
Who is eligible for the housing subsidy?

Translated from Latin, the word "subsidy" means "help." This assistance is provided free of charge and exclusively for its intended purpose.

Who is entitled to the subsidy?

Subsidy for housing and communal services - what is it?

Housing legislation exists in the Russian Federation, according to which certain categories of citizens have the right to receive subsidies for utility bills. Who is entitled to the subsidy? this kind? First of all, these are various categories of low-income citizens whose housing and utility costs exceed 22% of the total family budget.

Who is subsidized in Moscow? In the capital of the Russian Federation, the right to receive subsidies for housing and communal services is possible if 10% of family income or more is spent on these services.

What factors are taken into account?

To provide a subsidy, certain factors are considered. These include:

  • Standards for housing in accordance with the region.
  • The cost of housing and communal services.
  • Family budget.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation or of the country with which the Russian Federation has entered into an international agreement to provide such benefits to foreigners.
  • Permanent registration (registration) in housing for which the subsidy is provided.
  • Lack of debt to pay for utilities.

Who is entitled to housing and communal services subsidies?

Who is entitled to housing and communal services subsidies?

Subsidies may be granted to citizens who reside:

  • in the municipal and state housing fund;
  • homeowners;
  • members of housing and housing cooperatives.

When applying with the application and the necessary documents for the provision of a subsidy from the 1st to the 15th day of the current month, it is assigned as early as this month. In case of handling this issue from the 16th day until the end of the current month, the subsidy will be provided only from the 1st of the next month.

The subsidy is provided in cash. It is transferred to demand deposits or bank cards. In addition, it can be delivered by mail if the recipient does not have a card and there is no way to open a deposit.

For what reasons can I get a refusal?

Social protection authorities have the right to refuse or suspend accrual if:

  • within two months the debt on payment of housing and communal services or for an apartment is not paid;
  • debt repayment conditions are violated;
  • within one month, the social security authority was not presented with all the necessary documents when moving or changing the composition of the family;
  • a change in citizenship has occurred.

What are the subsidies for pensioners?

Subsidies to retirees

What are the subsidies for pensioners? This question worries almost all people who finish their work due to reaching a certain age. Is a subsidy to pensioners due only to this fact? In order for a pensioner to be able to apply for a subsidy, he needs to prove (provide information) that his budget does not allow him to pay the full amount for utilities.

Pensioners who have entered into a lifetime maintenance contract cannot apply for a subsidy.


To receive subsidies to the local authorities, you must submit all the necessary documents.

To calculate the subsidy, you will need the following documents:

  • The application, which indicates the full name, passport details, address and list of family members, as well as contacts by which you can contact the applicant.
  • Identity document of the applicant and all members of his family. If the family has minor children, then birth certificates are provided for them.
  • A document that is able to confirm that the applicant is the owner of the apartment. This may be a contract of sale.
  • Statement of accounts for the payment of housing and communal services, confirming that there is no debt.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Income statements of the applicant and his family for the last six months that preceded the application. This includes certificates from the place of work on the amount of wages, on unemployment benefits, on the amount of pensions and tax returns.
  • An official document confirming the right to privileges of the applicant and his relatives for payment of housing and communal services.
  • A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation or another country with which an international agreement has been concluded to issue such a benefit to foreigners.

Who is subsidized in Moscow?

Housing subsidy - what is it?

Now let's talk about who is entitled to a housing subsidy. Such assistance is provided to citizens who are classified as poor, need to purchase housing and want to buy it. This is expressed in the provision to persons belonging to this category of a certificate by which they have the right to receive funds for the purchase or construction of a house or for the purchase of an apartment.

Who is eligible for the housing subsidy?

Such state assistance is provided to large and young families. In this case, certain conditions must be met:

  1. The age of both spouses is no more than 30 years.
  2. The area of ​​the dwelling in which the family lives per person should be less than the established norm in this region.

In addition to young and large families, the following categories of citizens can apply for this type of assistance from the state:

  • Beneficiaries of various categories standing in line for the purchase of housing.
  • Participants, veterans and disabled WWII.
  • Family members of those killed in the Second World War.
  • Orphans and minors left without parental care.
  • Civil servants.
  • Citizens who live in the Far North.

