
Payment for burial. Burial allowance: how and where to get

Unfortunately, life is arranged in such a way that sooner or later everyone will be forced to say goodbye to loved ones. Parting is incredibly painful, but you need to continue to live, remember and honor the memory of the departed. Moral duty relatives - organize the burial of the deceased. Of course, the price of such a ceremony at a tragic moment does not matter. The cost of a funeral is often overstated by a ritual service, so the law provides for compensation payments for burial.

Benefits in Russia

The state must support its citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The legislation defines a number of reasons for issuing financial support. The amount of such assistance depends on the degree of need of the applicant and the region in which he lives.burial payment

The main benefits in Russia:

  • Payments for children: lump-sum at birth, regular until the child reaches 16 (18) years of age, guardianship, loss of breadwinner.
  • Payments to families: large, low-income and young.
  • Payments for persons with disabilities: one-time and monthly for damage to health, for the purchase of products, for the payment of housing and communal services.
  • Payments to military personnel: for children, one-time pregnant wives, who went on a well-deserved rest.
  • Payments to the elderly: pensions, to pay for housing and communal services, for caring for an incompetent person.
  • Situational payments: unemployment, funeral, various compensations and subsidies.

In order to receive any financial support, it is necessary to provide a full package of documents to the SZN authorities. The social service may refuse to accrue benefits to a citizen; therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conditions for providing payments in advance.

Funeral allowance

One of the saddest, but inevitable events in people's lives, when they can draw up a social lump sum - the death of a loved one. Whatever the situation, tragedy always comes unexpectedly. And, despite their condition, relatives should take care of a lot, seeing the deceased on his last journey. Burial payout is the allocation of funds to a person organizing a funeral. lump sum allowance

Of course, on the day or the first weeks after the loss of a loved one, no one forces relatives to collect documents to compensate for the expenses associated with the burial. Six months from the date of death is given to receive financial assistance to a person who has undertaken the organizational issues of a funeral.

The payout for burial in 2015 is 5,227.28 rubles. Maximum compensation - 38,400 rubles. issued for the funeral of participants and veterans of the Second World War. Some regions set their own odds that increase payouts. It is worth noting that every year the amount of the benefit is reviewed by the government and increased.

Who can get the allowance

The financial assistance provided for the burial of the deceased is a one-time allowance. A certain person can get it, and only once.payment of social benefits for burial

Any man degree of relationship may apply within six months after the burial for financial compensation. Also, grants for funerals can be received by colleagues, friends or acquaintances, if no relatives were found, and they had to deal with providing funeral services on their own.

The state has established the amount of compensation, which should cover the following expenses:

  • paperwork;
  • delivery and transportation of the coffin;
  • transportation of the body to the crematorium or to the cemetery;
  • burial or cremation.

Of course, this is not all the expenses that relatives bear in connection with the funeral.It is believed that other expenses are the moral duty of loved ones.

Who will pay the allowance

According to the law, the institutions where it is possible to receive burial benefits will vary depending on which category of citizens the deceased belonged to.

If at the time of death a person was officially employed, it is necessary to apply for compensation to the organization in which he worked. Regardless of the age at which the employee died, payments are made by the employer.

pensioner's burial payments

In the event of the death of a soldier, a disabled person or a participant in the war, documents must be submitted to the military enlistment office.

To obtain compensation for the burial of non-employed citizens (who were not pensioners), as well as stillborn children, you should contact the local department of social protection of the population. In this case, it is necessary to provide an appropriate package of documents.

Payments for the burial of a pensioner who did not work on the day of death will be made by the Pension Fund.

How to make out

The payment of social benefits for burial is made only with the timely provision of documents:

  • statements from the person organizing the funeral;
  • applicant's passports;
  • death certificates;
  • copies of the work book of the deceased.

By law, the organization must consider the appeal on the day the application is submitted.

funeral allowance

Often in companies where the deceased worked or his close relative works, employees collect a certain amount of money for their deceased colleague. Usually, no specific tariff is set — each gives as much as it can. Such actions help us to remain human and not to leave a person alone in trouble.

We are writing a statement

One of the prerequisites for receiving compensation is the availability of a statement. It is written directly at the receiving organization that accepts the documents, or is prepared in advance.

Sample application:

  • in the upper right corner is written the position, name of the head and name of the organization to which documents are submitted;
  • the pretext “from” is given below and the name of the applicant, address of residence and contacts are indicated;
  • in the middle of the line with the small letter the word "statement" is written;
  • its essence is described on the red line: here it is necessary to indicate the name of the deceased, the degree of relationship and the fact that the allowance was not previously issued;
  • lists the documents, copies of which are attached;
  • Below is the date and signature.

You must also provide a current account number for the transfer of funding.


This is a document without which payment for burial will not be made.

A medical death certificate is issued by a polyclinic physician, medical examiner, or morgue employee. It goes the established pattern and confirms the fact of death.

benefit amount

The main document that relatives should have after burial is a stamp of death. It is issued by the registry office on the basis of an application. In this case, it is necessary to present a medical certificate, your passport, an application for registration of death (the form will be issued at the registry office) and pass the passport to the deceased.

There, in the registry office, together with death certificate issued.

Important Nuances

Paperwork is often a lengthy procedure, which is accompanied by various minor troubles. Nobody wants to delay the process of obtaining compensation, especially against the background of such tragic events. Therefore, it will be useful to know several important points:

  • if the tragedy occurred with a minor, copies of passports and work books of both parents should be provided to receive compensation;
  • a certificate from the cemetery about the burial, where the number of the grave will be indicated, will be required to compensate for the costs of burial of a person without a specific residence;
  • if the deceased did not manage to receive a pension or salary, relatives can pick it up, while the tax is not deducted from this amount;
  • there is an opportunity to use the service for free burial instead of receiving payment for burial.

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