
How to apply for subsidies? What documents are needed for a subsidy on rent

Russians permanently residing in the country have the opportunity to apply for a housing subsidy. Therefore, if the amount of income is less than the subsistence minimum, you must definitely seek help from the state. It remains only to understand the question of how to arrange subsidies. In addition, why do you need to start such an event.

How to calculate the subsidy for rent?

First you need to understand What is a subsidy? It represents the material assistance provided by the state to its citizens. A person pays a certain part for utilities, and the rest is paid by the state.

A subsidy is provided depending on the cost of living. Therefore, if income is less than the norm, it is entirely possible to count on a subsidy. Moreover living wage constantly changing, because prices are rising. In addition, it is still divided into categories: able-bodied citizens, children and pensioners. For this reason, it is necessary to find out what the total income of the family is, and how much of it goes to pay for housing. Making a calculation is simple. It is necessary to collect certificates of income for all family members.

This includes parents' salaries, student scholarships, and other government payments. Further, all income is added up. After that, the subsistence minimum of all family members is deducted from the total amount. It is worth considering that you need to rely on everyone who is registered in this apartment. If the amount of income is less than the subsistence level, then a subsidy on rent is expected. Then you should go to the department of social payments, taking the necessary documents. You should call in advance to clarify the time of work, as well as find out which office you need to go to.

Collection of necessary documents

Then you need to collect all the papers that are required. The question is, what is needed to receive a subsidy on rent? For working family members, an income certificate for the last six months is required. She can be asked in the accounting department of the company where you work. If someone does not work at the time of filing the documents for the subsidy, you should contact the employment center to obtain a certificate of income.

For pensioners, in addition to a passport, other additional documents are not required. True, if an elderly person is the owner of the unit land, then a document proving ownership is needed. All because land is income. Therefore, when applying for the provision of preferential services, this moment must be indicated without fail.

In addition, other documents for rent subsidies will be required. These are birth certificates of children, if any, certificates from a kindergarten, school, university. A receipt for the rent for the previous month, a certificate of the absence of debts for the apartment, a contract for the purchase of a home, a passport, a passbook. It is important to remember that copies are given to the social service, and the originals must, after reconciliation, return to their owners.

Make an appointment

To begin paperwork, you must first make an appointment with the Department of Labor and Social Protection in your area. Moreover, this can be done in person by meeting with employees of this organization or by phone. A hotline should be in every department. Therefore, those who work until late, have a small child, or an elderly person who cannot leave the house, can find a way out of the situation. Here you just need to call and sign up at a convenient time.To apply for subsidies, you can also send an application with the package of necessary documents by mail.

To write an application

When the list of documents for the subsidy for the rent is ready, you can go write an application. In the office for the reception of citizens you need to take the form and fill it out to receive a subsidy. Also need to fill out income statement families. Here you need to indicate the profit, available property: an apartment, land, a car and purchases exceeding the cost of living by ten times.

How to apply for subsidies in order to avoid problems later? It is important to give only truthful data, because all the information received is thoroughly checked. If the fact of false information is discovered, you will have to return all funds received from the state. True, no one can deprive the right to receive a discount. Therefore, in a month you can try again to issue paper for a subsidy.

The list of documents for a subsidy on rent is now more or less known. You also need to have a tax identification number, a certificate confirming the rights to benefits, and a personal account number.

rent subsidy


After completing all the steps for registering a discount on housing, you can only wait. The social service should issue a verdict regarding the issue of whether to give you a subsidy, in what amount. In time, it will take ten days from the moment the documents were submitted. A subsidy is assigned for six months starting from the first day of the month.

In addition, if paperwork occurs during the heating period, there is an opportunity to return to its beginning. To do this, you need to write a statement explaining the circumstances in connection with which you are making this request. As a result, when paying for housing during the heating season, you can already count on subsidies.

What do you need to know?

  • You already know what documents are needed for a subsidy on rent. Only here it is worth considering such a moment, if someone other than you is registered in the apartment, but does not live, the subsidy can be obtained without a certificate of his income. For this, it is necessary that meters be installed on all types of utilities. Therefore, if there are none, or some kind of counter is missing, you need to install it.
  • In addition, many do not know that having debts for utilities does not affect the possibility of receiving subsidies.
  • If a subsidy for the rent is paid to pensioners, then a certificate on the amount of the pension is no longer required. This is because this information is in the database of the pension fund. Although military pensioners or those living in another city will have to provide an income certificate. In the first case, it can be obtained at the military registration and enlistment office, and in the second, at the pension fund of your city or district.
  • Today there is no single organization where they deal with subsidies. In large cities, it is the center of housing subsidies, while in others it is a social protection authority. Therefore, it is important to inquire in advance to clarify where to apply for a subsidy at your place of residence.
  • In the event that any documents are missing, the state bodies are entitled to suspend consideration of the application. Then within three days they are obliged to inform about it.