All these categories of citizens are entitled to rely on state assistance in the purchase or construction of housing. An important condition is the fact that, having received a subsidy for the purchase of housing, it must be used in the allotted time. There are only six months to purchase an apartment or house.

what subsidies are given to large families

How is the housing subsidy calculated?

How do officials calculate the amount of state aid for housing? This question worries everyone who can claim such help. The calculation of material assistance takes the average monthly earnings of all working family members.

Housing is chosen by the citizens themselves. Officials calculate its value according to the following principle: average price per square meter. meters in this region is multiplied by the estimated living space, which is given to this family, based on the number of its members and the norm of living space per person.

So, the cost of housing is determined. Further, everything is very simple. The amount of the subsidy is:

  • For families without children - 35% of the cost of housing.
  • For families with children - 30% of the cost of housing.

Subsidies for a young family

What subsidies are given to a young family? Since 2011, the program "Young Family" has been operating in the Russian Federation. It is aimed at providing material assistance in acquiring own housing and improving the demographic situation in the regions.

The subsidy that young families can receive is a fixed amount. The table below discusses the gradation of payments, which depend on the size of the family, in addition, certain requirements are made to its budget to provide such material assistance to a young family.

Subsidy amount Who is entitled to the subsidy? Family budget The amount of payments in accordance with the size of the family
35% Married couple without children Not less than 21621 rub. About 600 thousand rubles.
40% Family with children Family of 3 people - 32,510 rubles.


A family of 4 people - 43350 rubles.

About 800 thousand rubles.


About 1,000,000 rubles.

Is there a subsidy if one of the spouses is already 30 years old or more and the other is not yet? Unfortunately not. A prerequisite for providing a housing subsidy for a young family is the fact that the age of both spouses must be up to 30 years.The Young Family program has been in place from 2011 to the present and will be extended for a few more years.

Documents for financial assistance to a young family

  • Subsidy Application.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Copies of parents' passports and birth certificates of all children.
  • Mortgage or loan documents.
  • A document that confirms the placement of the family on the queue for housing.
  • Documents for housing under construction or being acquired.

what subsidies are given to a young family

Benefits for large families

What subsidies are given to large families? This question worries all dads and mothers who already have or are only planning a third child. Our state takes care of such families, and they have the opportunity to receive subsidies not only for housing and for housing and communal services, they have a number of other privileges:

  • Since June 2011, amendments have been in force, indicated by the Housing Code and signed by the President of the Russian Federation, which stipulate the provision of large families land plots for housing or for carrying out farm (agricultural) activities. Such sites are allocated free of charge.
  • Assistance is provided in obtaining interest-free loans for the development of farming.
  • A subsidy for the purchase of building materials for the construction of a residential building or a housing subsidy for the purchase of finished housing (home or apartment).
  • For a third child and subsequent children, benefits are provided until the child reaches the age of three.
  • Large families with cars in a number of regions can receive transport tax benefits. They consist in full or partial exemption from the transport tax.
  • Mothers with many children have the right to early retirement. If for all women the retirement age is 55 years, for mothers with many children it is 5 years less, i.e. they can retire at 50 if they wish.
  • Parents raising seven or more children are candidates for receiving a state award - the Order of Parental Glory. Such an award was established in 2008 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with the delivery of the order, a monetary reward in the amount of 100 thousand rubles is paid.
  • The large family has the right to receive a 30% discount on payments for utilities, as well as on the purchase of fuel according to the established standards for a particular region, if the apartment building is heated with wood or coal.
  • Medicines for children under 6 years of age are prescribed free of charge by prescription.
  • For children from large families and one of the parents free travel is provided in public transport and inter-district buses.
  • Free meals in secondary schools and vocational schools for children.
  • In kindergartens, children from such families are accepted bypassing the queue.
  • Children have the right to visit exhibitions and museums free of charge once a month.
  • Children are provided with a free school and sports uniform.

Who is entitled to a housing subsidy?

We examined the categories of citizens who are entitled to a housing subsidy to pay for housing and communal services, and also listed some other benefits for large families. Having collected the necessary documents, low-income citizens can get real help from our state.

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