
Forwarder is ... Work as a forwarder in Moscow: features, responsibilities and rights

No matter how strange it may sound, the profession of freight forwarder has been known for more than a century. Over the course of several centuries, escort of trade cargoes required special attention and a serious approach. To deliver valuable goods to another city or state, merchants hired people who provided guarantees for the integrity and protection of the entire consignment.

The current work of a freight forwarder in Moscow is also of interest among the able-bodied population, therefore, many vacancies for this position can be found both in specialized specialized organizations and in large trading corporations.

A few words about the profession

However, before deciding on the choice of a profession, it should be understood that such work in the capital is not an easy task, in which the main difficulties are caused by almost non-stop traffic and driving around the largest metropolis. Moscow is huge, it is known to everyone, besides there is a huge transport interchange here. Therefore, when deciding on the place of work, it is worth considering that the forwarder is a person who has significant responsibility for achieving a timely result, despite the many possible barriers and risks of delays in the process of cargo delivery.

the forwarder is

The main task of the person holding this position is to ensure the transportation of goods from one warehouse to another or delivery to retail outlets. When shipping goods from the starting point (warehouse, base, etc.), he is obliged to verify the entire package of supporting documents with the actual quantity of products. If there are no discrepancies, then after loading into the transport, the forwarder is the person who will accompany the luggage to the final destination. And only upon arrival at the right place, making sure of the integrity or quantity of products, his work is completed after the goods are transferred to the wholesale buyer.

The specifics of the forwarder

The peculiarity of this profession is that the simultaneous combination of two posts does not seem unrealistic. Moreover, there are as many employees holding the “driver-forwarding agent” vacancy as they are for positions without combining. However, for the quality performance of duties, work experience and additional knowledge are required. In such a situation, a guarantee for the absence of damage and ensuring integrity cannot be dispensed with. The forwarding driver must competently and carefully keep records of turnover of goods, fill out invoices, registration books and many other documents.

A representative of such a profession also requires experience in driving a car and the presence of a minimum category “B” driver's license. At the same time, knowledge of Moscow and the Moscow Region will come in handy just in time, since successful orientation on the ground will save time and complete tasks in time. After all, a freight forwarder is a profession that requires a certain level of ingenuity, ingenuity and efficiency in making important decisions.

work as a forwarder in Moscow

Forwarders employed in logistics companies and engaged in foreign transportation, it is important to know a foreign language and have basic knowledge about the preparation of customs documents.

How to use the services of a forwarder?

By the way, it is more profitable for businessmen who need to provide forwarding services to contact an escort who acts as an intermediate “link” in long-distance cargo transportation. A freight forwarder (a direct employer can also be found by an employee) often conclude many long-term contracts, which significantly optimizes the transportation process. Thus, carriers and customers have a real opportunity to avoid unnecessary travel "in vain", without cargo and unnecessary downtime. Meanwhile, the forwarder is a specialist who has a voluminous body of information that facilitates the timely chartering of a vehicle in the closest proximity to a potential loading point. This factor significantly helps to reduce logistics costs. Moreover, freight forwarders are often rewarded with discounts from transport and loading enterprises, whose customers they are.

freight forwarder direct employer

Freight forwarder's duties, prescribed in the job description

  • the provision of guarantees and the actual provision of unscathed cargo, delivery within the appropriate time periods specified in previously concluded contracts;
  • security of financial values, since the forwarder is, first of all, financially responsible person;
  • advance planning of a rational transport route, with justification, if necessary, for the customer of technical and economic calculations;
  • organization and appropriate adoption of measures for loading, transportation and final delivery of products in accordance with the procedure and procedure specified in the documentation;
  • legally correct drafting of an agreement for cooperation with the carrier;
  • implementation of the chartering procedure for the required vehicle;
  • exercising control over the sealing of the transported cargo and its marking;
  • presence and surveillance in loading and unloading processes;
  • the ability to read road maps and navigate the area with their help;
  • personal registration of a full package of supporting documents, including invoices, customs declarations, etc .;
  • keep calculations of the amounts of all payments and fees.secret forwarder

In addition to the listed duties, it is advisable for a person holding this accompanying position to understand the types of rolling stock and the stages of organizing expeditionary activities.

Freight Forwarders Rights

Like any other profession, the work of a freight forwarder in Moscow implies the existence of rights. This position provides an opportunity:

  • contact managers with suggestions, requests and wishes for establishing working moments;
  • to require the authorities to comply with labor protection conditions in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • provide the administrative link with information on the technical condition of vehicles;
  • require a full set of documents for the car and the cargo;
  • keep abreast of decisions of the management team concerning his labor activity.forwarder's notes


For a clearer picture of this profession, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the fascinating film of the adventurous genre, Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery. The incredible adventures of the main characters, many easy comic episodes will help to see a lot of positive aspects of this activity. In addition, until the very end of the tape, many film enthusiasts remain intrigued and would like to know who this secret forwarder is?

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