
Who is the forwarder? Forwarder's job description

Forwarding agent is a difficult and very popular profession. Perhaps some will disagree with this statement, citing the fact that this specialist does practically nothing. However, this is only a cursory glance. In reality, the duties that are regulated by the job description of the forwarder are very multifaceted, and not everyone is able to master them.

Especially when it comes to large companies that are engaged in the transportation of goods not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Therefore, let's look at all the features of this profession in order to understand what kind of items may contain the job description of a freight forwarder.

forwarder's job description

Who is the forwarder?

Despite the general opinion (say, in the labor market, the need for such specialists arose relatively recently), this profession originated many centuries ago. So, the first forwarders appeared in the distant XV century. As now, their main task was to deliver the goods to the specified location. And at the same time they had to do everything possible so that the integrity and quality of the package did not suffer during the trip.

After many centuries, this profession not only has not lost its relevance, but has also strengthened its position. Now the post of forwarder is in many firms and companies. However, their powers and responsibilities can vary greatly depending on the size of the organization and its scope.

freight forwarder job description

Key Profession Points

Given all of the above, it is easy to guess that the main task of the forwarder is the delivery of cargo to its destination. But, despite the fact that it sounds quite simple, in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

Start with the fact that any cargo must be documented. Not to mention the fact that some objects or objects do require a number of permissions. For example, transportation of dairy products is under the strict control of the sanitary and epidemiological station; moreover, its import into some countries is very difficult.

Another cornerstone of this profession is route planning. A person applying for such a position should know that during his work he will need to do everything possible to reduce the cost of the road. Simply put, the job description of the freight forwarder for the transport of goods obliges him to look for the shortest, but at the same time effective delivery routes.

What do the forwarder need to know?

Given this set of responsibilities, it is not surprising that many employers put forward a number of requirements for future employees. Some of them are indicated in the job description, the rest remain behind the scenes, as a matter of course.

freight forwarder job description

So what should the forwarder know?

  • Regulatory framework.
  • Russian legislation.
  • International rules and regulations for the carriage of goods.
  • Features of filling in transport documents.
  • The basics of logistics.

Who can apply for this position?

Small firms involved in local transportation do not find fault with candidates for the post of forwarder. So, a person who has completed secondary education is quite suitable for them. But large companies are not so loyal.

In order to get a prestigious position, the forwarder must have a diploma testifying to the end of the university. Specialists with technical and economic education are especially in demand. Also, the forwarder's job description has a clause that requires the candidate to know a foreign language.But this is quite justified, because by the nature of the service he will often have to face a language barrier, for example, when transporting goods abroad.

 forwarder's job description

Forwarder's job description: sample

Despite the fact that all job descriptions are compiled by the company’s management, based on their preferences and views, they should not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code.

Let's look at what constitutes a document such as the forwarder's job description

General provisions:

  1. Forwarder belongs to the category of technical workers.
  2. This post is assigned to specialists with completed higher education who have undergone preliminary training.
  3. The forwarder must know: the structure of the company, its legal framework, as well as the basics of working with technical documents.
  4. This employee reports directly to the director of the company, as well as his deputy for transport.

Job responsibilities. The freight forwarder must:

  1. Accept all applications from customers and process them in the prescribed manner.
  2. Make relevant requests for the warehouse in order to receive the right product.
  3. Plan cargo transportation routes taking into account all costs and time intervals.
  4. Provide the driver or courier with the documents necessary for the delivery of goods.
  5. To negotiate with clients, as well as to settle all disputed issues with them.
  6. If necessary, accompany the cargo to its destination.
  7. Keep a record of their activities in accordance with established rules.

The rights. The freight forwarder has the right:

  1. Ask the management for all the information and documentation necessary to fulfill its responsibilities.
  2. Make suggestions that can improve the work of the company.
  3. Demand compliance with all norms and laws established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A responsibility:

  1. For failure to perform their duties or negligence, the freight forwarder may be held administratively liable.
  2. Cases of material damage are dealt with in the framework of the current legislation of Russia, as well as the Criminal Code.

forwarder driver job description

Improvements that the forwarder's job description may contain

It should be recalled that this document is only a template. It can be supplemented and modified, depending on the final purpose of the application. For example, what changes may contain job description of the forwarding driver? The sample of this document is not much different from the above, but there is still a difference.

In particular, such an instruction should have a number of separate clauses regulating the forwarder's duties with respect to the car. For example, it should indicate how often it is necessary to carry out inspection, where you can park the car and what goods should be transported on it.

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