
Forwarder: Responsibilities for CV. Obligations of the forwarding driver

The forwarder conducts labor activities in accordance with the job description. He has clearly defined powers, duties, and in the event of a certain inconsistency or troubles bears legal responsibility, the degree of which is determined by fault. To avoid unpleasant situations, the freight forwarder should know his main responsibilities, which will also help him successfully create a resume for entering work.

freight forwarder duties

General Provisions

You can get to the position (assuming certain responsibilities) of the forwarding driver after issuing a special order, which is drawn up by the general director of the company. This official is also dismissed, therefore, the main aspects in the work of the forwarder depend on the head. Admission to work and exemption from work are carried out in strict accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The forwarder has extensive responsibilities and is directly subordinate to the head of the department responsible for the sale of products, as well as to the person who is the head of the unit for the sale of goods. If the forwarder is temporarily absent, another person is appointed to his position, to whom the duties assigned to this driver completely pass.

duties of the forwarding driver

What the forwarder should know

  • Provisions, decrees, regulatory acts that directly relate to the rules and precautions in the operation of the vehicle. Particularly noteworthy is the transportation of goods, so for this often companies independently develop standards that the forwarder must carefully familiarize themselves with.
  • Internal design, technical features, operational characteristics, as well as instructions for proper handling and timely implementation of all actions, if necessary, abandonment of them. The forwarder's duties include a detailed study of all such documentation, its analysis and rigorous execution.
  • The rules of packaging and transportation of various types of goods that will be relevant to the activities of a particular employee, as well as regulations for their acceptance and delivery, especially cases that regulate control over the correct packaging of products, a sufficient number of items, and the proper appearance of all goods. The freight forwarder has extensive responsibilities, so he must control the loading and stacking of goods, as he is responsible not only for their safety, but also for the correct transportation and excellent appearance.
  • The exact range of products that have to be transported, even if certain items appear quite rarely. Possible articles and markings must be in the employee's memory, which is also the responsibility of the forwarding driver. The instructions for decoding the codes and the correct packing of goods in order of priority, since subsequently it will be necessary to control the work of movers.

what is the responsibility of the forwarder

What is this employee guided by

  1. The forms of documents that should be filled out and executed both upon acceptance and upon dispatch of the cargo, when all work is fully controlled and the goods are accepted or unloaded, have successfully reached the destination. It should be remembered that on each document must be signed by all parties involved in a particular transaction.
  2. Instructions for the preparation of documentation for the intersection of certain territorial points, for example, between cities, regions or countries.
  3. It should be remembered that for each territory protected by the authorities, their own entry rules have been developed, so you will have to collect not only a list of basic documentation, but also additional objects.

What else does this employee need to know

  1. SDA. In addition to knowing these rules, the driver must strictly abide by them, as getting into unpleasant situations threatens the image of the entire company.
  2. The right routes for the fastest and most accurate transportation of goods. Typically, the driver is informed about them at the start of work, but in some cases a navigator is built into the control cabin, where all travel routes are marked in advance. You can not go to the place of delivery of goods in the event that there is no confidence in the exact knowledge or safety of the route. If in doubt, contact senior staff.
  3. Phones of the team leader or immediate boss, office with consultants and various employees of points important to the forwarder.

functional duties of the forwarder

Aspects Affecting Forwarder Work

  1. Safety rules at the workplace, ensuring the safety of the cargo and the employee himself, as well as measures to prevent any fires.
  2. The main recommendations for using a PC and other necessary office equipment for the correct execution of the work.
  3. Internal regulations.

Job responsibilities

  1. Strictly comply with the requirements and rules for the proper transportation of goods of any importance or fragility.
  2. If there is a question about what is the responsibility of the forwarder, it should be remembered that he must deal with the acceptance of the goods, check the integrity, correctness and completeness of filling in the accompanying documents, monitor the integrity and serviceability of the goods and their packaging, as well as verify its quality and characteristics with the statements in the statements. The forwarder has extensive responsibilities, therefore, he can accept the goods only if he fully complies with the declared standards. Otherwise, all responsibility for malfunctions or other problems lies entirely with this employee. This is provided for by the freight forwarder.

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Follow the instructions and follow all the instructions that are forwarded to the forwarder from the management. This is the responsibility of the forwarder.
  2. To monitor the loading or unloading of goods. The forwarder can manage the activities of movers, make comments or make recommendations. This is not only a right, but also one of the main duties of this employee.

freight forwarder duties for resume

What else should the forwarder know and do

  1. If there are any deviations from the usual work on the acceptance, transportation or shipment of goods, the forwarder has a large amount of responsibility. Therefore, he must immediately inform the immediate superiors, and in difficult cases, the Director General or his representative. This must be taken into account when the duties of the forwarder for the resume are prescribed.
  2. Keep a record of all material assets that are issued for compulsory car care, in particular for minor repairs, their repair, lubrication and regular refueling. Reports on the funds spent, this employee must provide on time and in full, indicating the exact amount.

freight forwarder duties

The freight forwarder must take all necessary measures for the safety of the vehicle, the integrity and the proper amount of cargo delivered in good condition. It is also necessary to carry out all the work on their own, without admitting to the goods or to the car any persons unrelated to them, since the driver bears a large degree of responsibility for any problems. In the summary, it should be noted that the employee strictly complies with all of the above requirements. This may increase the chances of taking the selected vacancy.

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