Controversial issues

It is also worth knowing that in each district there is a special commission to resolve disputed issues. You can contact them if you are not given a subsidy on a common basis. For example, if you live alone in a two-room apartment or do not own it. Such issues are usually dealt with individually.

Who is eligible for subsidies?

A subsidy is a form of social support for low-income citizens. Therefore, if the cost of housing exceeds the maximum allowable family expenses, there is a right to receive a benefit. These include:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. Tenants of state or municipal housing.
  3. Members of the housing cooperative.
  4. Homeowners.

Provide a benefit directly at the place of residence. Therefore, even if you have a signed contract of employment, you need to have a residence permit in this apartment.

documents for subsidies on rent

Also, people with disabilities and participants in World War II are eligible for subsidies. This category of beneficiaries is entitled to fifty percent when paying for utilities. This includes water supply, household waste disposal, sanitation, gas, electricity and heating.

Who is eligible for a subsidy on rent other than people with disabilities and war veterans? it large families. In addition to them, orphans, left without parental care, living alone in the apartment, can count on compensation. The calculation of the subsidy here follows the formulas that can be easily found.

If the apartment is more than necessary

Any resident who does not have enough money to pay utility bills can receive a subsidy. More recently, if the rent was sixteen percent of family income, there was already the opportunity to receive a subsidy. Now she relies if the rent is more than fourteen percent.

For example, a person lives alone, and the norm is set at him - 36 square meters. If the family consists of three people, then twenty relies on each. If these standards are exceeded and one person occupies 40 square meters, then he will be refused. Even if he collects all the necessary documents for the subsidy for the apartment, he will in turn turn to the commission on controversial issues, the decision will not be in his favor.

registration of subsidies for rent to pensioners

If the right to a subsidy is confirmed, then every month you will receive a certain amount. It is calculated according to a special formula. The main indicator here is the standard cost of utilities. The main thing is to timely pay for housing so that the subsidy does not stop.

Subsidy calculation

When calculating a subsidy, in addition to the cost of utilities, take into account the standard of allowable expenses for citizens to pay for housing. Thanks to these data, it is possible to determine how much subsidies will be issued. Perhaps the state will completely free you from paying for housing. So, if the family income per month for one person is eight hundred rubles, then you will get the opportunity not to pay for housing.

If the income per person is from eight hundred to two thousand rubles, then no more than three percent should go to pay for housing. In the case when the family income per person goes from two to two and a half thousand rubles, then the payment for utilities should not exceed six percent. If the amount is more than two and a half thousand rubles, then the percentage will be no more than 10% of all family income.

Changes that have occurred

To date, the government has simplified the process of obtaining subsidies for utility bills. The question is, how to apply for a subsidy for rent now? Everything is very simple: documents, such as a passport, income information and others, are required. Simply, the authorized bodies can take some information from each other thanks to the system of interdepartmental electronic exchange of information. State bodies can independently find out by what right a person owns an apartment, who lives with him, where family members are registered, citizenship. Therefore, now the race for numerous authorities for a huge number of photocopies is simplified.

how to calculate a subsidy for rent

New set of documents

Also, changes have occurred in the set of documents that must be presented in order to receive a subsidy. This mainly applies to the military, contract employees. If he is registered in the military unit, and rents housing in another place, then he needs to provide a contract of employment. In addition, he still needs a certificate from the unit, after which he can count on a subsidy, like everyone else.

Online Subsidies

Many are interested in how to apply for subsidies online today. The government is moving in that direction. Today you can go to a special portal to leave a request request for a subsidy. In this case, citizens will have to come independently and bring the necessary photocopies of documents. These include passports of all family members, a birth certificate, documents proving ownership. Also need a payment for payment for the previous month, a statement of income.

The reason that the situation is not greatly simplified is the lack of unified databases between some services. Although today they are working on this issue and are trying to improve the issue of obtaining subsidies as soon as possible. Therefore, soon the question of how to arrange subsidies will be resolved with one click of a computer mouse.

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