
Who issues a death certificate: Civil Registry Office. Issuing procedure, documents

Now we will find out who issues the death certificate. This lesson is not so difficult if you approach it wisely. In any case, no special documents need to be presented. But to know where to get a death certificate, as well as the rules for submitting a request, is necessary. After all, not everyone has such a “privilege”. Few people have the right to receive a death certificate. This document is crucial. Especially for the heirs.who issues a death certificate

Where to go

Who issues a death certificate? Honestly, here many citizens fall into a stupor. And this is obvious: it is not clear where exactly to apply for the corresponding document. Where to get a death certificate?

Here the answer may amaze you. This document is obtained in the same place where the marriage is concluded, the child is registered. It's about the registry office. This is precisely the authority issuing the death certificate. People should contact him if necessary. What is the issuing procedure? What is required of you? Who is eligible to receive a certificate?

I have the right

It has already been said: not everyone can contact the registry office to carry out the tasks set for us today. Practice shows that only close relatives of the deceased are able to receive a death certificate.

If a person does not have relatives, such an opportunity appears for the whole relative of a citizen. Especially the heir. Issuing a death certificate is not the most difficult process. In any case, if you are some kind of close or important person in the life of the deceased. When a citizen is single, this case can be organized simply by a good friend or by the state as a whole. But practice shows that usually there are relatives who are able to begin the implementation of the task. But where to start? Who issues a death certificate, we have already figured out. This is the registry office. But how to get it? What is required for this?

Medical certificate

Where does it all start? With a medical certificate of death. It must be issued without fail. This is a kind of document without which a citizen cannot be declared dead.Registry Office

As a rule, getting it is not difficult. In the morgue or hospital, relatives will be given all the necessary certificates that can confirm the fact of death. Their absence is a legitimate reason to refuse to issue a certificate. But there are some exceptions to the rule. What specific cases are we talking about?


For example, a medical report is not always sufficient to recognize a person as dead. More precisely, not in all cases it can be obtained. In this situation, you have to try pretty hard. And of course, somehow get any legal evidence of the death of a citizen.

What could be included here? Only one document is a court decision. It is already clear who issues a death certificate. But if you do not have a medical opinion, you can not hope for the implementation of the task. Unless in court to recognize a citizen as dead.

This is not such an easy task. After all, you have to follow a lot of rules. For example, provide conclusive evidence of death or situations that could lead to death. Do not forget that a person’s long absence from communication is not a basis for recognizing him dead. A minimum of 5 years must pass without news.In any case, when there is no medical decision, it will have to be replaced by a judicial one. If you properly organize this process, you will certainly succeed. Did you get a solution? Then you can start collecting all the other documents. And only then submit the appropriate application.where to get a death certificate

Passport of the deceased

It is already clear where to get a death certificate of a person. And it is even known which documents are the most important among the entire list. But what else needs to be presented?

For example, the passport of the deceased. It is handed over to the registry office and transmitted afterwards by the appropriate body to the FMS. In principle, sometimes it is possible not to bring the passport of the deceased with you. But this is also a huge exception to the rule - we are talking about cases where an identity document is not available on its own. That is, if through a court you recognized a citizen as dead.

Nevertheless, with medical reports, the passport of the deceased is required. If you do not present it, you will receive a request, but you will carry the document to the FMS at the place of registration yourself. And already there the debriefing will begin - why didn’t they bring to the registry office what they should have. In any case, such a solution will save you from many problems. And they should not be neglected.

About the applicant

A death certificate, a sample of which can be seen in the article, cannot be obtained by a person from the street. And therefore, in addition to the conclusion and passport of the deceased, you will also have to submit information about yourself to the relevant authorities.death certificate authority

What is included here? For example, your civil passport. Preferably with a copy. It is mandatory upon presentation of the request. In addition, you will have to show documents confirming your relationship with the deceased. If you changed your last name, you should also be notified about this. Moreover, documented. Say, take a copy and the original certificate of marriage.

In principle, that’s all. To be honest, you don’t need any more special documents. Although there is one small omission. But it, as practice shows, is always taken into account and corrected.


What is this about? Of course, the corresponding application for the issuance of a certificate. It is filled in advance. Who issues a death certificate, we already understood. Well, where to get the appropriate statement to translate ideas into reality?issuance of death certificate

Here the answer is similar: the request is written directly to the registry office. There they will give you paper, which is enough to fill out and put a signature at the very end. There will be nothing difficult here. The information required to fill out is your personal data, as well as information about the deceased. Everything you need is written in the passports.

As soon as the application is completed, attach all the documents you have collected, then present them to the registry office employee. He will fill out your application, and then he will only have to wait for the production of the certificate. By the way, all this should not be spent more than 3 working days. Practice shows that they usually issue a death certificate about a week after contacting the appropriate authorities.


In principle, the job is done. Now it remains to wait until you are informed about the readiness of the death certificate, and then get it. To do this, you must present an identity card. Please note: whoever wrote the application for extradition, he can pick it up. An exception is the presence of a confirmed power of attorney for a particular person.death certificate sample

Practice shows that the registry office is reluctant to issue death certificates to third parties. Even with a power of attorney. Therefore, it is better to finish the job yourself. This is not so difficult. After all, picking up a document from the registry office is a matter of minutes. No need to stand in long lines and wait for several hours. Just go to the registry office and you will be given a certificate.

That's all. From now on, it is clear to you who issues the death certificate, as well as how you can get it. There is nothing special in this process.

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