ministry of Regional Development regulates the activities of authorized authorities on paperwork for structures located in special territories. Such areas include land for which it does not apply or is not established urban planning regulations, with the exception of capital construction projects, in respect of which the execution of state expert appraisal of project documents or the issuance of construction permits are assigned to other federal executive institutions.

General rules

Permission to commission the facility is issued by the authority that issued the same paper for the construction of the facility. To obtain it, you must contact the authorized authority with a statement. The commissioning deadline is 10 days. During this period, the authorized organization accepts and reviews the submitted papers, carries out the necessary checks. Based on the results of these procedures, either permission is issued to put the facility into operation, or a refusal is given. In this case, the latter should be reasoned.
commissioning certificate

Activities before the final check

The preparatory phase includes:

  1. Test launches.
  2. Individual tests of installed equipment, functional launches of individual systems.
  3. Acceptance of the capital construction object (when performing work under the contract).

During the construction and installation of structures, it is necessary to carry out intermediate acceptance of structural elements and components of equipment, as well as covert work. Functional and individual tests are carried out with the involvement of the customer after the completion of installation and construction. Deficiencies and defects that are allowed during operation, equipment deficiencies found during trial tests, must be eliminated before the start of a comprehensive launch. General testing should be carried out by the customer during the final inspection. In the process of its implementation, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary units under load is checked. Complex testing of systems according to schemes that are not provided for in the design is not allowed.

commissioning of construction projects

Final check

Certain papers are attached to the application. Their list is strictly regulated by law and cannot be expanded at the request of the authorized inspection body. The statement of the developer must be accompanied by a conclusion on the compliance of the structure with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation. This paper is issued by the state supervisory authority. However, before the conclusion on compliance is issued, the facility must pass a final check. Based on its results, either a decision to issue a paper is made, or a refusal to do so. The final inspection is carried out after completion of construction, overhaul, reconstruction. Depending on the complexity of the structure, up to one month is allowed for this procedure.A conclusion is issued if there were no inconsistencies or violations at the facility, or if they were eliminated within the prescribed time.

Authority of the control organization

During the final assessment supervisory authority in the person of officials, checks the availability of certificates from other bodies of state control and supervision, as well as operating enterprises that provide utilities, about connecting external networks to structures according to a permanent scheme, fulfilling technical conditions and accepting them for maintenance. commissioning of documents

Unauthorized erection of parts

In this case, as well as if the developer did not timely inform the state supervision body about the start of construction, he needs to contact an independent specialized organization to conduct a detailed (instrumental) study of the structural elements of the structure or the entire building. The results of this survey are in the form of a report on those. condition are provided to the state supervision authority. If they are positive, the authorized authority may decide to issue a statement of compliance.

What do you need to get an AIA?

To do this, contact supervisor with a statement. The following documents must be attached to the appeal:

  • Act of final inspection by an official of an authorized body.
  • The acceptance certificate for the construction of a facility on the basis of a contract.

order of putting the facility into operation

Important point

State supervision is carried out from the date of receipt of the notification of the start of work until the issuance of the AIA of the repaired, reconstructed or constructed facility to the requirements technical regulations design documentation and other documents. This means that a positive conclusion is issued if control measures were carried out throughout the entire period of construction. If the supervision was not carried out through the fault of the builder, then the authorized body has the right to refuse to issue an AIA.

Act of commissioning an object

It is a document that certifies the completion of construction, repair, overhaul or reconstruction of the structure in full. This paper must comply with the building permit. The form in which the commissioning report for the facility is drawn up is approved in Government Decision No. 698. Next, we consider the papers that need to be provided.

Commissioning: documents

The list of securities is established in Art. 55, part 3 GrK. The list includes:

  1. Title documents for the land.
  2. Papers certifying the acquisition of rights to the allotment where the construction was carried out.
  3. Urban plan of the site. Its form is approved by Government Decision No. 840.
  4. Building permission. It should be drafted in accordance with Art. 51 GrK. Papers issued prior to the entry into force of the new edition are also recognized as valid.
  5. Conclusion from the fire supervision authority (if these control measures are provided).
  6. The location scheme of the repaired, reconstructed or constructed facility, engineering communications networks within the land plot, the planning organization of the place.
  7. Conclusion from the state supervision body (if it is envisaged to carry out control measures) on the compliance of the structure with the established requirements and the technical plan.

terms of putting the facility into operation

Information subject to gratuitous transfer

To carry out the commissioning of the property, copies must be provided to the authorized body:

  1. Papers confirming the compliance of the construction parameters with the project and signed by the customer or directly by the person carrying out its construction.
  2. Act of acceptance of the object. It is provided if the construction is carried out under a contract.
  3. A document confirming the compliance of the structure with the above requirements. This paper must also be signed by the customer or contractor.
  4. Documents confirming the compliance of the object with the technical conditions. These papers are signed by representatives of organizations responsible for the use of engineering communications networks.

Technical Accounting and Inventory

To carry them out, the following papers must be submitted to the FSUE branch at the location of the structure:

  1. Urban planning and project documentation with a general layout scheme. The latter is available on a scale of 1: 2000 or 1: 500.
  2. An extract from the EGRZKR (state registry of land cadastre) with the plan and cadastral number of the plot.
  3. Permission to commission the facility.
  4. Proof of title to land.

commissioning of the property

check in

This procedure is carried out by the federal authorized body at the location of the structure. For state registration are required:

  1. Title and constituent documents of the copyright holder.
  2. Construction plan.
  3. Registration certificate
  4. Extract from the state register of urban development facilities. This paper is valid for a month from the date of issue.
  5. Documents certifying the rights to the site.
  6. Building and commissioning permits.

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